Sony Alpha

Hello community, I am using a Sony alpha 7c mark II for my work as an assessor and I am very happy with it. One thing is on my mind though: When in A-Mode, the camera quite often chooses to lower the shutter speed above 1/80 to get enough light. I would prefer if the camera would stay below 1/80 and turn up the ISO instead, so that the picture doesn't get all shaky when handheld. Does anyone know, if there is an option to set a lower limit to the shutter speed, when in A-Mode? And where can I find it? Edit: **Solution:** In my menu (german): Belichtung/Farbe - [1]Belichtung - ISO AUTO Min. VS Maybe in english: Exposure/Color - [1]Exposure - ISO AUTO Min. ET


Hi folks, I'm going to switch from Canon as I'm not happy with their product philosophy when it comes to the mount system lately, so I'm on the lookout to buy a Sony Alpha a6700 body with either the Sony 16-55mm f2.8 G-Lens, Sigma 18-50mm f2.8 or the Tamron 17-70mm f2.8 as an all purpose lense. I don't need a lense recommodation as I've checked plenty of comparison articles and videos to be pretty sure I'll be happy with either. I'm just a little worried if Tamrons built in stabilization somehow conflicts with the IBIS of the a6700, as I recall watching some video where the creator said something of both stabilizations not working together but sometimes counteract. I can't find this video anymore and others never mention something like this. I read that as the Tanron lenses doesn't have a switch to disable the stabilization it can be only turned on or off in the camera menu together with IBIS. So as I understand it would either be IBIS+VC or no stabilization at all. Is that true or is my memory foggy as I read and watched so much material in the last couple of weeks that I may misremember. Both, camera and lenses, are on my buy list and I'd like to make an informed decision in case any of the lenses go on sale, there's combined offer of body+lenses or a cheap lense pops up in the used market in my area. Can anybody help me out with their experience when it comes to this lense on an IBIS body? EDIT: I want to add that I'm talking about photography in particular. I'm not a vlogger and if I make a video it'll be standing still and maybe panning to view the landscape, bit not walking around.


Hello, I got a Sigma 105m macro made for older slr A mount cameras that I use in a sony Alpha 7 with the LA-EA3 adapter. The thing is, while aperture works OK, its in 'real time', meant that the closer the aperture is, the darker the image in the screen and viewfinder is too. So shooting in macro mode with a ring flash its almost impossible because at 1/160 at f11 in ISO 100, any image is black dead. In others camera/lenses, in can set the 'aperture preview' on or off (so in off mode the diafragm will close to the selected aperture only at shooting, allowing to set up a bright clear image). I can't find any option of this kind in this camera. Somebody can confirm that it doesn't exist? I find it really weird... Thanks in advance.


My son and I are currently sharing an A7IV and I'm considering picking up an A7iii as a second body. Has the A7iii been updated to the current menu system?


Does anyone have experience with Urth filters? I'm looking at getting some ND filters and came across this brand which I haven't heard of before but seem to get good reviews.


I'm going to be taking a trip to Rome later this year and trying to figure out if I need to pick up another lens. Right now I have the Sigma 24-70 f/2.8. Will this lens do it or will I need to get something wider? I plan to take the normal pics of the historical sites and some of the sites over in Vatican City. We also plan on heading down to Pompeii and the Amalfi Coast. If I can get by with the 24-70 i'd rather do that but if I'll be frustrated that I can't get some of the sites can you suggest a lens that doesn't break the bank?


Marc Alhadeff reviewed the new Sony 70-200 f/4 II and compared it to the older Sony f/4, the Sony f/2.8 II and the Tamron 70-180mm f/2.8 **TL;DR:** The Sony f/4 II is excellent but expensive compared to the competition: the Tamron 70-180mm is sharper and 50% cheaper while being as light and compact, but its AF is not as quick as the Sony which does not suits it for sports.


Seriously considering this new 70-200 f4. We were saving for the f2.8 GM II but this is a whole lot cheaper and reviews are looking pretty good. As a hobbiest would you still go for the f2.8 even though it's another $1,200 more or would you even see the difference?


Hello everyone! I‘m thinking about selling some of my lenses to get the new 70 - 200 mentioned above. Has anyone used this lens, especially on hikes? How versatile ist it? I mostly do wildlife and some landscape photography but I fear that the lens is too zoomed in for landscapes and too wide for wildlife. The lens would be used on an A7R IV and it would „replace“ a sony 20mm f1.8 G (which is too wide for my uses) and the Sony 135mm f1.8 GM. Thanks for your advice and have a good time!


Any suggestions for a backpack that can carry a couple bodies, spare batteries, some accessories and a few lenses including the 200-600 and the 70-200? We use the 200-600 the most so something where we can have that connected to the camera would be preferred.