Friday Roundup! What Are You Doing This Weekend? (10/20)
  • lexr86 lexr86 1y ago 100%

    Haha, we'll see how good my resolution re not posting until it's all written goes! On the plus side, I have a few shorter stories (3-6 chapters) that I can write & post while I'm working away at the next long-fic, so I reckon that'll help.

  • Do you have a beta read your fics before you publish them? Or do you prefer to do your own checking & hope that's good enough? Personally, I'm not keen on the idea of having a beta reader (no shade to any who do). I re-read (& sometimes re-write) my chapters A LOT. And when I'm happy with them, I give it a few days & re-read them again for SPAG issues or inconsistencies. And then when I've posted them, I re-read them again because my brain won't let me in case they magically changed between pasting & posting. (I do the same with emails & the like. 🤷‍♀️) After all that, having someone else re-read it yet again seems kind of redundant.

    Friday Roundup! What Are You Doing This Weekend? (10/20)
  • lexr86 lexr86 1y ago 100%

    No buffer as of yesterday's posted chapter & I'm halfway through the next chapter so I think I won't be posting for a couple of weeks. Gonna grab a couple of hours tomorrow to finish the WIP chapter & maybe start (or at least plan) the next one.

    Getting close to the end of this story & I think I might be unconsciously dragging it out because once I'm done with it, I have no excuse not to move onto other ones. I have a couple of big life changes coming my way over the next few months & while taking a little time off from planning to write is definitely the break I need, right now the thought of starting a new story feels a little like another project I just don't have the bandwidth for. Need to keep reminding myself that the plan for future stories is no posting any of it until it's all finished!

  • OC focussed fics or pairings?
  • lexr86 lexr86 1y ago 100%

    I had a chat with another author in the broader Star Trek fandom after reading their OC/OC fic & based on how that got received, I'm not getting my hopes up. I'll still write it though (& probably post it regardless). And it will have some canon characters as secondary characters (& it'll be set on the Enterprise) so it won't be completely unknown to fans.

    Love that your 99% OC story got so big! 😁 There's hope for OC-centric stories yet. Pity about the unfriendly community atmosphere though - like, you don't like the premise, don't read it. No need to give grief to the authors about it. 🤷‍♀️

  • What is an idea you've been kicking around for a while and would really like to start...
  • lexr86 lexr86 1y ago 100%

    Ohhh... You had me at fixit of PR:U. That was a mess.

    Also the JW one. Loved the vibe of the first film & then it just became churn (now with added dinosaurs!). 😢

  • What is an idea you've been kicking around for a while and would really like to start...
  • lexr86 lexr86 1y ago 100%

    Yeah, I can kinda balance it out if it's a one-shot or short multi-chapter story competing with a long-fic. But 2 long-fics (& in the same series)? Lord, give me strength!

  • Thinking that I wouldn't mind writing a trashy Christmas romance this year but acknowledging that I won't have time for it, only to find that I wrote 80% of one last year that I have a cute little idea for the ending of now. 🥳 [\#fanfiction](

    What is an idea you've been kicking around for a while and would really like to start...
  • lexr86 lexr86 1y ago 100%

    I have a series (2 stories at the mo) that's very fluffy slice of life romantic. Early this year, shortly after starting the 2nd story, I came up with a bonkers idea for the 3rd story. AU/multiverse, paranormal weirdness from the fandom that I just ignore in my series up til now, dragging bits from the original 2 stories & reusing the characters (& angsting the crap out of one of them).

    And it has been killlling me that I had to finish the 2nd story before I could start on the 3rd. At one point I had to comfort-write a couple of chapters just to break writer's block on story 2. I reckon I've got less than half a dozen chapters of story 2 to go & then I am launching myself bodily at story 3. 😅

  • OC focussed fics or pairings?
  • lexr86 lexr86 1y ago 100%

    😂 I was starting to think the lack of responses was the answer in itself to my question (i.e. no-one likes OC-centric or OC/OC pairings).

    I totally get the love for OC-centric stories so long as there's a core character in the mix, as I tend to be there myself, but I do think I'd have to stretch myself to take a chance on OC/OC with no canon characters in the main pairing or group. That said, the fandom I want to write it in (Star Trek TNG-adjacent) has no characters that work for my idea & really has none I'm interested in writing as core characters. So I guess I might just be writing this one for myself if other people aren't willing to take a chance (& I can't blame them because I know exactly where they're coming from). 🤷‍♀️

  • What Makes For A Good Antagonist?
  • lexr86 lexr86 1y ago 100%

    I like a well rounded, realistic character, as I do with my protagonists to be fair. No 2-dimensional mustache-twirling "I'm just evil 'cos I'm evil" unless there's a real good reason behind it or it's hella fun (think Andrew Scott's Moriarty). I don't need them to think they're doing good by being in opposition to the protagonist but I want them to at least be a sufficiently well written character that I could believe that they'd have an opinion on the matter & ideally feel some little bit of conflict over it like a real person would.

