2 terrorists drown in plain sight 🍾
  • glans glans 1w ago • 100%

    When the "days since drowning" counter gets set back to zero and they bring out the water wings and pool noodles.

  • Update regarding Hexbear's misogyny problem - planned actions and request for feedback
  • glans glans 1w ago • 100%

    It wouldn't be wrong if someone wants to do that kind of secretarial work for you. Maybe you'll get lucky.

    but I will point out that men relying on others to take responsibility for things like reminding them of this or that is a pretty classic small but annoying misogynistic habit.

    feminism means being your own secretary. at least.

  • 1885: Lucy Parsons sez: "Let us kill them without mercy, and let it be a war of extermination and without pity"
  • glans glans 1w ago • 100%

    From what I've heard, you have to say that stuff. Cause of woke.

  • Update regarding Hexbear's misogyny problem - planned actions and request for feedback
  • glans glans 1w ago • 100%

    you could try to improve yourself rather than submitting to cowardice :)

  • Update regarding Hexbear's misogyny problem - planned actions and request for feedback
  • glans glans 1w ago • 100%

    Are "femme" and "woman" synonymous here? I've noticed a few times on this site.

  • 1885: Lucy Parsons sez: "Let us kill them without mercy, and let it be a war of extermination and without pity"
  • glans glans 1w ago • 100%

    it's not illegal if a dead person says it

    what's they gonna do, dig her up and hang her like they hung her husband

  • Stumbled on this reddit thread that answered a question I'd had myself but never actually looked into. [Looking for primary source on Lucy Parsons quote: “Let every dirty, lousy tramp arm himself with a revolver or a knife, and lay in wait on the steps of the palaces of the rich and stab or shoot the owners as they come out.” - r/Anarchism](https://reddit.com/r/Anarchism/comments/wylykq/looking_for_primary_source_on_lucy_parsons_quote) ![](https://lemm.ee/api/v3/image_proxy?url=https%3A%2F%2Fhexbear.net%2Fpictrs%2Fimage%2Faa359aff-c841-4f7d-bd4f-da5a4d510b51.png) Answer was found: [Chicago Tribune - Thu, May 7, 1885 - Page 3](https://chicagotribune.newspapers.com/article/chicago-tribune/108388920/) > Citizoness [Lucy] Parsons, however, had a plan at once startling, unique and redolent with gore. > > "Let every dirty, lousy tramp arm himself with a revolver or knife and lay in wait on the steps of the palaces of the rich and stab or shoot the owners as they come out. Let us kill them without mercy, and let it be a war of extermination and without pity. Let us devastate the avenues where the wealthy live as Sheridan devastated the beautiful valley of the Shenandoah." > > Citizen [Albert] Parsons then read some resolutions of sympathy with the Lemont strikers denouncing the militia, etc., after which the conclave went into secret session for the transaction of private business. There were three women present last night. (Side note: What a time when a socialist meeting of 50 people is reported upon in the *Tribune*.) [According to Utah Phillips](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXmesegG-Bo) she never got too old to issue this advice. Class War UK used it for their second issue, published in 1984: ![](https://lemm.ee/api/v3/image_proxy?url=https%3A%2F%2Fhexbear.net%2Fpictrs%2Fimage%2Fe7d81923-ba97-4dc4-9159-0b39b7510e90.png) (Full 4 page tabloid PDF of this issue [available](https://thesparrowsnest.org.uk/collections/public_archive/20309.pdf) at [The Sparrows' Nest Library and Archive](https://thesparrowsnest.org.uk/index.php/digital-lib/270-class-war-archive))

    Ways to find out my family tree other than through ancestry.org type of sites?
  • glans glans 1w ago • 100%

    ancestry.com is mormon (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancestry.com#1983)

    wouldn't be surprised if many other such resources also are. for the exact reasons as you explain. these people love "converting" the dead to their religion. they offer much less resistance than the living.

