Gen X, the meh generation

No, clearly I ain’t got no culture. The boomers would probably get that one better, but I doubt there’s any kind of boomer community. Seriously, I saw the word and was thinking they enjoy old literature.


Pretty sure we had the E9112 and E9116 back in the day. Now I have a legit B92FS but it doesn't squirt water. For work reasons. Ah, nostalgia. (Don't play with guns!)




cross-posted from: > Hey Olaf, sing Berserker!


cross-posted from: > > > An online archive for the MTV alternative music show from the mid 80s to the early 2000s. Show playlists and links to videos on YouTube.


As I've gotten older, I find myself doing the old ughs and groan while getting off the couch or say things to my kids that my parents told me. I also truly appreciate the coveted chair or spot on the couch which is "Dad's Spot!"


Everyone's favorite Gen X edgelord teenager finally gave our generation the visibility it deserves. We now have our very own branded shitty alt-right social media space.


While being feral had its own pitfalls, I think most of us ended up with life coping skills they the generations after us seem to be lacking.


Uhhh, sure about that figure? I mean, social media certainly doesn't rank high but I don't think a plausible majority would do without the internet entirely, and few would roll back every benefit they receive from it.


As in no internet, cell phones or computers. Being born in '74, I was lucky enough to know what it meant to go outside, build a fort, play and mess around. Getting the exercise without knowing it. (riding a bike for example, or running to a friend's house). Drinking out of the hose on a hot summer day after running around in the heat. I swear! there's something extra tasty about that! Then, being sick from school and laying on the couch watching Bob Barker on the Price is Right before the soaps came on. BORING!!! lol Don't get me wrong, I'd probably be lost without all the technology we have today since it's gotten so ingrained in our lives, but I am thankful that I will probably be one of the older folks which can survive driving a manual car, reading cursive, and operating a soon to be antique store item, VCR with the VCR + capability. :)


Adulting is hard. We may have had an advantage as the “non-computerized to computerized world” beta testers lol How are you doing?


My weekly airing of Alf was coming on and I was 14 years old at the time. My dad, an ex firefighter and dispatcher had his trusty scanner relaxing in his favorite easy chair and the call came down at 8pm - a massive fire was happening downtown. We all scrambled out of the house excitedly to go "chase" the fire. It was his favorite past time to relive the old days of firefighting and boy this was the fire of all fires for him! So, we drove downtown to where it was, about 2 blocks away, you could see the flames shooting out of the 5 story brick building and the closer you got to it, the hotter the heat was. We found a place to park and watched the firefighters do their best. By now, the fire was melting the lamp poles across the street and everyone had to move away from the intense heat. Firefighters turned to surrounding buildings and sprayed water on the old post office, library and other historic buildings to keep them cool and wet against the embers. Sometime later during that time, the entire side of the building collapsed in the street blanketing anything below in red hot bricks. Later on that night, the news showed footage and didn't bleep out the "Oh Shit!" comment from the camera man filming it. More about the fire here: (Sorry, it's a very small entry for them) Unfortunately, the archive that would have the most information no longer exists, the local news paper closed down earlier this year and took the site with it. The story goes, they tracked down the source of the fire to a torch accidentally setting the building ablaze. For the years prior to this, it was an old historic Hotel and was being renovated to be converted for low income housing. During this process, they think someone set a hot torch down and wasn't thinking about the safety at the time and that's all it took to light up the old wood and materials inside. For a while longer after that, the shell of the building stayed in place while they rebuilt the building with brick and matched it to the original look.


My back hurts from hauling all these posts with me.


I am getting to see Negativeland on Friday. I have never seen them live before now.