What did you play this week? (Jul 17)
  • Foon Foon 1y ago 100%

    Oh nice, I love Gloomhaven! (and other massive cooperative campaign games.) Which class are you playing? (let's keep it spoiler-friendly.)

  • My latest tabletop mini painting efforts
  • Foon Foon 1y ago 100%

    I meant the fireball itself! Object source lighting is tricky, and while I dabble in it, I don't feel comfortable giving tips about it.. But the yellow on the fireball can at least give it the effect of looking like it's glowing :)

  • My latest tabletop mini painting efforts
  • Foon Foon 1y ago 100%

    These minis look great, and I love the writeup of exactly how you got them this way!

    I'm a huge fan of the skin of the Spined Devils, that's pretty perfect. What kind of purple did you use as a base there?

    Also really love the peg leg devil, such a clever way to deal with a failed print! And at least in the picture you really can't tell it wasn't supposed to look that way at first.

    And about the fireball: my advice would be to get bright/light yellow in the recesses. LIke a wash, but then to lighten it instead of darken. It can be a bit tricky depending on what's underneath it, getting the light colors opaque enough. But for me, that works wonder in giving glow effects.

    Really cool work, thanks for sharing!

  • What does everyone think about 'Luck Dice' or other failure-based mechanics in Tabletop RPGs?
  • Foon Foon 1y ago 100%

    I like it a lot! I don't have experience using such mechanics in TTRPGs, though I feel the same way about the disappointment of rolling low. However there's a few boardgames that come to mind that use similar mechanics, which are great. In Oathsworn: Into the Deepwood you have lots of tokens that you can use to buff your rolls/draws, but if you fail you get back everything you spent and you get to pick a new one on top of that. It actually has an extra sort of luck mitigation on top of that; random results are determined by custom dice, but all dice have a deck of cards equivalent that has all dice sides 3 times. You don't shuffle them in between draws, so as you go the results get more and more predictable. Would really enjoy having more games with such (bad) luck mitigating mechanics!

  • What did you play this week? (Jul 17)
  • Foon Foon 1y ago 100%

    That's wonderful! It's so good to be able to share something you enjoy, and have others be excited about it too.

    I'm curious about your mini one shots though, is that just your partner DMing for you as 1 player? How does that work out?

  • What did you play this week? (Jul 17)
  • Foon Foon 1y ago 100%

    That sounds fun! A lot of campaigns seem to be way too low on dungeons, and dragons (regardless of the system!) Have you been playing together long?

  • Happy Monday, tabletoppers! What games did you get up to in the last ~7 days? Feel free to share any stories, anecdotes, thoughts, and opinions about your game sessions. And don’t forget to discuss others’ games too, of course!

    How do we feel about established companies using Kickstarter?
  • Foon Foon 1y ago 100%

    I'm not opposed to crowdfunding tabletop games in principle. Even bigger companies might need some guaranteed cash up front before ordering a huge print run of their product. In that respect, it's basically a preorder.

    However, there's a lot of habits surrounding kickstarters that I could really do without. Arbitrary funding goals and contrived stretch goals ("we can make a game if we get funded at 40k, but now that we have 2m we can give you the game as intended all these extra bits!"), preying on FOMO, overpromising and underdelivering, launching half baked and undeveloped ideas as a kickstarter, etc. All of that just screams to me that their main goal is taking my money, instead of creating an awesome game and being solvent while doing so.

    I don't really do crowdfunding games anymore. Instead I wait until it hits retail, pick up a second hand copy if it doesn't, or just don't buy it. There are exceptions to this of companies I trust to deliver, but they're few and far between.

    That said, I kind of like what Cephalofair is doing with their current Gloomhaven campaign on Backerkit. It's basically a preorder for a bunch of new products that'll go in production soon, clear information, no extra FOMO bullshit, lots of content creation and events around the new products, and a really good deal compared to MRSP (and historically, their crowdfunding campaigns have been by far the cheapest way to get their products).

  • What did you play this week? (Jul 10)
  • Foon Foon 1y ago 100%

    Ooh I'm not familiar with this game but it looks pretty cool! In what way would you say it is like Gloomhaven?

  • What was the first anime you ever watched?
  • Foon Foon 1y ago 100%

    I did watch some anime as a kid (Pokémon springs to mind) but I think the first one I really watched as an adult was JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. A friend recommended it to me, and boy was I in for a wild ride! I still feel very fond of it, though I'm not enjoying the last season(s) as much. I don't think I've actually finished watching the last one. But the earlier parts will forever hold a special place in my heart!

