Sam Altman rebrands Worldcoin to ‘World’, still wants your eyeballs
  • V0ldek V0ldek 13h ago 100%

    But it's specifically cartoon supervillain shit. It's not even a Bond villain, those are way too serious in comparison.

  • Sam Altman rebrands Worldcoin to ‘World’, still wants your eyeballs
  • V0ldek V0ldek 19h ago 100%

    “President and CEO of the World” who wants your eyeballs for his menacing orbs.

    Unsatirisable, supervillain shit. Mr. Incredible should kick his ass.

  • Google, Amazon buy nonexistent mini nuclear reactors for AI data centers
  • V0ldek V0ldek 3d ago 100%

    has a plan to profit

    You say "plan" but I think what you really mean is that Satya crossed his fingers and hoped for the best

  • Google, Amazon buy nonexistent mini nuclear reactors for AI data centers
  • V0ldek V0ldek 3d ago 100%

    MS is doing the laughing as every company scrambles to adopt AI purely out of fear of being left behind

    Hey man, as someone who literally worked at MSFT in Azure Identity a year ago, let me assure you, this is exactly what MSFT is also doing while their devs scratch their heads in bewilderment on how on earth they're going to incorporate genAI into the auth token service.

  • Google, Amazon buy nonexistent mini nuclear reactors for AI data centers
  • V0ldek V0ldek 5d ago 100%

    but they must be making money off X if they’re doing this.

    is such a laughable, ridiculous thing to say, like what the fuck dude, where did you get this idea from even

  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 20 October 2024
  • V0ldek V0ldek 5d ago 100%

    The what in the what now?

    What a terrible day to tech.

  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 20 October 2024
  • V0ldek V0ldek 6d ago 100%

    There's no way this works, right? It's like a 5y.o.'s idea of a gotcha.

    This would be like starting a tax-exempt charity to gather up a large amount in donations and then switching to a for-profit before spending it on any charitable work and running away with the money.

  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 20 October 2024
  • V0ldek V0ldek 6d ago 100%

    the second is characteristically christian and associated with dignity culture.

    homeless people bear the imago dei. they are not intrinsic moral superiors but their plight is a shame to us because it denudes them of the dignity that should be theirs by right of their humanity.

    Lol yes, that's exactly the way mainstream Christians view homelessness, their lack of Work Ethic :tm: is a "shame to us". Lmao even.

    Christian charitable organisations are so well-known for their ethos of inherent human dignity.

  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 20 October 2024
  • V0ldek V0ldek 6d ago 100%

    Jesus GNU Christ, Live your life so that no one ever produces a systematic classification of your opinions that looks like this

  • LLMs can’t reason — they just crib reasoning-like steps from their training data
  • V0ldek V0ldek 6d ago 100%

    I am so cynical at this point I am fully bought into the idea that these chowderheads don't even interact with reality, just with the PowerPoint and Jira-driven shadows on the wall.

  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 20 October 2024
  • V0ldek V0ldek 7d ago 100%

    Oh I certainly did meet a lot of people employed in auth related stuff that clearly spent only 2 weeks on learning anything about OpenID and I certainly didn't not hate their guts and wished they were replaced by a small shell script

  • LLMs can’t reason — they just crib reasoning-like steps from their training data
  • V0ldek V0ldek 7d ago 100%

    Welcome to the future! Suffering is mandatory!

  • LLMs can’t reason — they just crib reasoning-like steps from their training data
  • V0ldek V0ldek 7d ago 100%

    Aren't touch screens literally everywhere? What was the hype?

    It's always so baffling to me to learn about those things because I was way too young to actually experience any of the "hype" around most of those technologies. Touch screens are cool and they penetrated society so much there are at my grocery shop, what the fuck were they supposed to do if that's not living up to the hype?

  • LLMs can’t reason — they just crib reasoning-like steps from their training data
  • V0ldek V0ldek 7d ago 100%

    It's always funny to see this because you think that you're part of the smart 10% with original thoughts while actually you're the insufferable 10% whose only thought is that of superiority with nothing to back it up.

    My cat has more original thoughts than that and he's currently stuck head-first in a cereal box.

  • LLMs can’t reason — they just crib reasoning-like steps from their training data
  • V0ldek V0ldek 7d ago 100%

    (Preface: I work in AI)

    Are they a serious researcher in ML with insights into some of the most interesting and complicated intersections of computer science and analytical mathematics, or a promptfondler that earns 3x the former's salary for a nebulous AI startup that will never create anything of value to society? Read on to find out!

  • LLMs can’t reason — they just crib reasoning-like steps from their training data
  • V0ldek V0ldek 7d ago 100%

    because it encodes semantics.

    Please enlighten me on how? I admit I don't know all the internals of the transformer model, but from what I know it encodes precisely only syntactical information, i.e. what next syntactical token is most likely to follow based on a syntactical context window.

    How does it encode semantics? What is the semantics that it encodes? I doubt they have denatotational or operational semantics of natural language, I don't think something like that even exists, so it has to be some smaller model. Actually, it would be enlightening if you could tell me at least what the semantical domain here is, because I don't think there's any naturally obvious choice for that.