  • Research and Writing
  • lexr86 lexr86 1y ago 100%

    It's weird the things you randomly can't find info on & it's like "Welp, I guess I'm just winging it!"

    Not a clue how people managed to write fanfiction before the internet tbh.

  • Does anyone read fics that are centred around OCs at the expense of canon characters? Like a story about an OCxOC pairing where the canon characters are only on the side or background to the core pairing? I'm trying to figure out if it's worth posting a story I have an idea for (that won't get out of my head & demands that I write it next).

    Research and Writing
  • lexr86 lexr86 1y ago 100%

    I need to get back into happy rabbit-hole mode. The last one I went on was trying to figure out the length of time a side character would go to jail for a specific crime in a specific US state in the 1970s/80s. And then I didn't even bother mentioning it in my story.

    I find trying to maintain a posting schedule has kind of killed my ability to deep-dive on research as my buffer of chapters has fallen away. Yet another reason I'm never going to start posting a multi-chapter fic before I finish it again!

  • Where Do You Connect With Your Fandom?
  • lexr86 lexr86 1y ago 100%

    I'm starting to understand the affectionate hellsite attitude. Although I feel like I'm in the honeymoon phase with Tumblr right now & this comment is going to bite me in the ass in a month's time when it turns out it's an actual hellsite.

  • Woo! A productive weekend that means I have multiple chapters lined up to post while I'm traveling over the coming weeks. 🥳 For once, not being able to write in the regular order may have worked out for me as I just had to sort out one link in the chain in order to expand my buffer. It has also made me realise that I probably only have half a dozen chapters left to write for this story before I'm done. So double-woo!, I guess! Or not, if my inspiration abandons me after that. [\#fanfiction](

    Completing a long story vs moving on to something new and shiny
  • lexr86 lexr86 1y ago 100%

    Thanks! To be fair, it's not an awful worry to have in the grand scheme of things 😅 but now that I've found something I really like, I want to stick with it (at least that's the way I feel at the moment). And yeah, maybe if I do bounce, it'll only be as far as another fandom (which is a pleasant thought!).

  • What Makes You Drop A Fic?
  • lexr86 lexr86 1y ago 100%

    I view Simple Misunderstandings, especially for stupid reasons amongst characters who are smart enough to know better, to be in the Idiot Ball realm of bad writing. Although, funnily enough I think I find them more often in non-fanfic writing, e.g. TV shows. Such a lazy trope.

  • What Makes You Drop A Fic?
  • lexr86 lexr86 1y ago 100%

    Oh, conversations about what people want from relationships, be they friendship, romantic, family, are great! I think they tend to come up more in non-traditional relationships IRL, whereas the run of the mill "heteronormative romance equalling marriage plus kids" dynamic tends to have very little introspection/interrogation of assumptions (this is totally my opinion). It's great to see when writers/creators bring those often ignored conversations into more traditional relationships on the page imo because they're inextricably linked to consent.

  • Completing a long story vs moving on to something new and shiny
  • lexr86 lexr86 1y ago 100%

    So, I'm one of those people who tends to hop from hobby to hobby. Tbh writing fanfiction is probably the one I've been most consistent with since I started a year ago, & I'm kind of terrified I'll end up dropping it because I really enjoy it! It definitely feels like a hyperfixation for me & I worry one day I'll wake up & that focus will be gone. It's also the one that's most freeform creative so I think that may be linked to my worry (I'm usually much more of a consumer than a creative).

    I guess if someone is at peace with hopping between hobbies & concluding a project & then they're done with the whole hobby, then that's not sad. But where I am at the moment, I feel I'd mourn it a bit. But then I guess I'd forget about it because I have terribly poor autobiographical memory... 🤷‍♀️

  • What Makes You Drop A Fic?
  • lexr86 lexr86 1y ago 100%

    Massive OOC turns for established characters, or sudden tone shifts that don't make sense in the context of the story. I don't often mind OOC in the context of the source material but if it's OOC in relation to the rest of the story, that's a hard nope from me.
    A sudden disappearance of any & all smut in an M- or E-rated story once a relationship is established. Gah!
    Likewise, when pregnancy/children are portrayed as the pinnacle of a romantic relationship. I'm fine with babies/kids being part of the story but when they're suddenly pushed as the focus, my tokophobia & childfreedom start showing.
    Apart from those, it's mostly ongoing obvious SPAG issues.
    And sometimes poor tagging, although this is usually the case when I'm already finding that I don't like the story. If I've already been happily engaged with it, I don't really care so much about the tags by that point.

