Google will block election ads after polls close
  • oxjox oxjox 3d ago 88%

    I would have assumed that any advertisement tagged as "political" or "election" related would be removed on November 6th as part of the contract. Who would want to spend any money to promote an event after the event takes place?

  • Kamala Harris vs. Fox News: ‘She totally schooled Bret Baier’ | Reaction
  • oxjox oxjox 3d ago 16%

    Exactly. She was avoiding direct questions and Baier was trying to keep her on track. I wish more interviewers would do this.

    Q: How many illegal immigrants would you say your administration has released into the country.
    A: I agree that this is an important topic.
    Q: Do you have a rough estimate?
    A: The point is we have a broken immigration system that needs to be repaired.
    Q: (since she's not answering...) Your Homeland Security Secretary says about 6 million people.
    This was just the preamble to his first question and she's already speaking from her script.
    Q: When you came in to office you undid a number of Trump border policies. Do you regret this decision?
    A: We tried to pass some legislation. - Baier points out the six Ds who voted against the bill and that this has nothing to do with their decision to undo what Trump had in place.

    Harris is the one avoiding the questions and interrupting him.

    I think this is a legit question. Had she given a legit answer and been honest with the audience, Fox News viewers, maybe she would have gained some respect. I am definitely in support of Harris but you have to look at this from the vantage point of Fox News viewers. From their perspective, she failed. I would hope that from her campaign's perspective, they see that she failed to reach the audience she was there to speak with.

  • Kamala Harris vs. Fox News: ‘She totally schooled Bret Baier’ | Reaction
  • oxjox oxjox 3d ago 20%

    usually, interviewers especially on Fox News are not interested in asking legitimately good questions, but rather asking “gotcha” questions to drum up attention.

    In my experience, gotcha questions are outliers. Most of these sorts of interviews, and public debates, are composed of questions that are aligned with the viewer of that outlet. So when a politicians side steps the question asked, they're rejecting the opinions and concerns of the audience. I can't tell you how many times a "liberal" news outlet has interviewed a democratic candidate and the candidate fails to answer the question. Gotcha question or not, it pisses me off.

    I disagree that the interviewer should allow the person to finish their thought. I prefer people to be direct when asked direct questions. This is not the time to speak broadly - that's what your campaign ads are for, that's what your social media is for, that's what your stump speeches are for. This is the moment to speak directly to the concerns of the outlet's audience - assuming they are in-good-faith questions.

    Conservatives care about what conservatives think, as do moderates. There may be enough among them who might be swayed one way or the other depending on the dialog. The middle ground is where elections are won so what's happening in these forums is not irrelevant. Moreover (and where my mind is spending a lot of time these days), how blind are people in liberal forums to the larger premise of what they're observing and saying. People need to spend more time imagining what they're reading / hearing is being said about the other candidate. I'd this were a clip of Anderson Cooper interviewing Trump, how would liberals and conservatives react? I imagine just the mirror of what we're seeing now.

    And, to be honest, I care about conservatives because they're Americans. They're my friends and neighbors and family members. They're being mislead by politicians and manipulated by corporations. The further we push each other away from each other, the more we fail to embrace our commonalities, the more likely we are to actually face a civil war. Allowing misinformation to continue like this is going to lead to nine conservative justices. "They're stupid" is not a good enough reason to write them off. The choices they make and the choices we make has an impact on the entire country now and for the foreseeable future. If you give a flying fuck about any young children in your family, you'd be a little more open to finding common ground with conservatives and calming the toxic atmosphere we're living in.

  • Kamala Harris vs. Fox News: ‘She totally schooled Bret Baier’ | Reaction
  • oxjox oxjox 4d ago 14%

    Don’t we, as people opposed to a Trump presidency, wish interviewers were more controlling over a Trump as he avoids direct questions?

    I don’t know how long you’ve been around to observe political discourse but no politician ever directly answers a question. This was something I observed as a child watching presidential debates. It annoyed the heck out of me - just answer the question. Instead, they take a kernel of the question to reply with a scripted response. It’s what they’re trained to do. This is more problematic today as responses are edited and reposted on social media.

    Frankly, from the few clips I’ve watched, I thought Baier did great and wish more interviewers were as competent as he.

    Whether or not Harris did well is another question. I’m seeing a wide array of opinions - r/conservative, while not swing voters are also not liberal voters, claim she was destroyed. I haven’t watched enough to say.

  • Kamala Harris vs. Fox News: ‘She totally schooled Bret Baier’ | Reaction
  • oxjox oxjox 4d ago 30%

    I’m seeing a wide array of opinions here leading me to believe it was a toss up. Perhaps not an objective toss up, but one as observed by different people.