  • 20 or 30 years ago, many cities had a group of nerds who would get together monthly / quarterly / annually to put on a live action RHPS and/or watch the film. They would dress up in themed/fetishy costumes to go. There was a sort of ritualised audience participation portion where the audience yelled certain things at certain times in the plot, IIRC threw popcorn, and other stuff. I don't think I ever actually attended in one of these but I knew various people who were in the subculture. my view of it was the crowd was largely queer/bi/pan/poly/straight/genderbender white people. - is anybody still doing this? (maybe it's still as active as ever and I've just changed who I know?) - did the internet kill it and if so, how? - gen z: are you familiar with this phenomena? bonus question: what is the current analysis of RHPS, particularly, but not limited to, the concept of gender as depicted?

    Are you cisgender? Gender Survey Result: Majority of active Hexbear users say No and Maybe.
  • glans glans 2w ago • 100%

    Counting everyone in "are you cis gender? Yes, by pronoun" who doesn't include he/him or as one of their choices, it is 52 x 3 = 156. It's 9% of responses at the absolute most optimistic. But there isn't really any reason to believe that would be the case.

    In terms of people in the "No, by pronoun" and "maybe, by pronoun" sections, I don't think we can really infer anything about AMAB vs AFAB without specifically asking. You could find any combination in reality. An AFAB person can use she/her pronouns but not identify as cisgender. No reason why not. IME AFAB people are more likely to identify as not cisgender than AMAB people. In some situations she/they is basically the default.

  • Are you cisgender? Gender Survey Result: Majority of active Hexbear users say No and Maybe.
  • glans glans 2w ago • 100%

    idk I think reddit has more cis women than that.

  • Are you cisgender? Gender Survey Result: Majority of active Hexbear users say No and Maybe.
  • glans glans 2w ago • 100%

    wow that thread is fucking terrible. for a bunch of communists these people sure like the idea of owning a woman.

  • Are you cisgender? Gender Survey Result: Majority of active Hexbear users say No and Maybe.
  • glans glans 2w ago • 100%

    Do I understand correctly that there are appoximately 7 x 3 = 21 cis women on this whole site?

    ETA: I didn't originally count the ones who had she/her as the secondary pronoun. So that would be 10 x 3 = 30 cis women.

  • If anyone asks you what "treat brain" is and why it is a terminal condition show them this photo
  • glans glans 2w ago • 100%

    I was looking at this for a while thinking it was some republicans boycotting target and taco bell out of hatred for lgbtq, racialized people or women or something... But there's a man playing the flute and everyone knows flutes are for girls. Also him and the woman to his right read on first glance as piss play enthusiasts with their little caps and yellow sashes. But then I see they're not wearing leather or latex, just regular woven cloth and that's not very practical. So the whole thing is pretty much incomprehensible then I read the comments and I guess it's in israel. So.

  • is that how scars and tumors behave?
  • glans glans 2w ago • 100%

    But does sun tzu have any advice on how to avoid doing operation paperclip?

  • Hexbear Gender Survey #2 - Science Edition. Remember to respond even if you are cis!
  • glans glans 2w ago • 100%

    I know people have different styles of reading, but I think it's a better read in paperback if you can scrounge up a library copy or something.

    ia of course has it https://archive.org/details/stonebutchbluesn0000fein in their login-required zone

  • is that how scars and tumors behave?
  • glans glans 2w ago • 100%

    yo thanks for educating me. you're right that I had understood it is lots of people who could easily go elsewhere.

    As you describe it, a very difficult situation on the individual level.

    I've met all kinds of Europeans and there is no doubt in my mind their guilt about the holocaust only continues as long as they don't have to deal much with Jewish people. As long as they are like a historical artifact. Just like Americans might feel bad about the genocides so long as indigenous people are confined to the Past.

    It makes me think, about organizing in other countries to offer an exit strategy for these people. If they are feeling like caged animals having things thrown at them from all sides, then they will be acting in self-defense. OK, even though broadly speaking they're in the wrong, they were born that way and not making the decision to be there.

    So would it make sense for us to create a path for these people to de escalate by leaving their occupied homes, offering to set them up elsewhere? If you could get a guarantee of amnesty from the future governments of Palestine.. if you leave in 2025 we will not prosecute you for your crimes, we will not come after you for reparations. But that would incentivize the richest and the worst of course.

    You'd basically have to include some kind of re-education component in this, in order to not be seeding the local territory with future violence.

    Obviously just spitballing from an uninformed person.

  • What are the best orgs to join in the US?
  • glans glans 2w ago • 100%

    let's make a cryptpad survey like the trans one.

