My "if they're anti-furry, they're sus" rule continues to bear fruit
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur 4h ago 100%

    It’s the default option when you make an account which is where I assume most of the “I don’t give a shit about pronouns” stuff would land, yeah. I make a note of it whenever I see a bad take now lol

  • My "if they're anti-furry, they're sus" rule continues to bear fruit
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur 4h ago 100%

    Forgot to say: good riddance lol

  • My "if they're anti-furry, they're sus" rule continues to bear fruit
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur 4h ago 100%

    Also a big Covid minimizer from what I remember. Had this person blocked on my Lemmygrad account and didn’t remember on this one until recently when they made some subtly racist jab in a topic about the four Trump shooters being white guys.

  • As someone who realizes the upcoming genocide, how do I get out?
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur 5h ago 95%

    It is the same for disability. As a disabled trans person I've come to some peace (though not quite fully) with everywhere in the world just being shitty for me forever. When it gets bad enough where I live it will be worth the calculus of determining the least bad of "bad" or "worse" places, which I am preparing for in my own ways, but in the US and western European countries we are not there yet.

  • Trump derangement syndrome has taken my mother away
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur 1d ago 100%

    I really don’t think I am.

    glad to see that’s sorted. thx

  • Trump derangement syndrome has taken my mother away
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur 1d ago 100%

    what point do you think you are making here exactly.

  • Is bluesky becoming a thing?
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur 2d ago 100%

    It’s not even another billionaire, it’s Jack Dorsey, the twitter guy. I do not understand why anyone who dislike twitter cares about bluesky at all.

  • Question for those who use comrade/them pronouns on here
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur 2d ago 100%

    This is unrelated to anything here, but did you used to post on Sigmarxism on reddit? I recognize your user name from somewhere. I don't ham pretty much at all anymore these days because of Covid apathy from...everywhere, but I still love Tau & paint a lot and I really loved the "finkpieces" people posted before I stopped going to reddit for good.

  • Thank god freddi the fish isn't woke.
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur 2d ago 100%

    I need to know what the pro-LGBT message is in fucking Sonic Adventure.

  • This year's flu shot won't have the Yamagata strain thanks to COVID mitigations
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur 2d ago 100%

    Check out this stupid NPR article from a couple months ago where the epidemiologists interviewed are pretty much like “nope, still evolving and spreading in wildly unpredictable ways all over the world all the time” and the CDC guys going “that means it’s predictable. endemic.”

    In short, cooked as always.

  • What class(es) do you tend to gravitate towards in video game rpgs?
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur 2d ago 100%

    Sorcerers et al have always spoken to me, so I beeline for those if no one else is playing them in the group. If magic were real I would be a Shantotto or a Matoya, no question. Leave me alone with my frogs and brooms, all of you are losers. In FFXIV specifically I play the dwarf/gnome race, and small wizards are only a little bit cliche, so Iike being a beefy tank. I am small and fat IRL and if I could swing an axe like that with the rage of a thousand beasts you fuckin bet I would

  • The growing surveillance state: “WATCH ME SWOOCE RIGHT IN”
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur 2d ago 100%

    I wear one of these things everywhere now and as an even further bonus I get to look like I’m from the cyberpunk future

  • The growing surveillance state: “WATCH ME SWOOCE RIGHT IN”
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur 3d ago 94%

    use your very big brain, i'm sure the answer is in there somewhere

  • This year's flu shot won't have the Yamagata strain thanks to COVID mitigations
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur 3d ago 100%

    This was from the ShitRedditSays days, they called it “brd” and I think it was like some mascot for them. I don’t remember much else aside from that

  • This year's flu shot won't have the Yamagata strain thanks to COVID mitigations
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur 3d ago 100%

    I have not seen that bird in probably over a decade, holy cow

  • Finally got to the point where I cannot talk openly to my lib friends anymore.
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur 3d ago 100%

    people say not to cut off the lib friends

    I think this is honestly just a big cope from people. I know how seriously they take their convictions when they say stuff like this because my militant masking and insistence on accomodations as an immunocompromised person since January 2020 has utterly destroyed my social life and I don't just get to turn the other cheek about that, lol. So yeah, I'm with you. Fuck em. Your world will become far smaller, but what world? A world of people who will abandon you for this? For genocide? For an evening at Applebees? Kill the liberalism in your soul that makes you want to poison yourself in the company of these people and you can begin to figure out how to live.