  • What did you play this week? (Jul 10)
  • Foon Foon 1y ago 100%

    Yeah it's been really fun so far! I mean we're only 2 sessions in so I don't know much about where it's gonna go yet, but so far it's a really different experience. I'm excited to play on, just gotta wait for people to get back from their holidays..

  • What did you play this week? (Jul 10)
  • Foon Foon 1y ago 100%

    Hey! Unless there's a tabletop game named Stray that I'm not aware of, I think you might be in the wrong community (this is Tabletop, not !gaming@beehaw.org).

    (Although now I'm secretly hoping there's a tabletop game just like it 😁)

  • What did you play this week? (Jul 10)
  • Foon Foon 1y ago 100%

    I painted up a bunch of army dudes for Bolt Action, on commission, and they came out great.

    Ooh you paint miniatures? Do share! I'd love to see more painted minis.

  • What did you play this week? (Jul 10)
  • Foon Foon 1y ago 100%

    That's hilarious! Such a clever way to escape, I love it!

  • What did you play this week? (Jul 10)
  • Foon Foon 1y ago 100%

    I've had a bit of a low gaming week, only played

    D&D 5e (1x 4p): We're taking a bit of a break from our main campaign that's been running for 5 or 6 years, and one of the players is DMing a few sessions of something from the Wild Beyond the Witchlight book. We're enjoying the very strange Witchlight Carnaval! I play a Fairy druid, and as I discovered as we started playing, my character has ADHD. I'm really enjoying the silliness of the setting, and the DM is fantastic at doing silly voices which fits so well!

    Bonus question of the week: one game I recommend to almost anyone is The Crew. Cooperative games are enjoyed by almost anyone, the rules are so simple to explain and fit pretty much everyone's attention span, games are short but you can play it for hours too, and depending on experience and skill you can dramatically adjust the difficulty. And it's cheap and small and easy to bring places. Great game all round!

  • Happy Monday, tabletoppers! What games did you get up to in the last ~7 days? Feel free to share any stories, anecdotes, thoughts, and opinions about your game sessions. And don't forget to discuss others' games too, of course! Bonus question of the week: What game do you introduce/recommend to almost everyone?

    FREE ttrpg's? to play when bored, and im looking for suggestions.
  • Foon Foon 1y ago 100%

    I don't play solo RPGs myself either, but just like solo board games, there's loads of people who enjoy them (such as OP). Just because they don't appeal to you, that does not invalidate someone else's game experience and enjoyment :)

    Anything you want to share about Risus and what makes it fun in your opinion?

  • What are these spiky looking bugs on my (struggling) garden plant?
  • Foon Foon 1y ago 100%

    Oh interesting, would these be the larvae then? A quick Google tells me that we have over 60 different types of native ladybugs here, so I'm gonna have to do some searching. Thanks.

    And yes, I realise bugs all have their role to play and aren't inherently good or bad. But I was looking for "is it likely that these clustering bugs are killing my plant", i.e. are they a foe in this situation.

  • I noticed today that one of my struggling garden plants is absolutely covered in bugs. I have no idea if those two things are related (we had a massive drought), but I wanted to find out what these little dudes are, and whether they're friend or foe. Any thoughts? Edited to add: located in western Europe. ![picture of a branch with about 10 spiky bugs on it](https://i.imgur.com/aGUc2pj.jpg)


    Hi everyone! It's Monday, and I'd love to hear what y'all have been playing in the past 7 days or so. Any thoughts, opinions, anecdotes, and recommendations are welcome. Question of the week: What game would you like to play more often than you do, and why?

    The King of the Forest and his helpers (painted miniatures)
  • Foon Foon 1y ago 0%

    [off topic question: I see a lot of people including image descriptions in text for accessibility purposes. Is there a benefit to doing that instead of/in addition to including alt text with the images, which - if I understand it correctly - will be picked up by screenreaders?]