  • the cia don’t want you to know this but you can drink piss
  • glans glans 2w ago • 100%

    idk but there is meth piss

  • ![](https://lemm.ee/api/v3/image_proxy?url=https%3A%2F%2Fhexbear.net%2Fpictrs%2Fimage%2F87dbb54e-d0d7-4de3-8ce5-bdf01325a33a.png) > Dealing With October 7: 'Trauma Is Like a Scar, or a Tumor, and It Ripples Out to Friends and Families' > > Ilana Kwartin talks about setting up a space to help traumatized victims of October 7 and the war with non-traditional, mind-body methods: 'This is a huge change in our Israeliness. It's not for nothing that the Shin Bet, the Mossad and the police send us their people'


    I posted this on /c/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns but on further reflection that was possibly an error because it's a question about *cis*. Since I'm seeking ideas that would be relevant to a cis person it would be better to pose the question more widely. Trans people probably don't spend much time reading stuff describing why they are human and debunking arguments to the contrary so might not have such sources on the tip of the tongue. The original thread has lots of good answers and I am mulling them over and following sources. So you should read them if you are interested. Hope it's not ridiculous to x-post myself. :/ cross-posted from: https://hexbear.net/post/3576012 > I don't know if any CW are required for this but if so suggest them and I will add. I'm not mentioning any particular hateful things; just the presence of them. > > -------------- > > An old comrade of mine has fallen into the grips of anti trans bigotry. > > It has been happening for 10+ years and I have raised the issue multiple times when we've been together or in touch. They downplayed their investment in the ideas. > > Recently I have learned that it has crept into their mass organizing. This person is an excellent, committed, powerful organizer working for years at a local level. > > I think they are now getting in to organizing explicitly on anti-trans grounds. They have capacity to be highly effective at this. But really it is the integration of anti-trans stuff into legitimate mass organizing work that is more dangerous. My understanding is that they are seeking to orient these orgs against the interests of trans people and to exclude trans people and even trans-allied people from organizing. > > This person made many key political contributions to who I am. Much of the good I have done as an organizer is due to their influence on me. Without them I would have ended up the *most* insufferable kind of lib. On a personal level, it breaks my heart to see this has happened to a dear friend. I feel compelled to attempt to return the wisdom and patience they afforded me when I needed it, and offer them a better perspective, help them be a better organizer. > > I plan to attempt intervention. We live far away from each other but do keep occasional contact. Less so over recent years just due to being on different social media platforms. I could get some correspondence and maybe a phone call to discuss this on the basis of our long standing relationship. I would offer to maintain the dialogue on going if they were willing. > > - general advice? > - have you tried this and if so how did it go? > - is there hope? > - some kind of FAQ covering anti-trans misinformation; more in-depth and comprehensive would be better (for me to read) > - writing/ideas aimed specifically at communists/socialists > - theory to understand trans* from marxist/materialist perspective > - I know this sounds stupid but they already have theory to hate trans* > - This person is coming at it from a TERF (as in actual old school radical feminsm) perspective, not a right-wing/fash perspective > - The idea of "bourgeois decadence" is important here. It's not something I ever found to be very compelling so I don't have much analysis to counter it. - *Added in the crosspost*: This video [Trans Liberation & Marxism: Is Gender Identity Actually Anti-Materialist? | Let's Talk Patriarchy](https://youtube.com/watch?v=PFlGeTXLkVQ) provides the idea of "sexual metaphysics" around the 20-minute mark and I'd like to know if folks think it is a useful road to pursue? > Of course I have my own ideas and knowledge but I'm sure all of the above has been perfected so I want to make sure I have the best at top of mind. > > This person is pretty stubborn, as required to be a lifelong revolutionary. So I know I'm not going to turn the ship around in one conversation. I am considering strategy of reformism or harm reduction. For example if I could convince them to avoid bringing these ideas into their organizing, even while still holding them privately, it would be a benefit. >