  • Where Do You Connect With Your Fandom?
  • lexr86 lexr86 1y ago 100%

    😂 So long as it's a better Hellsite than Twitter, I'd be happy. The only thing I'm wondering about it is whether it will suit me as I don't do original or fan art - all my creative stuff is writing. I guess I'll see how it goes.

    Odd re not being able to see a bunch of accounts. Sounds like a weird glitch!

  • Completing a long story vs moving on to something new and shiny
  • lexr86 lexr86 1y ago 100%

    Yeah, I think it's easier to compartmentalise a short-fic vs a long one. It feels like there's less bleed through between them for me.

  • Completing a long story vs moving on to something new and shiny
  • lexr86 lexr86 1y ago 100%

    Hmmm... I could see working on multiple long-fics in different fandoms being an option alright, although I think if I were to go down that route I'd have to make them very OC-light. My fics so far tend to have a central OC where most of my energy goes, which is mainly just down to writing romance/smut & focusing on one character who has no actual canon romantic experiences in the fandom. That said, I don't really get interested in ships between existing characters so maybe I'm doomed to writing long-fics featuring OCs forever. 😁 How terrible that would be...

  • Completing a long story vs moving on to something new and shiny
  • lexr86 lexr86 1y ago 100%

    Oh, I like your 80% approach. I've been posting my current long-fic as I write it & have steadily eaten into my buffer over time (stessful!) so I'm not doing that again even when I only have one story on the go. 😅

    Interesting about the "one project" people. I don't think I've come across it but I definitely have seen it in film making (I'm a big film nerd). I sometimes see a film-maker with produce an excellent film & then either nothig or everything that follows is garbage. Like "Dude, you had one good film in you. Maybe leave it at that." Great if the person knows that about themselves up front, although it must be a bit sad when they get to the end of the project & have nothing else to move on to.

  • Obviously this phenomenon isn't limited to fanfiction or even writing, but it seems to me that there are (at least) two styles to long writing projects: 1. Serial: Pushing through to the end on a long-fic before starting a new one, or 2. Parallel: Writing multiple long-fics side by side, depending on what feels right to write at any time. I'm curious where other writers see themselves in this split, or if they do at all - maybe I'm totally off the mark! As far as I go, I definitely fall into the first bucket, even when it's tough & I reeeaaaalllly want to explore the new shiny idea my brain has come up with. There's a sense of completion that comes from focusing on one core project & knowing that I'll see it through to the end. Sometimes my brain won't let me write it for short periods & I'll jump away from my long-fic to write a one-shot or shorter multi-chapter story but I don't maintain multiple long-fics at the same time because I'd just get confused & struggle to relate to my story (especially as I focus on the same characters/fandom for all my writing so far). I'm always hugely impressed with writers who manage to juggle multiple long-fics at the same time, even if they don't finish some of them. It seems to me like it'd be a lot less stressful to be able to just write whatever inspires joy in the moment & leave a story without the need to complete it - I'm totally aware this is a "faraway fields are greener" situation, but it's nice to think that it's a more enjoyable approach. I recently came across a writer who's maintaining at least 3 long-fics that I could see & every new chapter comes with a note at the end saying which story is next on the list to be updated. Now, chances are they have at least one of these fics pre-written, but either way, I'm in awe of them. 😮


    Has anyone ever heard of stars library? A writer I followed a while ago said they'd moved their works there after fictionpad went offline, but this is the first I'd ever heard of it. [\#fanfiction](


    Pretty much all my stories so far have featured a core OC & I realised today that for the couple of one-shots I've done, I have a passing relationship with those OCs, but for the longer stories, it's like I live in the OC's head. Part of it is no doubt the nature of spending months writing from a character's perspective, but it feels odd now that I've recognised it. Like having an alter ego or a twin. Does this make any sense to any other writers or am I just talking complete nonsense?


    Why, oh why, when I check my Bookmarks, is there nothing updated in the past 24 hours? Yes, I know I've a Read Later list as long as my arm... That's not the point! My brain wants comfy reading that it's already invested in, not a new thing to figure out. 😩 [\#fanfiction](