  • Finally got to the point where I cannot talk openly to my lib friends anymore.
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur 3d ago 100%

    Agreed. The original is the best for many reasons, but every Matrix movie is just very good sci-fi with poignant themes way ahead of their time. The Animatrix is especially incredible, imo. Per a letterboxd review of Reloaded from 2021:

    i was lied to for many years this movie fucks

  • Finally got to the point where I cannot talk openly to my lib friends anymore.
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur 3d ago 100%

    We live in different times than Mao. I don’t have an answer but it is that which should inform your praxis, not book worship, as it were.

  • Finally got to the point where I cannot talk openly to my lib friends anymore.
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur 3d ago 100%

    The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

  • Tell me again how uncomfortable those masks are.


    It is a reddit link and there are some pretty bad comments so beware, but I came upon this and appreciated the eloquence. > I've been seeing some discussion about being peer pressured into not taking precautions and throwing in the towel and I think it's really, REALLY important for folks to understand that it is actually a privilege to find yourself genuinely weighing the option to quit. > > Many of our ranks do not have this choice because they are disabled and/or immunocompromised, and I think that gets ignored too often in this sub. Many have Long Covid and have had their lives completely destroyed. They've lost far more than just social interaction, restaurants, etc., (and that's not to diminish those losses, but to illustrate how much worse it can be.) > >Now we are ALL facing immense societal pressure to conform (that's just the base state of existence for a covid informed individual) but the stakes for the disabled members of our community are so high that they don't even get to consider the option of buckling to peer pressure. Sadly that position has been made 100x worse by people who had more of a choice and chose the easy way out. It's incredibly difficult to do the right thing in these times just as it's always hard to stand against historical atrocities that have been adopted by the masses. When having these discussions it's crucial to remember that if you find yourself with the luxury to just abandon precautions to fit in with the crowd, that is not the choice of society but a choice of your own. > > EDIT: I want to make it clear I'm not referring to people who physically cannot mask, cannot access masks, or find themselves in some kind of genuine peril for masking. I'm talking about people caving to peer pressure. And yes, I'm aware there are some disabled/immunocompromised folks who also minimize covid and don't take precautions. I'm aware in that sense that it's *technically* still a choice for them to do that, but it is not a *practical* choice for a great many vulnerable people who value their lives. This is not a game. This is not virtue signalling - a real-ass comment about wearing a mask I saw on another comm here! It is life or death and should be treated as such. ::: spoiler enter at ye own peril Unchecked ableism is a huge blind spot everywhere I look, even here. There are rules for negligence about neurodivergence, physical disability et al, but a collective dismissal when it comes to Covid is a-ok pretty much site-wide as long as you don't explicitly talk about it like a conspiracy rag. The trans mega talks about pride marches and conventions. The general mega talks about bars, movies. The news mega talks about direct action and protests. There ain't no fucking precautions happening here, babes. I know there aren't, I see the fuckin photos. I go outside. I'll go back to my silo and talk about the elephant in the room slowly and not-so-slowly killing us where no one has to see it if they don't want to - another choice I do not get to make. It is all so un-serious. I am so tired. :::


    cross-posted from: > I posted this some time ago under my other account which I nuked along with everything else, and by now I've got a fancy pants recruitment page & a cool grafika in the works...though this is not my strong suit as you may be able to tell by my charming WIP banner: > > ![]( > > (the community finder page is still using a placeholder until I'm happy with it, lol) > > Is this cringe? Yeah maybe but who cares, kill the cringe cop in your head. I love this game and I'm a mostly-housebound immunocompromised person who's been completely isolated from public life & organizing for the "better" part of the last five years; I want to do something about it in the meager ways I'm still able to. Feel free to delete this if I'm doing a personal shill too much or whatever, but I want to get the word out where people who actually care may exist.


    I posted this some time ago under my other account which I nuked along with everything else, and by now I've got a fancy pants recruitment page & a cool grafika in the works...though this is not my strong suit as you may be able to tell by my charming WIP banner: ![]( (the community finder page is still using a placeholder until I'm happy with it, lol) Is this cringe? Yeah maybe but who cares, kill the cringe cop in your head. I love this game and I'm a mostly-housebound immunocompromised person who's been completely isolated from public life & organizing for the "better" part of the last five years; I want to do something about it in the meager ways I'm still able to. Feel free to delete this if I'm doing a personal shill too much or whatever, but I want to get the word out where people who actually care may exist.


    The allure of the best emoji game in the Lemmyverse and very cool pronoun tags has caused me to return from a slumber in some filthy Pokéball, probably. I just can’t stop myself from shouting about Covid, too. Wear a mask, you lowlifes. Hello!