    I don't know if any CW are required for this but if so suggest them and I will add. I'm not mentioning any particular hateful things; just the presence of them. -------------- An old comrade of mine has fallen into the grips of anti trans bigotry. It has been happening for 10+ years and I have raised the issue multiple times when we've been together or in touch. They downplayed their investment in the ideas. Recently I have learned that it has crept into their mass organizing. This person is an excellent, committed, powerful organizer working for years at a local level. I think they are now getting in to organizing explicitly on anti-trans grounds. They have capacity to be highly effective at this. But really it is the integration of anti-trans stuff into legitimate mass organizing work that is more dangerous. My understanding is that they are seeking to orient these orgs against the interests of trans people and to exclude trans people and even trans-allied people from organizing. This person made many key political contributions to who I am. Much of the good I have done as an organizer is due to their influence on me. Without them I would have ended up the *most* insufferable kind of lib. On a personal level, it breaks my heart to see this has happened to a dear friend. I feel compelled to attempt to return the wisdom and patience they afforded me when I needed it, and offer them a better perspective, help them be a better organizer. I plan to attempt intervention. We live far away from each other but do keep occasional contact. Less so over recent years just due to being on different social media platforms. I could get some correspondence and maybe a phone call to discuss this on the basis of our long standing relationship. I would offer to maintain the dialogue on going if they were willing. - general advice? - have you tried this and if so how did it go? - is there hope? - some kind of FAQ covering anti-trans misinformation; more in-depth and comprehensive would be better (for me to read) - writing/ideas aimed specifically at communists/socialists - theory to understand trans* from marxist/materialist perspective - I know this sounds stupid but they already have theory to hate trans* - This person is coming at it from a TERF (as in actual old school radical feminsm) perspective, not a right-wing/fash perspective - The idea of "bourgeois decadence" is important here. It's not something I ever found to be very compelling so I don't have much analysis to counter it. Of course I have my own ideas and knowledge but I'm sure all of the above has been perfected so I want to make sure I have the best at top of mind. This person is pretty stubborn, as required to be a lifelong revolutionary. So I know I'm not going to turn the ship around in one conversation. I am considering strategy of reformism or harm reduction. For example if I could convince them to avoid bringing these ideas into their organizing, even while still holding them privately, it would be a benefit.


    Under communism, how do we clean our clothes? - It's not really efficient for every housing unit to have its own washing machine let alone dryer - some people can dry clothes on lines but some can't - Washing clothes by hand sucks - Laundromats suck - Industrialized clothes washing? I have no direct experience with this And it needs so much water. To my mind laundry is one of the most intractable issues.


    A while ago Knowledge Fight podcast had on Jon Ronson to talk about his latest podcast Things Fell Apart and it was a friendly discussion. But when I started to listen to it I was like *what the fuck*. It is some anti trans anti vax nonesense. Ronson is well liked by a lot of libs due to his pretense of taking a fair and compassionate outside view of difficult to understand subjects and relationships. I dont personally find he is so great at it but this case is epic fail as the old ppl say. Recently this other show, Where There's Woke has been doing a take-down series on it and I'm finding it fun. They do their own primary research to fact check statements made. Especially when Ronson claimed it was "impossible to know" etc. It is currently eps 56-63 of WTW. RSS: https://feeds.libsyn.com/477549/rss Pardon: https://www.patreon.com/wherethereswoke


    i had pork bung once. it tasted, uh, "rectumy" but was not bad. i was at a restaurant with a friend who had eaten them growing up, but prepared differently. friend said could be prepared to have a less strong taste. But we both enjoyed the meal. > *be it resolved* that meat-eating hexbears must consume pork bung. needs a couple of *whereases*. friendly amendments accepted. Seconder? If you aren't up to it, you gotta go vegan.