  • LLMs can’t reason — they just crib reasoning-like steps from their training data
  • V0ldek V0ldek 7d ago 100%

    The only remarkable thing is how fucking easy it is to convince the median consumer that vaguely-correct-shape sentences are correct.

  • LLMs can’t reason — they just crib reasoning-like steps from their training data
  • V0ldek V0ldek 7d ago 100%

    This has been said multiple times but I don't think it's possible to internalize because of how fucking bleak it is.

    The VC/MBA class thinks all communication can be distilled into saying the precise string of words that triggers the stochastically desired response in the consumer. Conveying ideas or information is not the point. This is why ChatGPT seems like the holy grail to them, it effortlessly^1^ generates mountains of corporate slop that carry no actual meaning. It's all form and no substance, because those people -- their entire existence, the essence of their cursed dark souls -- has no substance.

    ^1^ batteries not included

  • LLMs can’t reason — they just crib reasoning-like steps from their training data
  • V0ldek V0ldek 7d ago 100%

    (see this for some others)

    This article appears to contain a large number of buzzwords. (July 2011)

    WP:LOL. WP:LMAO even


    An excellent post by Ludicity as per usual, but I need to vent two things. First of all, I only ever worked in a Scrum team once and it was really nice. I liked having a Product Owner that was invested in the process and did customer communications, I loved having a Scrum Master that kept the meetings tight and followed up on Retrospective points, it worked like a well-oiled machine. Turns out it was a one-of-a-kind experience. I can't imagine having a stand-up for one hour without casualties involved. A few months back a colleague (we're both PhD students at TU Munich) was taking a piss about how you can enroll in a Scrum course as an elective for our doctor school. He was in general making fun of the methodology but using words I've never heard before in my life. "Agile Testing". "Backlog Grooming". "Scrum of Scrums". I was like "dude, none of those words are in the bible", went to the Scrum Guide (which as far as I understood was the only document that actually defined what "Scrum" meant) and Ctrl+F-ed my point of literally none of that shit being there. Really, where the fuck does any of that come from? Is there a DLC to Scrum that I was never shown before? Was the person who first uttered "Scrumban" already drawn and quartered or is justice yet to be served? Aside: the funniest part of that discussion was that our doctor school has an exemption that carves out "credits for Scrum and Agile methodology courses" as being worthless towards your PhD, so at least someone sane is managing that. Second point I wanted to make was that I was having a perfectly happy holiday and then I read the phrase "Agile 2" and now I am crying into an ice-cream bucket. God help us all. Why. Ludicity you fucking monster, there was a non-zero chance I would've gone through my entire life without knowing that existed, I hate you now.


    Turns out software engineering cannot be easily solved with a ~~small shell script~~ large language model. ![]( The [author of the article]( appears to be a genuine ML engineer, although [some of his takes aged like fine milk]( He seems to be shilling Google a bit too much for my taste. However, the sneer content is good nonetheless. First off, the "Devin solves a task on Upwork" demo is 1. cherry picked, 2. [not even correctly solved]( Second, and this is the absolutely fantastic golden nugget here, to show off its "bug solving capability" it [**creates its own nonsensical bugs and then reverses them**]( It's the ideal corporate worker, able to appear busy by creating useless work for itself out of thin air. It also takes over 6 hours to perform this task, which would be reasonable for an experienced software engineer, but an experienced software engineer's workflow doesn't include burning a small nuclear explosion worth of energy while coding and then not actually solving the task. We don't drink _that_ much coffee. The next demo [is a bait-and-switch again]( In this case I think the author of the article fails to sneer quite as much as it's worthy -- the task the AI solves is writing test cases for finding the Least Common Multiple modulo a number. Come on, that task is fucking _trivial_, all those tests are oneliners! It's famously much easier to _verify_ modulo arithmetic than it is to actually compute it. And it takes the AI an hour to do it! It is a bit refreshing though that it didn't turn out DEVIN is just Dinesh, Eesha, Vikram, Ishani, and Niranjan working for $2/h from a slum in India.


    I'm not sure if this fully fits into TechTakes mission statement, but "CEO thinks it's a-okay to abuse certificate trust to sell data to advertisers" is, in my opinion, a great snapshot of what brain worms live inside those people's heads. In short, Facebook wiretapped Snapchat by sending data through their VPN company, Onavo. Installing it on your machine would add their certificates as trusted. Onavo would then intercept all communication to Snapchat and pretend the connection is TLS-secure by **forging a Snapchat certificate and signing it with its own**. > "Whenever someone asks a question about Snapchat, the answer is usually that because their traffic is encrypted, we have no analytics about them," Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote in a 2016 email to Javier Olivan. > > "Given how quickly they're growing, it seems important to figure out a new way to get reliable analytics about them," Zuckerberg continued. "Perhaps we need to do panels or write custom software. You should figure out how to do this." Zuckerberg ordered his engineers to "think outside the box" to break TLS encryption in a way that would allow them to quietly sell data to advertisers. I'm sure the brave programmers that came up with and implemented this nonsense were very proud of their service. Jesus fucking cinammon crunch Christ.