    I did not watch the interview live. Hours later, Fox’s YouTube channel only had a couple segments posted. I’m going to make a wild assumption that they will only post clips that work in the conservative’s favor.

    I found this comment regarding this particular clip on Reddit. I’ve edited it to turn it around to seem like a comment about a Trump interview.

    She He did good in this interview. She He faced a lot of tough questions just like this one and this is the only time she he raised her his voice. And it was near the end of 30 minutes of this crap.

    He constantly wouldn't let her him finish answering questions. It was more like a string of accusations backed by video "evidence" to give those accusations credence. If there is a time she he needed to force him to listen to her him, it was that question. Because she's he’s trying to reach Fox CNN viewers and not hearing her him out there might ruin her his chances of doing so.

  • Kamala Harris vs. Fox News: ‘She totally schooled Bret Baier’ | Reaction
  • oxjox oxjox 4d ago 90%

    Because Iran is also fucking with our elections and threatening the life of at least one presidential candidate. Not to mention instability in the Middle East.

  • Trump Breaks Down Onstage | At a campaign event last night, Trump got bored—and weirdness ensued.
  • oxjox oxjox 5d ago 25%

    No. It's not we tried being honest about it so now we have to be dicks about it. It's that someone needs to care enough about all of this to reach these people where they are. Something is broken. You don't fix this by plugging it with bubble gum and hope it works.

    Why are people not compelled to change their minds when there's overwhelming evidence that he is not a good person or someone who should lead this country? What in their minds is he doing for them?

    I just had a family vacation where I found out most of my family intends to vote for him. How, I don't know, but they're not aware of how horrible he was as president or as a person. They're getting fake news from social media. All they care about is "the border" and gas prices. I told them it was Trump who, for personal reasons, killed the best bipartisan immigration bill this country has ever seen and that no president has ever had substantial control over gas prices. They had nothing to say in response. I don't know if they didn't know this already or if they just didn't want to hear it (probably both). All they know is that for the years that Trump was president, their wallets were fuller. Personally, I think everyone has forgotten how much government stimulus we all received and few of us are aware of the ramifications we're still experiencing from the pandemic. My take away was that a lot of people are not as invested in politics as you or I are. The information they come across is casual. They see a headline, assume it's fact, then scroll on to the next meme.

    Moreover, there needs to be honest and sincere conversations. We've all assumed the role of debater where we're unable to concede a point or allow someone to have an opinion different than our own. The facts need to be transparent. The media needs to stop tainting the evidence. Calmer discussions need to be had.

    For example: We should all make note that there is an immigration issue at our southern border and that we want to minimize all illegal alien activity. We should be having open discussions about how to resolve that issue. Some people want to shut the border down but they may be unaware that that's not legal to do. Some people believe this is a Democrat operation to get more voters but they may not be aware that a lot of Latin American immigrants are super conservative. Instead of allowing The Right to own this conversation, The Left should be pummeling this issue towards the proper direction. We should be demanding more spending at the border to get more judges. We need to increase the ease of people to come into the country, not lock them out, so they're more likely to do it the right way than the illegal way. And although the Biden administration was nearly successful in this, it wasn't reported enough to break through to The Right. This is what should have been plastered all over the media, not the already known fact of Trump's mental issues.

  • Trump Breaks Down Onstage | At a campaign event last night, Trump got bored—and weirdness ensued.
  • oxjox oxjox 5d ago 28%

    When polls are indicating that half of the United States of America are planning to vote for - THIS GUY - I don't think minds are changing at all.

    I would respectfully submit that you also are suffering from delusions.

  • Trump Breaks Down Onstage | At a campaign event last night, Trump got bored—and weirdness ensued.
  • oxjox oxjox 5d ago 62%

    I'm seeing an overwhelming number of headlines specifically targeting "cognitive decline". The media is banking on this thread to sway voters to not elect him.

    First - "the media" (any responsible outlet, at least) should never try to sway an election.
    Second - the people finding these stories aren't going to be swayed to begin with.
    Third - Trump has changed News as we know it. Outlets are more motivated by clicks than reporting. Outside a small handful of exceptions, fair and unbiased reporting no longer exists.
    Fourth - The "left wing media" is doing the same thing Fox News was doing ten years ago: lying and misrepresenting the facts to fit a narrative. That narrative is needed to compel their audience to subscribe to their social media and newsletters and to repost articles on these forums to generate ad revenue.

    The left and the right are both in their own delusions. I agree that those on the right, certainly the far right, are more dangerous to democracy and American values. The outcome of these delusions is different but the formula and the manipulation of the public is the same. The left (which I consider myself a part of), is the frog in the slowly boiling pot.

    People need to be more rational and unbiased when reading the news. People need to call out these editors for misrepresenting the facts or making claims that are guesses at best.