    askchapo glans • 2mo ago • 100%
    religious themed hospitals

    yo i am probably going to need a surgery and I noticed I was referred to a religious hospital by default and am not sure what to do about it. I haven't gone there yet. I don't know if I should just ignore that religiousness of it. I was kind of shocked to get a letter in the mail addressed to me with a big ol cross on the envelope. how do you feel about hospitals (and other health care organizations) that have some tie to religion? I guess a lot of them used to be totally run by churches or whatever but have become somewhat secularized over time. now they get funding from taxes, non profits, insurance companies or whatever. In my experience it is usually catholic with other christian denominations showing up and many major cities having at least one jewish hospital. In terms of the anglosphere are there any other religions that have hospitals? I have never heard of a muslim, hindu or buddhist hospital in "the west" though these of course exist elsewhere. do they exist in the US? has anyone ever tried to start one? In terms of your own (or your family's care) - do you judge them on their own merits? - Prefer/boycott them compared to others? - LGBTQ+++ people: do you trust them? - women: do you trust them? if you were choosing to carry a pregnancy would you have doubts about going to such a place when the time came? - religious people: do you trust the ones of other religions? or your own? - atheists: do you trust them? - indigenous people: do you trust them? What kind of hiring practices do these places have? I remember hearing about Salvation Army being anti-queer in hiring. Are they generally allowed to discriminate in accordance of their religious bigotries? Any other general political ideas too. Is there any reason these places should be allowed to exist?

    videos glans • 2mo ago • 100%
    Which Side Are You On?

    there's a few versions out there. linked is "REMIX - Rebel Diaz ft. Dead Prez and Rakaa Iriscience" Florence Reece wrote the original in 1931. 93 years later still a question worth asking.


    > August 16, 2024 > > THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — The top United Nations court announced Friday that public hearings will open Dec. 2 in a landmark case seeking a non-binding advisory opinion on “the obligations of States in respect of climate change.” > > The U.N. General Assembly [sent the case](https://apnews.com/article/vanuatu-un-international-court-climate-change-opinion-64a918c2861f795fb4acf05344dcfebb) to the International Court of Justice last year, with Secretary-General António Guterres saying at the time that he hoped the opinion would encourage nations “to take the bolder and stronger climate action that our world so desperately needs.” > > The court said it had received written comments from 62 nations and organizations related to 91 written statements on the issue it had earlier received. Under the court’s rules, the written filings are confidential. The court can decide to make them public once the hearings open in early December. > > The U.N, court’s panel of 15 judges from around the world will seek to answer two questions: What are countries obliged to do under international law to protect the climate and environment from human-caused greenhouse gas emissions and what are the legal consequences for governments where their acts of lack of action have significantly harmed the climate and environment? Here is the ICJ page for the case: [Obligations of States in respect of Climate Change](https://www.icj-cij.org/case/187)


    COVID started in 2020 and now it is 2024. Most jurisdictions, organizations and structures having a nominally democratic process will have had at least 1 round of elections since that time. Has anyone done analysis of what effects COVID has had? for example - were incumbent candidates more/less successful than excepted? - were parties in power at the time more or less likely to stay in power compared to expected? - moving to the left, moving to the right? - differences depending when the democratic processes took place, e.g. elections in 2020 vs 2023 - were any effects seen at local levels compared to national? - overall an change in voter turnout or public participation? Probably lots of other interesting questions that could be asked. These are just examples to explain what I'm getting at.


    Brass Eye was a brilliant TV show satirizing the news. Hard to believe season 1 was 1997. Totally called so much about media crazed panics. CW - All the shows are truely about the subjects listed and can go past edgelord. I can't get any of the invidious links to work so here is all the Brass Eyes on daily motion, which hopefully work OK: [S01 E01 - Animals](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x88236o) [S01 E02 - Drugs](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8ur56u) [S01 E03 - Science](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6sib9q) [S01 E04 - Sex](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8ur570) [S01 E05 - Crime](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8ur574) [S01 E06 - Decline](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8855r3) Season 2 only has 1 episode because it got their asses CANCELLED. [S02 E01 - Paedo-Geddon](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5bg85g) One thing you have to understand about all the Brass Eye episodes is that not everyone involved knows they are on a comedy show. All the people doing PSA-type bits are UK celebs and their participation is totally in earnest. There are multiple MPs as well as media people who are tricked into advocating totally crazy shit. The absolute best ep for this is Drugs. It shows the lack of vetting famous people do when they are asked to lend support to something. The deceit was not intricate and many clues were intentionally left to allow the people to realize it was a scam. For example in the Drugs episode they all parrot that the new drug is from Czechoslovakia even though that country hadn't existed for a while at the time. Also Chris Morris didn't hide the fact it was his TV show and he was known to do these kinds of shows previously. They got this guy to seriously say pedophiles are genetically crabs and then symbolically hammer a nail through a crab to fight child sex abuse ![](https://lemm.ee/api/v3/image_proxy?url=https%3A%2F%2Fhexbear.net%2Fpictrs%2Fimage%2F6ec0a037-08c0-469f-9afb-63c8a8f7cd57.png)


