As someone who realizes the upcoming genocide, how do I get out?
  • Utter_Karate Utter_Karate 10h ago 100%

    True, but I assume that a trans person looking to move will check the specifics of that country far more carefully than I have done. Please do not move to another country based on my internet comments. And in the countries that would be considered by a trans person an American citizenship would still make things much easier.

  • As someone who realizes the upcoming genocide, how do I get out?
  • Utter_Karate Utter_Karate 10h ago 100%

    I live in Sweden, and while I don't have a huge number of Americans to choose from for my examples, the ones I do have range from staying because their girlfriend lived here (relationship ended within months, but just decided to stay anyway), to having an uncle who is not even a citizen himself who lives in a different part of the country. It is not that difficult. Canadians can't quite ride the American supremacy in the same way, but anyone from white people land would frankly have a fairly easy time. Any trans person who has to go to Europe I would recommend Denmark. They have made it a part of their national character to be fine with all LGBTQ people in order to be able to focus more on their islamophobia.

  • I'm sorry? Rammstein says punch nazis?
  • Utter_Karate Utter_Karate 11h ago 100%

    What Rammstein says is fine. What Rammstein does is unfortunately another story.

  • As someone who realizes the upcoming genocide, how do I get out?
  • Utter_Karate Utter_Karate 11h ago 100%

    Slight exaggeration for comedic effect, but because the US is such a rich country if their citizens announce that they would rather live and pay tax in your country, the process tends to be a lot easier. Not every American is rich of course, but as a rule they're not gonna dive that deep into you as an individual person. I am, as I said, Eurotrash and can mostly speak for my own country, but I have never met or even heard of an American who was denied to stay for however long they wanted to. If an American applies for citizenship the quthorities pretty much just go "Well, that's probably a net gain for us." and approve it. And that's not exclusive to the Euro countries, though as has been mentioned it might be difficult in countries like China where they would probably actually check.

  • As someone who realizes the upcoming genocide, how do I get out?
  • Utter_Karate Utter_Karate 12h ago 95%

    If it's just you (and your dog as you mentioned in a different comment) I don't think it should be too difficult. I don't kow what languages you know, but even if it is only English you can still kind of coast by on the unipolar moment. Plenty of countries will still not really require Americans to apply for citizenship so much as just announce that they live there now. Unfortunately many of those are the Euro ones and where America goes, we go soon after, so it's probably not a great idea to go where you will have the exact same problem again in five to ten years. Still, if you are serious about moving there should be plenty of countries in the world that will pretty much rubber stamp you for approval so long as you get out before you are actually legally stripped of all your rights, which still gives you some time.

  • CW: racism. Least sinophobic lib
  • Utter_Karate Utter_Karate 14h ago 100%

    He missed a great opportunity to start that whole rant off with "I'm a Chinese woman and-"

  • This Comment is an All-Timer
  • Utter_Karate Utter_Karate 2d ago 100%

    So... Now that you have had a moment to think about it, what was the purpose of that utterance? I bet it was great!

  • I don’t think I could come back from this
  • Utter_Karate Utter_Karate 2d ago 100%

    Just wait until Kim hears about my interest and cryptids and what I did to my cop car and service weapon. He's gonna love that shit.

  • Israel says it might have killed Sinwar
  • Utter_Karate Utter_Karate 4d ago 100%

    He is wearing the jacket of Fidel Castro, an artifact that provides immunity to assassination attempts.

  • Israel says it might have killed Sinwar
  • Utter_Karate Utter_Karate 4d ago 100%

    Sad if true, but considering the last seven times they killed Sinwar didn't take I'm gonna hold out some hope until confirmation.

  • I support this, this is my politics
  • Utter_Karate Utter_Karate 4d ago 100%

    I worry that the Royal Brunei Armed Forces may have bitten off more than they can chew by deciding to conquer all of northern Australia. Still, best of luck to them!

  • is it me or is this a little bit insulting
  • Utter_Karate Utter_Karate 6d ago 100%

    Why are they formating their policy suggestions to look like a computer bluescreen? I mean, it works for me, I think they are making bad policy decisions that really do indicate that this administration has encountered a critical error and will need to be shut down, but I didn't get to pick the design. And somehow I don't think that they chose this horrific visual design out of pure honesty.

  • "We're on the brink of nuclear war and Donald Trump is to blame - hear me out."
  • Utter_Karate Utter_Karate 6d ago 95%

    Iran is currently abiding by a fatwa by the Supreme Leader prohibiting the production, acquisition and use of nuclear weapons. It hasn't been revoked even after the US withdrew from all agreements. They have all they need to construct a nuclear bomb very quickly, but you don't go against a fatwa in Iran. Luckily the western world is doing all it can to reassure Iran that this was the correct decision and they do not need a nuclear weapon.

  • The ideal Hexbear form. We all can aspire to reach this level.
  • Utter_Karate Utter_Karate 1w ago 100%

    Fair play. This should narrow down the interested parties to only those he should take a REAL interest in. Unless some Habsburg descendant with a jaw shaped like a tennis ball and a brain stem shaped like a question mark misinterprets the "looking for my queen" bit, but then we should at least get a romantic comedy out of it.

  • Joy & Curiosity
  • Utter_Karate Utter_Karate 1w ago 100%

    I've always actually liked NASA as a US government agency. Thing is they take the kind of scientist whose skills are intensely useful to the military industrial complex and let them do goofy shit like this that doesn't hurt anyone instead. Sure, sometimes some of their tech ends up useful to the military anyway and that's terrible, but to the people who think this is a waste of resources that could have been better spent fixing infrastructure or helping the poor I want to ask:

    If we consider labor as a resource, do you think the actual experts in autonamous robotics, rocketry and atmospheric dispersion involved in landing a little box on Venus would be fixing pot holes or running homeless shelters without NASA? I think they would be much more likely to be working on some project to have an army of drones defoliate all of central Asia or something like that. I think it is cool and heartwarming that they successfully landed a little robot on Mars and care so much about it, but also many of these people have skills that are only useful for exactly this and like 25 different crimes against humanity, and letting them do this is not a waste of resources.