    I agree with you. This is weird and cringy and not presidential. THIS is the guy we want as Commander in Chief? Still, I could easily see this event happen at a mayoral town hall. I could absolutely see Tim Walz doing something like this. So, from the perspective of the cult that sits before him, I could easily understand them loving this seemingly intimate moment with their false god.

    From the eyes of his followers, this event was a win for Trump. That's a perspective a responsible news outlet should consider - not 'how did this look from the staunch left' but how did this look from the desperate right.

    The media needs to stop reassuring us this is an easy win for Harris. Stop preaching to the choir that the man is sick in the head (we have known this for ten years). They need to inform us how serious this election is and how devoted his followers are. They should be scaring us, with truthful reporting, to show up in numbers never seen in US history.

    The responsible media needs to work on reaching the clueless believers. They need to gain the trust back from the public at large. Running headlines/stories like this is strengthening the distrust of the media.

  • Trump Breaks Down Onstage | At a campaign event last night, Trump got bored—and weirdness ensued.
  • oxjox oxjox 5d ago 50%

    Pay attention to what?? The stuff we’ve all lived through for the last five ten years??

    This report is bullshit. It’s an illustration of the demise of the media and real journalism. It’s misinformation to solidify a narrative.

    I know. Most people don’t care about policy - most notability DT. I understand that clicks aren’t gained through real journalism. This is exactly how we ended up with this dickhole to begin with. Every media outlet flooded their blocks with every minute story they could drum up about Trump. This left little time to cover any other alternative candidate. Everyone is obsessed with loving or hating this guy. WTF are we doing? No one is changing their mind about him at this point. How, I don’t know. How the fuck any living human could possibly consider this shitstain for anything more than a janitor is beyond me.

    The point is that these stories are misleading. It doesn’t matter what you think about the person or the outlet doing the reporting. We should be more critical of the truth and the mistruths we’re being fed. Had anyone successfully made this argument in 2015, perhaps we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

  • Trump Breaks Down Onstage | At a campaign event last night, Trump got bored—and weirdness ensued.
  • oxjox oxjox 5d ago 80%

    If you're implying that he's breaking down and becoming human, I wouldn't go that far.

  • Trump Breaks Down Onstage | At a campaign event last night, Trump got bored—and weirdness ensued.
  • oxjox oxjox 5d ago 13%

    Everything you've mentioned could have been said about him over the past six years. There is nothing strange about him in this video. If anything, I found him to be quite relaxed and enjoying himself among his MAGAteers.

  • Trump Breaks Down Onstage | At a campaign event last night, Trump got bored—and weirdness ensued.
  • oxjox oxjox 5d ago 15%

    Did you watch the video?
    No one should believe everything they read.

  • Trump Breaks Down Onstage | At a campaign event last night, Trump got bored—and weirdness ensued.
  • oxjox oxjox 5d ago 77%

    just played music for almost 40 minutes, scowling, smirking, and swaying onstage.

    Trump called for Ava Maria to be played after a medical emergency put it on pause for about five minutes an hour into the event. He then took another question. Just a few minutes later, there was another medical emergency. Apparently it was a bit hot in the event space. It went off the rails soon after that as he called for the doors to be opened and wanting to play more music to end the event.

    At one point he stops to ask if they want to do one more question. Although the crowd cheers and he says we'll do one more, he called for YMCA to be played.

    Certainly an odd presidential town hall but definitely not the worst thing this guy has done and in no way did he "break down". Honestly, between the lies and threats to other humans, this might be the most human I've ever seen him. It's really sad to see how delusional these people are.

    Here's the stream from PBS

    My favorite part was when they played James Brown's "This is a Man's World". Clearly, they haven't listened to the song LOL

    Edit: Here's another story from ABC News - Trump's bizarre music session reignites questions about his mental acuity

    His choice to play music is debatable. Having watched the video, it didn't seem odd to me that he made these choices. There was absolutely nothing in this town hall to indicate an issue with his mental acuity that has not already been known. He has always been an idiot. This is not news.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Apple 6d ago
    Initial thoughts from ‘upgrading’ from an iPhone 12 Mini to an iPhone 16.
  • oxjox oxjox 6d ago 33%

    I don’t want buttons to do anything. In previous generations, the volume up and down buttons were somewhat useful and the power button would just turn the screen on and off. Now these buttons are open in apps, taking pictures, turning on lights, doing things. In your pocket. I’m very happy they’ve added the option to disable them entirely. I’d be happier if it were the old toggle mute button which made sense.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Apple 6d ago
    Initial thoughts from ‘upgrading’ from an iPhone 12 Mini to an iPhone 16.
  • oxjox oxjox 6d ago 33%

    I have owned an iPhone since the very first one. Never have I used a case. I should not need to purchase an accessory to use my phone. The option should be to add things to the phone to increase functionality, not to resolve a bug.