    > [Bethesda Game Studios](https://venturebeat.com/games/how-bethesda-prepped-fallout-76-for-the-prime-series-viewers/) workers have voted to join the Communications Workers of America, forming the first wall-to-wall union at a Microsoft video game studio. > > The workers, consisting of 241 developers, artists, engineers, programmers and designers have either signed a union authorization card or indicated that they wanted union representation via an online portal. Microsoft has recognized the union. > > Bethesda Game Studios produces popular games including Elder Scrolls, Fallout and Starfield. > > “We are so excited to announce our union at Bethesda Game Studio and join the movement sweeping across the video game industry. It is clear that every worker can benefit from bringing democracy into the workplace and securing a protected voice on the job. We’re thrilled to get down to brass tacks and win a fair contract, proving that our unity is a source of real power to positively shape our working conditions, our lives, and the company as a whole,” said Mandi Parker, senior system designer and member of CWA, in a statement. > > The Bethesda Game Studios employees join a surge of workers who have recently formed unions in the video game industry, which had previously been seen as hostile to worker organizing. These works will be members of CWA Locals 2108 in Maryland and 6215 in Texas and join other CWA members at [Sega of America](https://venturebeat.com/games/sega-of-america-workers-unionize-in-california-across-departments/), [Activision Blizzard](https://venturebeat.com/games/activision-publishings-600-qa-workers-form-union/), [ZeniMax](https://cwa-union.org/news/releases/quality-assurance-workers-microsofts-zenimax-studios-establish-companys-first-union), [Tender Claws](https://code-cwa.org/stories/independent-studio-tender-claws-and-tender) and [more](https://venturebeat.com/games/gamesbeat-summit-2024-the-power-of-unions/). > > “We continue to support our employees’ right to choose how they are represented in the workplace, and we will engage in good faith negotiations with the CWA as we work towards a collective bargaining agreement,” said a spokesperson for Microsoft, in a statement. > > “In a groundbreaking achievement, the dedicated professionals at Bethesda Game Studios have demonstrated that, no matter your job title, you too can benefit from having a union,” said Johnny Brown, president of CWA Local 2108, in a statement. “Through securing a protected voice on the job, workers are taking a step forward to negotiating better working conditions, helping to raise standards across the industry. We are incredibly proud to welcome these workers into our union and are confident that together, we will secure a brighter future for all workers in the video game industry.” > > “The labor movement in the South is strong and growing. As the video game and tech industries continue to expand in Texas, it is critical that workers have a protected voice on the job to ensure they receive their fair share. We welcome Austin and Dallas based workers at Bethesda Game Studios to CWA and are looking forward to meeting Microsoft at the bargaining table to secure a fair union contract,” said Ron Swaggerty, president of CWA Local 6215, in a statement. > > Workers at Bethesda Game Studios in Montreal filed for union recognition with the Quebec Labor Relations Board in late June. When the process is complete, they will be represented by CWA Canada. > > The Campaign to Organize Digital Employees (CODE-CWA) is a network of worker-organizers and their staff working to build the voice and power necessary to ensure the future of the tech, game, and digital industries in the United States and Canada. CODE-CWA is a project of the Communications Workers of America which represents hundreds of thousands of workers throughout tech, media, telecom, and other industries.


