Memes 1mo ago
Dear iPhone users:
  • Occhioverde Occhioverde 1mo ago 75%

    Yeah, it's easies and will make your life simpler as long as you want to do something the producer contemplated. As soon as you need a feature that is a little bit more peculiar, good luck with that.

    And with this i don't mean that Android is perfect, just that an even more closed ecosystem isn't exactely the best choice.

  • linux
    Linux 2mo ago
    Noob Question Thread: Ask Any Questions About Linux!
  • Occhioverde Occhioverde 2mo ago 100%

    Yes, I know about them and always prove extremely useful every time I receive a file with a wrong/no extension and have little clue about its content. But since the question was about how OP could work with "files with extensions" produced in Windows, I wanted to help clarify what are they, why they are used and that files do not need to be converted or whatever to be opened in Linux as it can "work with them" just fine.

  • linux
    Linux 2mo ago
    Noob Question Thread: Ask Any Questions About Linux!
  • Occhioverde Occhioverde 2mo ago 100%

    For the #4, the file extension can be seen just as a note, a little tag that'll help you (or anyone else that will receive your file) remember which program you should use to successfully open the file.

    From the viewpoint of your computer, in fact, a file is just a sequence of bits and every program can open every file, only it will not be able to find what it expects and actually do something useful with it, just as you can open a book written in any possible language: in most cases you will unable to undestand it, in some others you will be able to read it without any problem.

    The "concept" of extensions was than introduced to allow your file manager (Explorer for Windows, Finder for macOS, Dolphin for KDE or Nautilus for GNOME) to know which program to launch when you double click on a certain file through a simple association table (that you can edit in your system preferences).

    In regards to Linux you can sometimes read that file extensions are not a thing, but this is just because in the commandline you launch a specific program that you personally point to a certain file, so there is no file manager that needs to guess which app should be launched to open the document you just double clicked on.

    That said, I think that should be pretty clear that in a Desktop context (like in a Personal Computer) that double click on a file situation pretty much applies to Linux too, so extensions will be useful and respected by the file manager you'll find installed in your distro of choice, even if it can use other means when that is missing.

  • [Epic] The Callisto Protocol
  • Occhioverde Occhioverde 2mo ago 100%

    Is it really that bad? I won't have a good connection to download and try it for a few days, but I saw a couple of videos about it some time ago and seemed interesting...

  • Come probabilmente molti di voi sapranno, non sono pochi i casi di videogiochi interamente dipendenti da server gestiti dai propri sviluppatori resi completamente inutilizzabili a seguito della decisione unilaterale di questi ultimi di smettere di mantenere online i servizi necessari. L'esempio più recente di tale scenario è sicuramente quanto accaduto con "The Crew", gioco Ubisoft i cui server sono stati spenti improvvisamente e con poco preavviso, lasciando milioni di utenti che avevano pagato il titolo a prezzo pieno con un pugno di mosche. Proprio a seguito di questo evento è però stata avviata la campagna [Stop Killing Videogames]( che intende provare a combattere questo fenomeno predatorio da parte dei produttori mediante [una Iniziativa dei Cittadini Europei]( (ECI) per la quale si è recentemente iniziato a raccogliere le firme. Il target minimo di sottoscrizioni di cittadini italiani necessarie è pari a 53.580 e, al momento in cui sto scrivendo, quelle raccolte sono solo 10.810 (il 20,19%); per questo scrivo per invitare tutti a dedicare 5 minuti di tempo per offrire il proprio supporto a questa iniziativa che potrebbe finalmente porre un freno a uno dei tanti abusi che le aziende multimediali costringono i propri utenti a subire. Per firmare è sufficiente recarsi su, selezionare "Italia" dall'elenco dei paesi europei proposti, spuntare le due caselle mostrate ed autenticarsi utilizzando SPID o CIE. Ovviamente, per chi se lo chiedesse, l'intenzione non è assolutamente quella di obbligare le aziende a tenere online server di giochi abbandonati da decine di anni o di cedere i propri diritti intellettuali al pubblico dominio, quanto più quella di costringerle a distribuire (anche in forma binaria e closed source) il software necessario a consentire ai giocatori di mettere in piedi i propri server, eventualmente rilasciando delle patch apposite prima che la data di EoL venga raggiunta.