    No color filters. No screen protector. It’s brand new out of the box. It’s blue. Honestly, I’m shocked this hasn’t been reported. Maybe I got a dud.

  • The vast divide between Republicans and Democrats over fast food
  • oxjox oxjox 6d ago 100%

    Same. My mom only took us out to eat fast food either when she was super stretched for time or when she got a little extra money. This was in the ‘80s.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Apple oxjox 6d ago 57%
    Initial thoughts from ‘upgrading’ from an iPhone 12 Mini to an iPhone 16.

    I upgraded only because the speakers on my 12 Mini were failing making it nearly impossible to have a phone call. (1) This phone is too big, heavy, and slippery and uneasy to grasp with one hand. (2) The camera bump is ridiculously large. It’s laughable how much it rocks on the counter as you type on it. Not in a good way. (3) The Camera button is in the worst place (accidentally clicking it constantly) and too confusing so I disabled it forever. (4) I also disabled the action button. This seems too easy to disable silent mode which I have enabled 99.9% of the time. (5) The screen is noticeably worse and has a blue cast. It’s not as sharp and the contrast is dull. (6) I love the material used on the back, even though it makes it difficult to hold. I fully understand the hardware is significantly more advanced but the iPhone 16 genuinely feels like a downgrade from the iPhone 12 Mini. I’m not happy at all. I’m going to stop by the Apple Store this weekend and look at getting the SE.

    What technology purchase felt like a major upgrade in your life?
  • oxjox oxjox 6d ago 100%

    I've been in the home automation business for over 25 years. Can confirm that smart lighting is the absolute best investment.

    I've installed and programmed lighting systems for over $100k but have personally spent less than $250 for Ikea devices for my apartment. Just the ability to dim and set the color of the lights at certain times of day is key for me.

    Controlled Lighting isn't only about convenience, it's about setting a mood. You can set a warm dim scene to be more calming or a bright white scene for cooking or cleaning.


    Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones accused Vice President Kamala Harris of having the ability to control hurricanes through so-called "weather weapons." Jones kicked off his Tuesday broadcast by promising to explain how he knew the government could control the weather. >"I'm going to be covering today, and I've sent the crew over 20 clips, and I've got over a hundred documents right here," he explained. "I'm gonna do a big presentation for everybody on what's really going on with weather weapons." Jones claimed to have interviews and government documents that would prove his point. >"Then we have the bold headlines that I put up on X that the Kamala Harris, you know, the Biden-Harris administration is in control of this hurricane," he said of Hurricane Milton. >"So they have the power certified easily with just five or six big aircraft," he opined. "And that's the old technology, not the lasers that are all certified and the Doppler radar. They also have on ships and in large oil drilling platforms that they've launched. They could totally just make this thing stop and dump the water in the ocean." Jones insisted that the technology to control hurricanes was used before the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. >"And on 9/11, the hurricane was gonna hit," he asserted. "Remember in 2001, but that meteorologists never saw anything like it. It just turned away from the coast went away because that was gonna get in the way of some of the stuff the deep state was up to." Scientists have said it is currently impossible to control weather events like Hurricane Milton.


    I've been trying to delete as many online accounts as possible to reduce the threat of my personal information / duplicate passwords / my cell number getting out there. I know, it's probably not worth the effort but it does at least clean up my password manager and MFA app. I've tried had trouble getting my personal information scrubbed and my account deleted at Robinhood and LendingTree. Both have policies that claim they're unable to delete user accounts due to federal regulations. Here's the bit from Lending Tree: >Data Retention: Due to the regulated nature of our industry, we are under legal requirements to retain data and are generally not able to delete consumer transactional data, credit or deposit account application data, or other financial information upon request. Certain regulations issued by state and/or federal government agencies may require us to maintain and report demographic information on the collective activities of our membership. We may also be required to maintain information about you for at least seven years to comply with applicable federal and state laws regarding recordkeeping, reporting, and audits. Criteria used to determine the period of time information about you is retained are primarily related to legal requirements and usefulness of the information for the purposes it was collected. In both of these cases, I haven't used the account in many years (RH: 2020, LT: 2018). It serves no purpose to maintain this account other than to exist as data for some malicious actor to acquire and act upon. With data leaks happening practically every day, I'm really not comfortable with financial agencies with varying degrees of security keeping my information forever. I would think it would be in their own best interest to comply with a deletion request to prevent anyone from scamming them. Also, I can't tell you how many websites I've lost access to because my phone number was tied to log in. I previously had a company-issued cell phone and not longer have access to that. Any website that requires a phone number for MFA is just horrible. I'm trying to sign into another financial site now and apparently I'm not able to do so without a phone number I had eight years ago. Wondering if anyone is familiar with this federal regulation that requires they hold on to this information and if there's some sort of way around this either with a lawyer or federal form or something.