    > ‘We're unionizing because we love CounterPulse,’ technician Jessi Barber said before the vote. > > By [Lily Janiak](https://www.sfchronicle.com/author/lily-janiak/), Theater criticJune 26, 2024 > > CounterPulse workers held a March on the Boss near their venue in San Francisco's Tenderloin neighborhood on June 4. > > Workers at performance art company CounterPulse voted unanimously to unionize — a history-making move in an industry where few office staff are organized. > > The 19 employees, occupying roles from administrative staff to technicians to a drum circle instructor, have been dues-paying members of the Industrial Workers of the World since June 4. The vote on Tuesday, June 25, which was certified by the National Labor Relations Board, secures them official recognition from management and means “the employer must begin bargaining in good faith with the union,” NLRB press secretary Kayla Blado told the Chronicle. Both parties have five business days to challenge the result. > >  CounterPulse workers gather during a June 4 March on the Boss. They voted to unionize Tuesday, a move that the National Labor Relations Board has certified. Dylan Brown/CounterPulse Workers United > > “We feel like an exemplary arts org, especially here in San Francisco,” CounterPulse house manager Lonnie Taylor said at the Tenderloin venue minutes before casting her vote. Unionization, she added, marks yet another case of “us doing something that hasn’t been done.” > > A June 4 letter notifying Artistic and Executive Director Julie Phelps and the Board of Directors of their joining the IWW echoed those sentiments.  > > “For too long, the hierarchical structure of CounterPulse has stood in opposition to the art that finds home in our pink building,” the workers wrote, referring to the company’s risk-taking and boundary-blurring output that might feature everything from a [game show](https://datebook.sfchronicle.com/theater/hands-feed-you-counterpulse-review-18397160) that tasks the audience with designing a utopia to a [dance performance staged in total darkness](https://datebook.sfchronicle.com/dance/into-dark-dance-review-18485353) to [affectless but agreeable weirdness](https://datebook.sfchronicle.com/theater/how-we-spend-our-days-counterpulse-klanghaus-sf-18173338) involving time machines and shadow puppetry.  > > Phelps said she was inspired by the workers, adding, “I believe the union holds unique potential to collectivize and share power toward creating more sustainable nonprofit workplaces.”   > > Board Chair Victor Cordon also expressed support and a commitment to collaborate.  > > “We are excited by what this process can mean for actualizing new models of nonprofit leadership and for CounterPulse to be part of an important movement at the forefront of reimagining a thriving nonprofit workforce,” he said. > > Julie Phelps sits for a portrait at CounterPulse’s building in San Francisco on March 3, 2023. > > The letter also made demands for a nonhierarchical structure and collective decision making on staffing issues; union representation on the board of directors and in artistic programming; the company’s full commitment to the [boycott, divestment and sanctions movement;](https://www.sfchronicle.com/california/article/uc-protesters-divestment-targets-19455464.php) and improvements in pay and benefits.  > > “We’re unionizing because we love CounterPulse, and we believe in the work CounterPulse does, and we want CounterPulse to always exist,” technician Jessi Barber declared before Tuesday’s vote, noting that she’s worked at many other arts organizations where progress on issues such as racial equity evaporates once a committed staff member departs. Unionizing, by contrast, creates a sturdier framework, “furthering the mission, operationalizing the mission,” she said. > > Katherine Neumann dances during Charles Slender-White’s “Split,” a 15-minute and one-on-one experience by Fact/SF at CounterPulse on Sept. 7, 2021. Scott Strazzante/The Chronicle > > Many theater workers at large companies such as BroadwaySF and the American Conservatory Theater have union contracts through trade-specific rather than venue-specific associations, covering thousands nationwide. For instance, Actors’ Equity Association represents actors and stage managers, while various sister unions cover stagehands and technicians, directors and choreographers, and scenic artists. But no nationwide theater trade union exists, for example, for the administrative staff who want to organize at CounterPulse.  > > The company’s election could prove a model for other performing arts workers seeking better contracts amid successive waves of labor unrest throughout the country. It might also serve as an alternative to the [distributive or collective leadership model](https://datebook.sfchronicle.com/theater/term-limits-theater-industry-experiment-17904515) many theater companies in the Bay Area have adopted in recent years, partly to address concerns similar to those expressed by CounterPulse workers.  > > “Are: era” by Psueda at CounterPulse on April 13, 2021, in San Francisco. The art installation allowed pods of up to four audience members at a time inside as part of Combustible Residency 2021. > > The vote comes after the pandemic and the racial reckoning of 2020 brought heightened scrutiny to labor conditions in the performing arts, with the [We See You, White American Theatre](https://datebook.sfchronicle.com/theater/people-of-color-in-bay-area-theater-demand-bold-steps-toward-racial-justice-in-online-documents) collective and other groups publishing demands for more humane hours, salary transparency, racial equity and more. More immediately, it comes as nationwide disputes between labor and management about the Israel-Hamas war have riven even famously cushy workplaces such as [Google](https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/fired-google-workers-file-labor-complaint-allege-19432013.php). Taylor and Barber also cited worker organization drives at City Lights Bookstore and Peet’s Coffee as inspirations. > > Prior to Tuesday, there have been two other recent successful union drives elsewhere in Bay Area arts. In March, employees at the [Oakland Museum of California](https://www.afscme.org/blog/oakland-museum-of-california-workers-announce-plans-to-unionize) voted to organize, followed the next month by 34 workers at 50-year-old [Creative Growth,](https://oaklandside.org/2024/04/02/creative-growth-union-announcement-oakland-arts-nonprofit/) the studio and gallery for artists with disabilities. Both Oakland shops unionized through the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Cultural Workers United.  > > Sher-ron Freeman wears her own design during the Beyond Trend Runway event at the Oakland Scottish Rite Center on April 27, 2019. The event by Creative Growth featured the work of artists with developmental, mental and physical disabilities. > > Creative Growth United member Sam Lefebvre cited a number of factors that last summer led him and his peers to start discussing the possibility of organizing, including “an overreliance on low-paid contractors and volunteer labor” with the prospect of stabler employment dangled only after a certain period of paying dues.  > > “I think that’s really typical of employers in the arts,” Lefebvre said. “They expect the prestige or access of working in an arts organization to compensate for low pay.  > > “Our workplace, like museums and other arts institutions around the country, agrees that you can’t eat prestige.” > > Creative Growth Interim Executive Director Tom di Maria said the unionization “reflects our collective commitment to fostering an open, respectful, and supportive work environment.” > > Audience members gather before “The Hands That Feed You” event at CounterPulse on Oct. 6, 2023. Noah Berger/Special to The Chronicle > > While the long-standing American image of a union member is of a blue-collar worker at a large industrial company, John Logan, chair of the Labor and Employment Studies Department at San Francisco State University, said, “That is beginning to change.” > > Cultural workers, he noted, fit the nationwide profile of young, college-educated and low-paid laborers whose interest in organizing was bubbling before —  and then was accelerated by —  the pandemic. Such workers are less interested in labor behemoths such as the AFL-CIO and more “attracted to the idea of being able to organize your own workplace, organize your co-workers,” he said. They’re also less likely to advocate for traditional union sticking points such as pensions, instead focusing on “cultural issues” such as “diversity in the workplace.” > > Will Caldwell as Gene Goo, left, and Julie Phelps as Captain Phelps in CounterPulse’s “How We Spend Our Days.” > > “These are workers who entered the paid workforce for the most part after the Great Recession of 2008,” he went on, explaining the shift in labor priorities as generational. “They’ve only ever known precarious employment situations.” Partly as a result of Black Lives Matter movement and campaigns for LGBTQ rights and abortion rights, “They tend to be more skeptical about the more brutal side of U.S. capitalism.”  > > Then the pandemic spurred workers further.  > > “They were working often for multibillion-dollar corporations who really didn’t appear to care that much if they lived or died,” he said. > > _**Editor’s note:** This story has been updated to include responses from CounterPulse’s leadership._


    One of my top 10 songs of all time. I understand it to remind us not to take each other, or ourselves, for granted. Another similar rendition of the song I like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIbQHIBkwUc _This may be the last time we shit post together_ _May be the last time, I don't know._


    A lot of invidious instances seem not to be working today. This link is working for me at time of posting: https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=VhnCrHZkgNk Other infos: [June 12, 1956: Paul Robeson Testifies Before HUAC - Zinn Education Project](https://www.zinnedproject.org/news/tdih/paul-robeson-testifies-before-huac/) ["You Are the Un-Americans, and You Ought to be Ashamed of Yourselves": Paul Robeson Appears Before HUAC](https://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/6440/) [Paul Robeson congressional hearings - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Robeson_congressional_hearings)


    For the dunk tank I would like to submit whoever designed the fire alarm (or some other device) that has been chirping *loooudly* every 15 seconds for the past day. Probably has low batteries. I guess whichever of my neighbours is in charge of it isn't home to notice. I will assume it's a smoke detector or other legitimate safety device and not something stupid. It makes sense to alert rather than silently failing but how about every few minutes rather than multiple times every minute. This is good intentions gone bad so I think on topic but I will accept cancellation.