  • The Hexbear phonetic alphabet
  • Utter_Karate Utter_Karate 1w ago 100%

    I actually started off by trying to make a similar list, but you are better than me at finding homophones and silent initial letters.

  • Reply to this thread and I'll quote you out of context
  • Utter_Karate Utter_Karate 1w ago 100%

    Ok, but look guys, I am as leftist at they come, and some of that stuff is from actual BOOKS. And we can all agree that at least it should be "Happy birthday to this CURRENT president" because she actually won and that's just a simple fact. And anyway it wasn't even me who said it, but actually BeamBrain, and I just heartily agree and that shouldn't even be controversial because we are just stating the obvious truth and if you are still angry about it just remember that there is such a thing as meeting in the middle and also to please direct that anger at BeamBrain instead.

  • Reply to this thread and I'll quote you out of context
  • Utter_Karate Utter_Karate 2w ago 100%

    Whatever you say that I said I didn't actually say and actually if I think about it it was you who said it all along.

  • If NATO gets to have their fancy phonetic alphabet it is only fair that we too should have one. I urge all Hexbears to memorize the following list in order to make our radio communications secure and unambiguous: A - Aargh! B - But, but... C - Come on! Come on! D - Do I...? E - Er... F - Fuck! G - God damn it! H - Hold on... I - I could maybe... J - Just wait! K - ...Keep doing this maybe? L - ...Let's see here. M - ...Maybe...? N - No... no... O - ...Oh!? P - ...Probably...? Q - Quiet, let me think! R - ...Radios are SO fucking complicated. S - ...So what if I... T - ...Think perhaps if I...? U - Uh... V - ... Very troubling... W - Wait... X - Well this is an unknown factor! Y - You can't be serious! Z - ZZZT! (Make the radio make zapping noices by scraping some exposed wires against each other)

  • Utter_Karate Utter_Karate 2w ago 100%

    That's right. The streets are for young adults to sleep on. The older adults sleep on the highways, retired people on the parking lots. Kids should sleep where they belong: on the railroad tracks. Freight tracks for the young ones and passenger lines for the teens.

  • I have arranged all the furniture in my apartment into one big arrow. I'm gonna stand in front of it and pay a feng shui consultant to channel all that negative qi energy directly into my body. Every single piece of furniture is made from the wrong material and none of it is aligned with any of the cardinal directions. Do you guys have any idea how much negative qi energy that is? Nations will tremble before me.


    My job just trensferred me to suddenly being responsible for managing the blood sugar levels of a diabetic 5-year-old. Not without instruction, and I have been doing fine so far, but this is absolutely terrifying because it is so important. I think I can do this, but it is so scary. I'm experiencing whatever the opposite of alienation from your work is right now. It's actually an amazing feeling. Still terrified though.


    For the third year running, but the first since federation, this is your yearly reminder that US politician Dan Crenshaw wrote several guides for the 2002 JRPG Suikoden 3. The guides consist of the most comprehensive walkthrough of the entire game, a guide to the endings and story scenes and a list of all the things your private investigator can tell you about the underage girls who are part of your army because it is a JRPG from 2002. Recap of the evidence gathered previous years: 1. The guides are written under the user name dan_crenshaw, which is a good starting point for evidence but by no means enough on its own. 2. The guides were written right after Dan Crenshaw finished high school, and stopped being updated once he started attending university, so he was the exact right age to be writing these guides and they coincide with a "break" in his life when we don't know what he did. 3. The email adress for providing feedback ( matches a likely internet service provider for where he was in 2002. 4. He clearly poked his own eye out to be able to look more like main character Geddoe (see picture) I am still curious if there are any reliable websites to find out how many Dan/Daniel Crenshaws there are in the US. The ones I have found were pointed out the previous years' iterations of this thread to be not too reliable. EDIT: Forgot to link to the actual guides! Here they are:


    I want to hear your theories! Please do not provide any sources beyond what is in your heart. I'll start us off with some likely scenarios: 1. The leg of Henry Kissinger's pants got caught in the wheel of his wheelchair, and because he had the consistency of wet dough, rather than ripping the cloth his entire body was pulled under and slowly bisected from the bottom up like a bucket of toy slime under a pizza cutter. 2. Henry Kissinger and Noam Chomsky were playing around with Kissinger's dad's gun and Henry Kissinger wanted to check if you could see the bullet through the barrel just as Chomsky was firing at an imaginary robber. 3. Unclear exactly how he died, but the winner of the [Kissinger Death Tontine]( turns out to be a three time champion of American Ninja Warrior.


    At work today a kid told me that I looked like Gorbachev when we were going through news (Gorbachev is dead). I don't, but with the kids I work with I am happy that he recognized that we are both bald and wear glasses. My closest colleague however, who was born in the USSR and whose family escaped Russia in the 90s told me that while I don't look like Gorbachev I do look like Lenin. I have heard that I look like Lenin before, but always from family or friends who know my politics. Someone who knows nothing about my politics but who is very familiar with Lenin telling me this just made me so happy. Of course I model my looks after Lenin in some ways as a bald man in my late 30s, but I don't dress up or anything. Seems like I look like Lenin in a dumb T-shirt and shorts, and I feel beautiful even if that was not what was meant.
