Google is Killing uBlock Origin. No Chromium Browser is Safe.
  • OmnipotentEntity OmnipotentEntity 13h ago 100%

    "You should willing expose yourself to danger to protect the profits and business models of corporations who are attempting to monetize your attention and personal information."

    I really don't think I'd lose any sleep if suddenly YouTube, Facebook, etc, became unsustainable. I remember what the Internet was like before every dumbass MBA decided to try to wring as much money as possible out of it, and I preferred it that way.

  • Google is Killing uBlock Origin. No Chromium Browser is Safe.
  • OmnipotentEntity OmnipotentEntity 3d ago 100%

    Ad block is the number one thing you can do on the Internet to reduce your risk to exploits, phishing, etc. The US government recommends the use of ad block specifically for this reason. Usage of ad block is basic internet security hygiene.

  • mhmm...
  • OmnipotentEntity OmnipotentEntity 1w ago 71%

    An environmental posadist. Not a stance I've normally seen. Imo, if nothing came out of deep water horizon, there's no oil accident big enough to matter.

    Transocean received an early partial insurance settlement for total loss of the Deepwater Horizon of US$401 million about 5 May 2010.[60] Financial analysts noted that the insurance recovery was likely to be more than the value of the rig (although not necessarily its replacement value) and any liabilities – the latter estimated at as much as US$200 million.

  • have a heart, would ya?
  • OmnipotentEntity OmnipotentEntity 2w ago 100%

    Everybody talks about pumpkin spice but nobody talks about pumpkin sugar or pumpkin everything nice.

  • Paralyzed Man Unable to Walk After Maker of His Powered Exoskeleton Tells Him It's Now Obsolete
  • OmnipotentEntity OmnipotentEntity 3w ago 100%

    If only there were other things that a person could do outside of voting once every four years to participate in the political process.

  • Paralyzed Man Unable to Walk After Maker of His Powered Exoskeleton Tells Him It's Now Obsolete
  • OmnipotentEntity OmnipotentEntity 3w ago 97%

    Hey, look at that. It's the inevitable consequence of the game theory of first past the post voting. Voting system reform is my #1 issue, and if you actually care about the fact that "99% of voters" are locked into voting for someone they dislike to avert disaster every 4 years, it should be yours as well.

    There is no meaningful future for third parties until and unless this occurs. IRV is a good first step, but Score voting is better. Multimember districts are also important. Getting rid of the electoral college is a no-brainer.

  • Why I Prefer Exceptions to Error Values
  • OmnipotentEntity OmnipotentEntity 1mo ago 83%

    A problem that only affects newbies huh?

    Let's say that you are writing code intended to be deployed headless in the field, and it should not be allowed to exit in an uncontrolled fashion because there are communications that need to happen with hardware to safely shut them down. You're making a autonomous robot or something.

    Using python for this task isn't too out of left field, because one of the major languages of ROS is python, and it's the most common one.

    Which of the following python standard library functions can throw, and what do they throw?

    bytes, hasattr, len, super, zip

  • space
    Space 2mo ago
    Highest-resolution black hole images ever taken usher in a new era
  • OmnipotentEntity OmnipotentEntity 2mo ago 100%

    Oh, I'll try to describe Euler's formula in a way that is intuitive, and maybe you could have come up with it too.

    So one way to think about complex numbers, and perhaps an intuitive one, is as a generalization of "positiveness" and "negativeness" from a binary to a continuous thing. Notice that if we multiply -1 with -1 we get 1, so we might think that maybe we don't have a straight line of positiveness and negativeness, but perhaps it is periodic in some manner.

    We can envision that perhaps the imaginary unit, i, is "halfway between" positive and negative, because if we think about what √(-1) could possibly be, the only thing that makes sense is it's some form of 1 where you have to use it twice to make something negative instead of just once. Then it stands to reason that √i is "halfway between" i and 1 in this scale of positive and negative.

    If we figure out what number √i we get √2/2 + √2/2 i

    (We can find this by saying (a + bi)^(2) = i, which gives us (a^(2) - b^(2) = 0 and 2ab = 1) we get a = b from the first, and a^(2) = 1/2)

    The keen eyed observer might notice that this value is also equal to sin(45°) and we start to get some ideas about how all of the complex numbers with radius 1 might be somewhat special and carry their own amount of "positiveness" or "negativeness" that is somehow unique to it.

    So let's represent these values with R ∠ θ where the θ represents the amount of positiveness or negativeness in some way.

    Since we've observed that √i is located at the point 45° from the positive real axis, and i is on the imaginary axis, 90° from the positive real axis, and -1 is 180° from the positive real axis, and if we examine each of these we find that if we use cos to represent the real axis and sin to represent the imaginary axis. That's really neat. It means we can represent any complex number as R ∠ θ = cos θ + i sin θ.

    What happens if we multiply two complex numbers in this form? Well, it turns out if you remember your trigonometry, you exactly get the angle addition formulas for sin and cos. So R ∠ θ * S ∠ φ = RS ∠ θ + φ. But wait a second. That's turning multiplication into an addition? Where have we seen something like this before? Exponent rules.

    We have a^(n) * a^(m) = a^(n+m) what if, somehow, this angle formula is also an exponent in disguise?