    It's a bit shocking to me when I see people online putting 9/11 conspiracies in the same box as "MAGA" conspiracies (for lack of a better term, sorry). For reference, I was 24 in 2001 living in central NJ. Even without social media or fake news websites or what cable news has become today, I have vivid memories of people having the firm belief that there was *something* up with the attack on 9/11. Was this just my social circle? Jet fuel melting steel beams was one of the more fringe and unfounded (and quickly debunked) ideas but the rest of everything on that day was questionable. Tower seven falling, the missing plane debris at the pentagon and central PA, the military / president not responding to known threats, if a person with limited flight time could hit a tower, the fact that Bush attacked a country that had nothing to do with the event, and so much more are still, I thought, reasonable questions - especially when looked at together. This is not about rehashing each theory. Or maybe it is? Have I missed that everything has been debunked? I mean, I still believe 9/11 was an inside job or at least high level officials, including Bush, were aware it was going to happen and did nothing to stop it. I thought this was still a common opinion of most or many Americans over the age of forty.

    68 Federal authorities in Philadelphia announced on Wednesday the dismantling of a wide-ranging, Russian-backed misinformation network targeting voters in Pennsylvania and five other swing states ahead of the 2024 presidential election. The network — known colloquially as “Doppelganger” and which prosecutors said was run by a top aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin — sought to dupe Americans in key demographics into believing Kremlin-produced propaganda it spread online had been produced by legitimate American news outlets. The campaign also sought to enlist the aid of unwitting influencers in America and other countries to spread disinformation, sow social media discord, and advance the campaign of former President Donald Trump, whom the program’s backers viewed as more supportive of Russian interests. The takedown of that effort — involving the seizure of more than 30 internet domains by agents from the FBI’s Philadelphia field office — was just one of a sweeping series of steps President Joe Biden’s administration announced Wednesday to fend off attempts by Russia to meddle ahead of November’s vote. Taken together, they amounted to the most significant public response yet by U.S. authorities to Russia’s alleged efforts to undermine the integrity of the election. “Protecting our democratic processes from foreign malign influence is paramount to ensure public trust,” U.S. Attorney Jacqueline C. Romero said in a statement detailing the Doppelganger seizures. In Washington, the Treasury Department announced new sanctions against a Russian-based nonprofit tied to the Doppelganger network, and Attorney General Merrick Garland unveiled an indictment against two Russian employees of state-owned broadcaster RT, who he said had paid a Tennessee company to spread nearly 2,000 English-language videos supportive of Kremlin interests. Prosecutors said that the defendants — Kostiantyn Kalashnikov and Elena Afanasyeva — used aliases and that the company involved was unaware it was being used by Russian plotters. Court filings in that case and the Doppelganger seizures were careful not to specifically name the Trump campaign as an intended beneficiary of the misinformation effort, and there was no allegation that anyone in the campaign was aware of or involved in the effort. “The Justice Department will not tolerate attempts by an authoritarian regime to exploit our country’s free exchange of ideas in order to covertly further its own propaganda efforts,” Garland said in a statement Wednesday. “The investigation,” he added, “is ongoing.” For months, intelligence agencies have warned that Russia remains the primary threat to the integrity of the 2024 election — despite recent headlines about efforts by other foreign governments to shape the outcome of the vote. Last month, federal authorities accused Iran of hacking Trump’s campaign and attempting to breach the campaigns of Biden and Democratic nominee Vice President Kamala Harris. Officials have also raised alarms about threats from China, which they have accused of maintaining a vast network of social media accounts aimed at targeting U.S. voters. But ever since the U.S. was caught unprepared in the 2016 presidential election by Russia’s sophisticated social media campaign to influence voters — a push that included organizing fake campaign rallies for Trump in Pennsylvania and other swing states — U.S. intelligence efforts have focused on Russia as a priority. An FBI affidavit unsealed Wednesday in federal court in Philadelphia outlined the Doppelganger scheme, drawing on reams of planning documents and meeting notes by Kremlin officials as they mapped out their 2024 strategy. All references in the Russian documents to specific candidates or U.S. political parties were redacted. “The conspirators specifically targeted the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s citizens … in order to influence the electorate in this, and other districts,” the affidavit said. According to the court filing, the effort had been overseen since at least 2022 by Sergei Kiriyenko, a former Russian prime minister and Putin’s first deputy chief of staff. He and several of the entities cited in the court filings have already been subjected to U.S. sanctions for their roles in spreading misinformation. Their primary goal, agents said, was to pass off inflammatory or fake news stories — supporting Russian interests or backing Trump — as work produced by legitimate American media outlets. Plotters registered domain names similar to those of well-known media brands — like and — and posted stories under the names of real journalists who worked for them. For instance, investigators said, one story featured on the spoofed Washington Post website — run under the headline “White House Miscalculated: Conflict with Ukraine Strengthens Russia” — sought to diminish public sentiment for Ukraine amid Russia’s ongoing invasion of the country. “It’s time for our leaders to recognize that continued support for Ukraine is a mistake,” that story read. “It was a waste of lives and money. … For the sake of everyone involved in the conflict, the Biden administration should just make a peace agreement and move on.” The Doppelganger network also focused on ensuring those stories went viral, going so far as to create fake social media accounts posing as U.S. citizens to spread them and seeding the comments on other social media posts with links back to the propaganda they had posted. “The aim of the campaign,” according to one Russian planning document quoted in the FBI affidavit unsealed Wednesday, “is securing Russia’s preferred outcome in the election.” In another planning document, Doppelganger plotters outlined a scheme they dubbed “The Good Old USA Project” aimed at targeting voters from specific demographics in the U.S. with fake news and spoofed social media posts. They included Hispanics, American Jews, conservatives, and the “community of American gamers, users of Reddit and image boards such as 4chan (the ‘backbone’ of right-wing trends in the U.S. segment of the internet),” according to Kremlin planning documents included in Wednesday’s filings. “In order for this work to be effective,” it warned, “you need to use a minimum of fake news and a maximum of realistic information. At the same time, you should continuously repeat that this is what is really happening, but the official media will never tell you about it or show it to you.”


