Former Russian oil executive found dead after ‘fall’
  • PolandIsAStateOfMind PolandIsAStateOfMind 2h ago 100%

    Well Czechs aren't doing this anymore so the idea was just there, gathering dust.

  • I feel called out
  • PolandIsAStateOfMind PolandIsAStateOfMind 2h ago 100%

    That sounds like good lyrics idea for average Polish punk band. Well, in fact...

  • My wife thinks we shouldn't get another cat "because we already have two", should I cut ties?
  • PolandIsAStateOfMind PolandIsAStateOfMind 11h ago 100%

    Get a third cat but don't tell her, but the cat neds to be same as previous two. She won't notice initially, and when she will, she will doubt her own eyes, then you tell her you always had three cats, what's she's even talking about?

  • Local news channel discovers a nearby 250-person town has a 50-person police force
  • PolandIsAStateOfMind PolandIsAStateOfMind 11h ago 100%

    “They’re doing this warrant division, work-from-home thing.”

    Crabs get the work from home now, while normal office workers are chased back to their cubicles

  • news
    news 18h ago
    5.6 million vacant homes and counting: There is a massive housing crisis brewing in America
  • PolandIsAStateOfMind PolandIsAStateOfMind 16h ago 100%

    Is the appearance of having something that could at some future date produce “x” amount of revenue more important that actually generating revenue?

    That's not all, the future potential revenue can be even more important than their own lives, ask kulaks.

  • The latest narrative about DPRK soldiers fighting on the front lines in Ukraine is bullshit
  • PolandIsAStateOfMind PolandIsAStateOfMind 16h ago 100%

    As if average American or European could even tell a difference.

  • The latest narrative about DPRK soldiers fighting on the front lines in Ukraine is bullshit
  • PolandIsAStateOfMind PolandIsAStateOfMind 16h ago 100%

    There's also around 150000 Korean minority in Russia and trade is restarting recently with DPRK, so it isn't even weird to really have video from Russian far east in which people would speak Korean.

  • Mussolini, Hitler, Hirohito and Ante Pavelić🥰
  • PolandIsAStateOfMind PolandIsAStateOfMind 18h ago 100%

    More like a boiled Churchill, and boiled English style, to the loss of all colour and death of last vitamine.

  • Whatever you say man
  • PolandIsAStateOfMind PolandIsAStateOfMind 1d ago 100%

    No, they didn't even had any proof for the Korean ammo being used so they decided to escalate it to Korean soldiers, with even less proof. One could think with all those alleged Russian human wave attacks Ukraine would be able to present plenty of proof for DPRK soldiers participating but alas, they can't even present any proof of the human wave attacks itself despite 2,5 year of war.

  • Mussolini, Hitler, Hirohito and Ante Pavelić🥰
  • PolandIsAStateOfMind PolandIsAStateOfMind 1d ago 100%

    I don't know how he managed this feat but Starmer really looks like the cartoon dad from some very sarcastic cartoon about family life. Next level of banality of evil.

  • China is winning in every imaginable way
  • PolandIsAStateOfMind PolandIsAStateOfMind 1d ago 100%

    After the very same company nearly did the same to Poland you would think other countries would think twice before letting them have their strategic resource production but alas.

  • Vote Green no matter who
  • PolandIsAStateOfMind PolandIsAStateOfMind 2d ago 100%

    condolences, the name will change to topsex in socialism though.

  • DPRK discovers remains of crashed ROK drone in a civilian neighborhood of Pyongyang
  • PolandIsAStateOfMind PolandIsAStateOfMind 2d ago 100%

    That's gotta be the most obvious "NG"O bullshit i ever seen.

  • [CW: Islamophobia] Was berated today for "supporting a country that would stone you to death for not wearing a Burka"
  • PolandIsAStateOfMind PolandIsAStateOfMind 2d ago 100%

    And 227 to decriminalise homosexuality on federal level, and considering it was the same procedure as abortion legalisation, it is equally flimsy.