  • Hi all, I've painted some miniatures from one of my board games. It's the King of the Forest with two dogs and a bird, all grown out of the woods. I really enjoyed painting them, organic shapes and vibrant natural colours make me happy. Would love to hear what you think. The whole crew together: ![A group of 4 miniatures that have been painted. The king is a large humanoid figure, there are 2 dogs, and a bird perched on a tree. They are painted in vibrant greens and browns.][1] Some pictures of the miniatures by themselves: ![The Forest King holding a bow and having a glowing yellow sword on its back.][2] ![A painted forest dog, partially standing on a stone, its head lowered but looking up.][3] ![A painted forest dog, its head raised up looking out.][4] ![A bird with blue-ish feathers perched on a piece of wood. It has a wooden carapace.][5] AMA about painting miniatures, always happy to chat about that! [1]: https://i.imgur.com/RvD13U6.jpg [2]: https://i.imgur.com/cMtlvDx.jpg [3]: https://i.imgur.com/nuBGc9F.jpg [4]: https://i.imgur.com/SqNiIBe.jpg [5]: https://i.imgur.com/80TVitZ.jpg

    Last Week in Tabletop - 2 July 2023
  • Foon Foon 1y ago 100%

    I'm not sure, to be honest. I feel like only very few crowdfunding projects constitute "news" (and how do you decide what to include and what not?), and there's plenty of people who don't care for crowdfunding at all.

    Perhaps better, the person who did an excellent weekly crowdfunding roundup on r/boardgames is also on lemmy. Perhaps we could include their posts here?

  • New moderator saying hi!
  • Foon Foon 1y ago 100%

    It's not so much a sequel I guess, as a reimplementation of many of the mechanics. This one is themed around taking your boat around the sea, collecting fish and panoramas, and releasing your wish boats into the ocean. It's a lovely game!

  • Tell me about your ongoing games!
  • Foon Foon 1y ago 100%

    Ooh, there's plenty!

    • Frosthaven with my partner, we have the game set up on our gaming table so we can easily play a session whenever we want to. Which is almost daily.

    • Oathsworn also with my partner, it's a campaign game with epic miniatures and we make sure to paint each new one that unlocks each chapter, so there's a bit more time in between each of the games.

    • D&D 5e with a group of friends, we've been playing for over 5 years already. We used to play every other week, but life gets in the way so now it's once every 3-4 weeks. It's an amazing entirely homebrew campaign. I play a pretty "normal" Dwarf fighter who's having an adventure with her whacky crazy friends. I love them all.

    • Clank! Legacy with some good friends, although we took a bit of a break from competitive games and now just play coop games when we see each other!

  • Hi everyone, I thought I'd say hi in this new community as a new moderator. I'm Foon (she/her), and I love table top games. My partner and I have been gaming *a lot* in the past 5 years or so, and we have a bunch of friends that turned into boardgamers too, and boardgamers that we turned into friends. So on average we get almost a game a day in. I'm excited to discuss all things tabletop gaming with you all. Some of my favourite games are Gloomhaven/Frosthaven, Spirit Island, Aeon's End, Terraforming Mars. What are y'all's favourite games?


    cross-posted from: https://beehaw.org/post/676951 > This mollusc monster is a lot bigger than what I usually paint, and it took me forever to finish it. I'm really happy with how it turned out. Would love to hear what you think. > > ![](https://beehaw.org/pictrs/image/e83f0c28-f0c2-48ac-84b8-2c6d84294a1c.jpeg) > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/S5AE1aE.jpg) > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/wbTVM9U.jpg) > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/ex0kAML.jpg)


    This mollusc monster is a lot bigger than what I usually paint, and it took me forever to finish it. I'm really happy with how it turned out. Would love to hear what you think. ![](https://beehaw.org/pictrs/image/e83f0c28-f0c2-48ac-84b8-2c6d84294a1c.jpeg) ![](https://i.imgur.com/S5AE1aE.jpg) ![](https://i.imgur.com/wbTVM9U.jpg) ![](https://i.imgur.com/ex0kAML.jpg)


    I have a happy worm bin that takes care of most of my composting needs. I use the castings around my garden, mostly when I'm planting something new, but I also feed my established plants with it when I can. But! I've also been thinking it'd be great to deliver castings right into the ground, and would love to use semi-buried containers in the beds to compost right there. There are plenty of native composting worms in my location. I have a bunch of small (1-1.5 liter ish?) buckets with lids that I'd love to repurpose for this. I was thinking I'd make a bunch of holes in the body and lid of the buckets, and bury them up to the rim. Then fill with some bedding and some scraps, and inoculate with come castings and some worms. And just feed whenever there's space, hoping the castings spread a bit into the ground, or otherwise dig it up when it's full of castings and bury it in a new spot. My main concern is that the buckets would be too small. The reason I'm aiming for this size is honestly because I want to use these containers for something useful instead of tossing them out. I'd love any suggestions and to hear about your experiences with in-ground composting!