    >Egg prices are back on the rise as a devastating bird flu outbreak and swelling consumer demand eats into supply. >Wholesale egg prices surpassed about $3 per dozen in August, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, up from the usual $1 to $2 range. Retail egg prices were up 19% in August compared to last year, according to the latest Consumer Price Index data, while the broader grocery category increased only 1%. >highly pathogenic avian influenza, or bird flu, has forced egg supplies to be “less robust than normal.” At the same time, U.S. sales have jumped to levels not seen since the pandemic. >Despite the price fluctuations, consumers continue to buy eggs — and more of them, as of the last few months. August egg sales were up more than 5% compared to 2023, and producers sold 237 million eggs in the most recent four-week period. “We haven’t seen that number since the first year of COVID,” he said, when sales soared as consumers stocked up on staples including eggs and toilet paper. >As domestic demand stays strong, other countries are also buying more U.S. eggs. According to the U.S. Egg Export Council, total exports for the first four months of the year increased by 22% to 63.5 million dozen eggs, though values were down 22%. >Demand is expected to rise further during the fall and winter months with the holiday baking season entering full swing. That could further pressure the commercial egg supply, especially as bird flu also spreads more easily in colder climates.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Youtube oxjox 2mo ago 100%
    Is there some hack to get new recommendations?

    Anytime I watch a video that's somewhat different to what I've previously watch, YT floods my recommended section with these video types. I don't mind some relevant recommendations but it's too much. There's only like six different types of 'genres' being recommended to me now and I've already watched most of these videos. I know you can use the don't recommend this channel and not interested options. These don't really apply to what I want. I just want more other things. YouTube is likely the world's largest and most interesting and unique collection of content and I'm seeing the same handful of shit day after day. I'm bored of it being boring. I mean, I like photography and would like more photography content - just not from the same dozen or so creators because I've already watched all their videos. I'm not interested in the main menu items like trending, music, gaming, etc. I want quality stuff that's creative and informative. I will never click on thumbnails with surprised faces and arrows. Apparently my super power is the ability to discern and easily ignore content that's clearly click bait and rage bait. I guess the issue is that I'm not interested in content that's created to satisfy the algorithm. Algorithm content is all the same. Do you ave any hacks to purge recommendations or to get new interesting content to appear? Are there other long-form platforms (not TikTok) I should be looking at outside of YouTube?