    A Driverless Car in China Hit a Pedestrian. Social Media Users Are Siding With the Car
  • Occhioverde Occhioverde 3mo ago 100%

    Reading the comments I get the impression that most people didn't actually read the article, which says that a woman was barely touched and not injured by a self-driving car while crossing the street with a red light.

    There barely is "news" here, as the car correctly halted as soon as possible after noticing the pedestrian unforeseeable move, so let alone sides to take.

    I am perfectly aware that self-driving technology still has numerous problems corroborated by the incidents reported from time to time, but if anything this article seems a proof that these cars will at least not crush to death the first pedestrian that does a funky move.

  • Si può bandire Alternative für Deutschland?
  • Occhioverde Occhioverde 9mo ago 100%

    La questione non è AFD, ma quel 30% di cittadini tedeschi che sembrano simpatizzare con la sua ideologia.

    Il problema con un eventuale scoiglimento non è tanto il rischio di aumentarne la popolarità, ma di compiere un gesto sostanzialmente inutile, in quanto gli elettori non faranno altro che dare il proprio voto ad un'altra formazione politica con idee simili se non peggiori.

    Ovviamente sono ben consapevole del paradosso di Popper e sono il primo a pensare che il fascismo non debba essere tollerato, ma non sono convinto che bandire un partito possa essere una soluzione al problema dell'estrema destra.

  • memes
    Memes 12mo ago
    Loving this AI revolution so far
  • Occhioverde Occhioverde 12mo ago 100%

    Related XKCD:

  • Microsoft Edge, anyone?
  • Occhioverde Occhioverde 1y ago 100%

    Strange. The other day I had a call on Teams with a customer and had no problems using Firefox 117.0 on NixOS, but I recall that some months ago some features (like microphone and screensharing) where unavailable.

    Maybe Microsoft hasn't rolled out the update in your region/org?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Occhioverde Occhioverde 1y ago 96%

    This argument reminds me of the Tolerance Paradox described by Karl Popper, who stated that in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance.

    In the licensing context, yes, the Apache and Expat licenses may grant your users the freedom to create proprietary software out of your works, but at the cost of sacrificing all the basic freedoms of all the users that will use the derived non-free product.

    So, like Popper said that you should prefer removing the "smaller" freedom for a society of being intolerant in order to guarantee the "greater" one of remaining tolerant in the future, since you still have to choose which freedoms you are going to negate, it's preferable to use copyleft and impede the "smaller" freedom of creating proprietary software than not using it and allowing the crushing of future users' fundamental rights.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Occhioverde Occhioverde 1y ago 100%

    Wasn't the Affero GPL (AGPL) created exactely to enforce copyleft in a SaaS environment?

    Quoting from the GNU website:

    [The AGPL] has one added requirement: if you run a modified program on a server and let other users communicate with it there, your server must also allow them to download the source code corresponding to the modified version running there.

  • Do you trust Brave company and their products: Browser, Search, VPN, etc..?
  • Occhioverde Occhioverde 1y ago 87%

    Well, Proton is a Swiss company and, as such, is obligated to comply with legally binding orders like the one they received in the case of the arrested activist. Expecting someone (or, in this case, a company) to risk legal repercussions just to protect one of their thousands of users is simply ridiculous, even more knowing that similar data access orders are normally issued by the Swiss authorities for really serious crimes. As for the IP logging, everyone can turn it off in the account settings and Proton, not being subject to data retention requirements under the Swiss law, will delete all the previously saved data.

    More info can be found in this article they published just after the incident:

  • TikTok ancora nel mirino degli Usa: chiesta rimozione da App Store e Google Play
  • Occhioverde Occhioverde 2y ago 0%

    Sul fatto che TikTok raccolga quantità impressionanti di dati per poi fornirli al governo Cinese senza alcun reale controllo penso ci siano sempre stati gran pochi dubbi.

    Ciò che trovo più assurdo, però, sono le persone che si dicono preoccupatissime dello spionaggio cinese per poi fornire tutti i propri dati sendibili ad aziende americane nonostante lo stesso Garante italiano abbia da poco fatto sommessamente notare come la legislazione americana in termini di privacy sia nientemeno che incompatibile con uno stato democratico.

    Viviamo davvero in un mondo paradossale.