    Then you're learning calculus and you come across Taylor Series and you learn a funny thing, the Taylor series of e^x looks a lot like the Taylor series of sine and cosine.

    And actually, if we look at the Taylor series for e^(ix) is exactly matches the Taylor series for cos x + i sin x. So our supposition was correct, it was an exponent in disguise. How wild. Finally we get:

    R ∠ θ = Re^(iθ) = cos θ + i sin θ

  • Why Anti-Authoritarians Are Diagnosed as Mentally Ill
  • OmnipotentEntity OmnipotentEntity 2mo ago 100%

    It's not a mental disorder to simply be anti-authority, but it can be pathological. Not to take away from your point or anything, but I have a true story about a kid who went to college with my wife.

    He was a real prat who didn't like being told what to do, and he seemed to take perverse pleasure in antagonizing authority figures who couldn't directly punish him and who he considered to be beneath him. For instance, he would frequently leave his messy plates out at the dining hall, because he knew there would be no consequences for him, and he wanted the staff to have to clean up after him.

    Or this one time where the RA in the dorm was explaining how to choose a room for next year because everyone had to move out, he had a zippo lighter and was just throwing it up and catching it, and occasionally letting it fall to the ground and make a loud noise. He ignored instructions to stop doing that because it's obnoxious, because the RA was an authority with no power, so was beneath him.

    All in all, cowardly behavior, and while I'm not a psychiatrist, and I cannot diagnose him, it certainly sounds like ODD to me.

    Anyway, this piece of shit's name is Stephen Miller.

  • space
    Space 2mo ago
    Highest-resolution black hole images ever taken usher in a new era
  • OmnipotentEntity OmnipotentEntity 2mo ago 100%

    No, I just understand math. So yes.

  • space
    Space 2mo ago
    Highest-resolution black hole images ever taken usher in a new era
  • OmnipotentEntity OmnipotentEntity 2mo ago 100%

    Well, 13 microarcseconds is the resolution they claim to be shooting for. The nearest star is 4.2 light-years away. 13 microarcseconds at 4.2 light-years is 2500km, the earth is about 12742 km in diameter. So we can theoretically take an approximately 5x5 pixel image of Proxima Centauri b.

  • Game Dependency Graph of The Curse of Monkey Island (LucasArts, 1997)
  • OmnipotentEntity OmnipotentEntity 2mo ago 100%

    If you are taking requests, I am curious how ridiculous The Longest Journey would be.

  • Mongolian officials "have the obligation" to arrest Vladimir Putin if he visits the country next week, the International Criminal Court (ICC) says
  • OmnipotentEntity OmnipotentEntity 2mo ago 100%

    I would be impressed if they risk it. Literally half of Mongolia's population resides in their capital city Ulaanbaatar. If a country bordering Russia were to arrest the sitting Russian president and turn him over to Copenhagen then there's a non-zero possibility of a retaliatory airstrike on the capital, destroying their only major city and killing a significant percentage of the entire country's population.

  • Biden-Harris Admin Quickly Staffs DOJ Ahead of Election
  • OmnipotentEntity OmnipotentEntity 2mo ago 100%

    Good effort. But I don't know if it will be particularly effective considering Project 2025 has playbook stuff specifically about doing end runs around staffers.

    The article is stupid as hell though.

  • memes
    Memes 3mo ago
    Conservative kid know a lot this days 🧒
  • OmnipotentEntity OmnipotentEntity 3mo ago 100%

    No one tell OP that the ml in is for Marxist Leninists.


    Abstract: Hallucination has been widely recognized to be a significant drawback for large language models (LLMs). There have been many works that attempt to reduce the extent of hallucination. These efforts have mostly been empirical so far, which cannot answer the fundamental question whether it can be completely eliminated. In this paper, we formalize the problem and show that it is impossible to eliminate hallucination in LLMs. Specifically, we define a formal world where hallucina- tion is defined as inconsistencies between a computable LLM and a computable ground truth function. By employing results from learning theory, we show that LLMs cannot learn all of the computable functions and will therefore always hal- lucinate. Since the formal world is a part of the real world which is much more complicated, hallucinations are also inevitable for real world LLMs. Furthermore, for real world LLMs constrained by provable time complexity, we describe the hallucination-prone tasks and empirically validate our claims. Finally, using the formal world framework, we discuss the possible mechanisms and efficacies of existing hallucination mitigators as well as the practical implications on the safe deployment of LLMs.


    You might know the game under the name Star Control 2. It's a wonderful game that involves wandering around deep space, meeting aliens, and navigating a sprawling galaxy while trying to save the people of Earth, who are being kept under a planetary shield.


    Sometimes, because I am ancient, I automatically type in www. before I type in into my address bar. It would be nice and comfy to have that give a CNAME redirect instead of just completely failing to DNS resolve.


    > the Logitech F710 is a solid controller to get if you’re on a tight budget, but perhaps not exactly the type of equipment you want to stake your life on. [...] Reviewers on sites like Amazon frequently mention issues with the wireless device's connection. > The reporter, who followed an expedition of the Titan from the launch ship, wrote that “it seems like this submersible has elements of MacGyver jerry-riggedness.”