    Is anyone self-hosting a genuinely snappy and robust media hosting service for themselves? What's your setup look like? The best thing about Apple's Photos on my iDevices is the speed at which everything loads. Even videos (usually) load reasonably fast over LTE. The user interface is decent enough and has a high percentage of features I'd like to have on the go. The on-device AI is awesome (recognizing / organizing faces and objects and locations). I'd like to get away from iCloud for numerous reasons: the subscription, the chance the UX gets worse, privacy, ease of data ownership and organization, OS independence, etc. I currently have a [QNAP TS-253A]( with 8GB RAM, Celeron N3160 1.6GHz 4 core, (2) Seagate IronWolf 8TB ST8000VN0022 at about 98% capacity, Raid 1 . I mostly use it for streaming music and videos at home but I also stream music outside the house without issue. Movies don't stream at HD immediately but once they cache up they're good within a minute. Some people have suggested this hardware should be sufficient. I feel like it's archaic. What do you think? I've tried Immich but find it to be slow and very limited with features. I've even tested hosting it on Elestio but that didn't go too well. I'm not opposed to paying for offsite services but at that point it just seems like I should stick with iCloud. I already have Plex running on my NAS so I use that for archiving but it's way too slow to use for looking at pictures, even locally. QNAP has the photo app QuMagie with facial recognition and it seems alright but it's agonizingly slow, if it works at all. All of the self-hosted apps, in my experience, are well outside the scope of iCloud Photos' speed and feature set. If I could even just test one that matched its speed, I could better assess whatever features they have. What I'm not sure of is if I'm hitting a wall based on the apps, my hardware, or even my ISP (Speedtest reports upload: 250mpbs). The fact that apps like Plex and QuMagie suck even locally suggests to me it's not an ISP issue (yet). My NAS is already at capacity so it's time for an upgrade of some sort. While I'm in the mindset, I wanted to see if there's a better product I could use for hosting. My space and finances are not without limits but I'm open to ideas. I realize I'm not a multi billion dollar company with data centers around the world but I feel like I should be able to piece something together that's relatively comparable for less than an arm and a leg. Am I wrong?


    I'm on MacOS and typically use Safari as my main browser. I have several other browsers installed on my computer which I use for different things or just to try out from time to time. Orion is one I haven't tried in a while. I've launched Orion and found that when I previously used it I saved some tabs - one of them being Ebay. I am not signed into my Ebay account in Orion but when I open this tab I'm seeing "Your Recently Viewed Items" and it's very much showing me the items I viewed in Safari just moments earlier. Orion promotes itself as a privacy focused web browser. >Privacy by design, like no other browser. >Orion has been engineered from ground up as a truly privacy-respecting browser. We did it by embracing a simple principle - Orion is a zero telemetry browser. Your private information will never leave Orion by default. >And to protect your privacy on the web, Orion comes with industry-leading anti-tracking technology as well as a powerful built-in ad-blocker. How does one browser know what the other browser is doing regardless if I'm, signed into my account on a particular website?


    In my experience, the retail shopping environment has been on an increasing rate of decline over the past decade+. Post-covid, it seems corporations have figured out how to maximize profit, in part, by reducing labor and tailoring towards online sales. I grew up in a time when people would complain about salespeople pestering them by simply asking if they needed help with anything. Now, I would love to have someone help me with a purchase. I recently bought some sneakers in a store and it turned out I probably bought the wrong ones for my needs. A knowledgable salesperson likely would have saved me from wasting my money on the wrong purchase. Most of the supermarkets in my area are self-check out only. These stupid things *never* work for me so it takes me forever to simply scan a few items. At some stores, items are locked up behind glass so I'm not even able to make a purchase - pushing me to buy from an online retailer instead. - I try to go out of my way to find stores that have humans working there. I try not to buy things online and try to support my local businesses. This is becoming increasingly more difficult and I fear the day will come soon where I'm *not able* to shop in a physical store. Especially in this post pandemic world, I crave human interaction. I crave a brief interaction with someone who's a member of my community. There's a small two-location food market I shop at weekly. It's a fifteen minute walk where I do at least 85% of my shopping. Most of the produce and goods are procured within a hundred miles. There are no self-checkouts. I've gotten to know the people who work there. We talk about produce and the neighborhood and the weather. I freaking love that place and legit do not know what I would do without it. - I imagine I'm in the minority. I imagine most people, especially younger people, desire not interacting with others. Some people find it difficult to engage in real life. Some people are fraught with the impact social media addiction has struck upon them - be it the fear of judgement or bigotry or simply not knowing how to interact respectfully with others. I remember a time when people would say they trust online reviews more than salespeople who get paid on commission. Is this still a prevalent idea? I'll admit that I typically ignore reviews because reviews have become their own industry. However, there are times I've bought a product, found it to be trash, then saw some reviews, buried below the 'paid' ones, warning me to stay away. - I feel strongly, I am fearful, that as we shift more and more of our shopping online - easily enabled by [Click To Buy] buttons and mobile wallets - corporate capitalism is gaining ground on mom and pop shops. Never mind the rise of the likes of Temu. Moreover, the Walmartification of everything is diluting our sense of community. It's *because* we only shop online and in warehouses, it's because we have no choice but to *not* engage with anyone, it's because we're increasing our reliance on 6" in-our-face screens, it's because we don't ever need to leave the comfort of our home that our neighborhoods and society are doomed to crumble.