  • A broken clock is right twice a day
  • PolandIsAStateOfMind PolandIsAStateOfMind 2d ago 100%

    Nah it's so generic you can shit on it even without actually watching.

  • A broken clock is right twice a day
  • PolandIsAStateOfMind PolandIsAStateOfMind 2d ago 100%


    They had the opportunity to call her mutant nickname "Hasbara" and just blew it like that.

  • the take jabbar
  • PolandIsAStateOfMind PolandIsAStateOfMind 2d ago 100%

    I'm pretty bewildered how you can even stomach those total debate perverts for so long. And they are still upvoted like crazy despite being absolutely obvious they are discussing in bad faith.


    Such freedoms, like in doge meme wow Apologise for linking RFE article, but it's kinda funny because most other western outlets just copied them, and even funnier because they used even more biased language than a fucking RFE. Also take notes: Socialist countries mildly controlling the reactionary religious institutions: OMG BANNING RELIGION, OPRESSION, FASCISM, MISTAKE, ALIENATING PROLETARIAT (choose your flavour) Neonazi US puppet outright banning church with millions believers: "Spiritual sovereignity"


    Such freedoms, like in doge meme wow Apologise for linking RFE article, but it's kinda funny because most other western outlets just copied them, and even funnier because they used even more biased language than a fucking RFE. Also take notes: Socialist countries mildly controlling the reactionary religious institutions: OMG BANNING RELIGION, OPRESSION, FASCISM, MISTAKE, ALIENATING PROLETARIAT (choose your flavour) Neonazi US puppet outright banning church with millions believers: "Spiritual sovereignity"


    ![]( Iron Felix, labeled as "Iron Fenix" (if only). ![]( Salvador Allende nearly exactly how he looked in his last picture, but labeled just "Mr President"


    Aaand of course tankies are mentioned for doubling the hilarity factor (maybe i should rather post that to memes?)


    This can probably give them significant advantage in electronical warfare against such missiles in the future. Welp another wunderwaffe busted.


    Reds vs Whites, produced circa 1930 in Lomonosov Porcelain Factory in Leningrad


    Not tankie, but pretty cheerful song about shortening aristocrats so it fits.


    I searched for "israel" and first three tooltips were like this (yes even Israel Keyes still counts as win or not as much loss at least compared to Isnt'real since much less bodycount).


    I just read an interesting letter from Marx to Engels, particularly this fragment was notable > Climate and the Vegetable World throughout the Ages, a History of Both, by Fraas (1847) is very interesting, especially as proving that climate and flora have changed in historic times. He is a Darwinist before Darwin and makes even the species arise in historic times. But he is also an agricultural expert. He maintains that as a result of cultivation and in proportion to its degree, the "damp" so much beloved by the peasant is lost (hence too plants emigrate from south to north) and eventually the formation of steppes begins. The first effects of cultivation are useful, later devastating owing to deforestation, etc. This man is both a thoroughly learned philologist (he has written books in Greek) and a chemist, agricultural expert, etc. The whole conclusion is that cultivation when it progresses in a primitive way and is not consciously controlled (as a bourgeois of course he does not arrive at this), leaves deserts behind it, Persia, Mesopotamia, etc., Greece. Here again another unconscious socialist tendency! It's about fertility of fields, but then again the entire ecology pretty much started there, and as we can see, when entire thing was not even born yet, in 1868, it is abolutely obvious to Marx that only socialism can have any successes in maintaining the environment. I thought i would share this since it's interesting how it is now being clearly proven, and maybe it would be of use against the ecofash.


    TIL this guy actually exist, some people refer to him as "Napoleon VII" as if every next one after first wasn't an utter disgrace, and best thing is, he lines his questionable royalty from none other than Napoleon-Jerome "Plon-Plon" Bonaparte, the only man Marx mocked more than Napoleon III.


    I just clicked there and it looks like shittier twitter