    I'm looking to replace a 6TB G-Drive for my Mac. I'm considering the OWC Express 1M2 NVMe enclosure along with a WD Black 4TB SN850X. The drive is mostly used as my photography drive. I work off of it with Capture One. About 20% of it is archive data. I'd like to upgrade to SSD for the sake of longevity and speed. And because I find the ticking and knocking my existing drive makes to be annoying. And because MacOS does this weird thing where opening random apps causes the external HDD to spin up and stalls operation. I fear everyday that this seven year old drive is suddenly going to die on me. Just looking for some suggestions if anyone's familiar with these OWC + WD products or if you'd recommend something else.


    Meanwhile, 44 percent backed the American tradition of competing branches of government as a model, if sometimes “frustrating,” system. Why would people want to live under an authoritarian’s thumb? It’s rooted, experts say, in a psychological need for security—real or perceived—and a desire for conformity, a goal that becomes even more acute as the country undergoes dramatic demographic and social changes. People also like to obey a strong leader who will protect the group—especially if it is the “right” group whose interests will be protected. Recall the Trump supporter who, during the 2019 government shutdown, complained, “He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.”


    I've recently been working to minimize my email clutter, my dependance on certain email providers, and to consolidate services under certain accounts. I'm down to the following uses: Apple ID, mydomain-billing/subscriptions, mydomain-official/legal, anon, friends/family, business domain. I also have a handful of aliases and an account just for newsletters and my RSS app. I'm curious if others have several email addresses for similar uses or if you use your email client to categorize incoming messages for you. For people who only have one email address, how do you manage this?


    Regardless of your geographic location, religion, heritage, party affiliation, or your firmness on historical texts; what is it that you *believe* government's role to be - or *should* be? If you'd like to elaborate, what is it you think your local or national government gets right and gets wrong? I pose the question because I believe this fundamental belief is through which we observe and react to politics. There are things we want or don't want government to do but often legislation or special interests or geographic or political threats get in the way. Our reactions to politics are often, but not wrongly, short-sighted and emotional without context or wisdom. I don't see much dialog around this topic and I wonder if people subscribe to political parties without really considering if the party aligns with what they genuinely believe government's responsibility is or should be.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Male Fashion Advice oxjox 4mo ago 100%
    Does LL Bean typically run big?

    I just received an order for a few shirts from LL Bean. Right now, any brand's Large is just a tad tight on me but I'm trying to lose weight and expect to squeeze in soon. These shirts are HUGE. I double checked their website's fit guide. By all accounts, it's suggesting I'm a large (5'6" 43 chest). The long sleeve shirt is one size too big, the short sleeves are at least two sizes, if not three, too big. The sweat shirt is a bit large but wearable. My plan at this point is to take the nearly two hour drive (with traffic) to my nearest store to try the shirts on in person. Just wondering if I got a weird batch or if I'm a size small in LL Bean. Or, should I be expecting these to shrink a lot in the wash? **UPDATE:** So, I drove the store and confirmed my suspicions with the associate. “Traditional Fit” is two sizes bigger, “Slim Fit” is one size bigger, and “Signature” is about right, he said. I didn’t like the signature sizing at all; it was oddly a little smocky and ballooned out at the bottom. And while the small traditional fit fit my width okay, I think it’s a little short, and I’m just 5’6”.


    I just submitted feedback to Apple because I was shocked that there was no apparent way to add a folder bookmark to the Home Screen. You can save a website to the Home Screen on iOS and created an alias on MacOS. So, I don't think this is something that's technically not possible to do nor a foreign concept for Apple. Use case: I'm traveling and have all my documents in a folder in iCloud. Yes, you can set that folder as a favorite in Files but it would be more convenient, given. the hectic and stressful nature of traveling, to simply have access to that folder from the Home Screen. Even better, now that I think about it, it would be great to have a Smart Folder so any document or email or booking confirmation or SMS or WhatsApp message, etc., that I tag in iCloud with "London" could easily be found from one spot on the Home Screen. Perhaps there's a future where we can ask Siri to show me all my documents and messages for my upcoming trip (not that I trust AI will ever be smart enough to figure this all out).


    Share some objective or subjective wisdom you’ve learned recently.


    Practically every email I've received in maybe the past year has started with "I hope you are well". I even had an LLM draft a placeholder email for me and it started with the same thing. This has not always been the case and it's strange to me that everyone I interact with begins their emails with this line. Frankly, it's annoying AF. What gives? Who started this? Why has it become so prevalent? More importantly, how do we stop it? While I'm at it, if you work in tech / customer support, I urge you to speak with your supervisors to minimize the boiler plate copy paste trash you insert into your emails. People dealing with shit that's not working as intended or desired do not have the mental or emotional capacity to wade through your platitudinal nonsense. Get to the fucking point.


    Multiple social media reports indicating it was felt from Maryland to Massachusetts. #Earthquake #Philadelphia Additional reporting:
