Vote Green no matter who
  • ButtBidet ButtBidet 14h ago 100%

    I'm pretty sure it's a joke

  • Dongfeng missiles - New General Megathread for the 18th-20th of October 2024
  • ButtBidet ButtBidet 1d ago 0%

    No disrespect, I admire their drive. But damn the discussions in the news megathread get intense.

  • Long COVID Is Harming Too Many Kids. They Need Help.
  • ButtBidet ButtBidet 2d ago 100%

    The editorial cites several robust analyses and concludes that, while uncertainty remains, long COVID symptoms appear to occur after about 10 percent to 20 percent of pediatric infections.

    To this day I still ponder just giving up precautions. But then I read stuff like this, studies showing kids after vaccinations. And then I just wonder "how the fuck do people let this happen to themselves and their kids?"

  • Vegan Theory Club Weekly Mega thread: 2024-10-19 - 2024-10-26
  • ButtBidet ButtBidet 2d ago 100%

    kim-salute You have a lot going on, raising a kid, especially a righteous kid, is very hard. You have my profound respect.

  • Is bluesky becoming a thing?
  • ButtBidet ButtBidet 2d ago 100%

    I'm not the first person to say this, but why not Mastodon? Why give control to another billionaire?

  • Cw: wretched reaction, slavery, antisemitism. Do you ever wonder how people turn out the way they do sometimes?
  • ButtBidet ButtBidet 2d ago 100%

    Ya I've met chuds that unironically believe that slavery helped black people.

  • Vegan Theory Club Weekly Mega thread: 2024-10-19 - 2024-10-26
  • ButtBidet ButtBidet 2d ago 100%

    The kid and wife thing is hard. I'm not gonna pretend that there is an easy solution to that.

    I feel more alienated from those around me

    I gotta say, as I've grown and discarded bad habits (slurs, misogyny, animal abuse, transphobia, social chauvanism, etc), I've always lost people who couldn't grow with me. And it's always been tough and painful. But I always end up meeting newer people that vibe with my new wavelength, and the relationship ends up being much more satisfying than the old "hey let's go to the pub" or "hey let's do brunch" friendship that got left behind. It's a cliche, but do join an org if you can.

  • Cis whites are too fucking racist and eugenics brained. I fucking give up on them.
  • ButtBidet ButtBidet 2d ago 100%

    Nah I'm good, but thank you comrade. I'm far from a perfect white ally or anything, but I've just been so damn disappointed with nearly all white people in my life, with the exception of hexbear. Thanks for looking out for me.

  • Cis whites are too fucking racist and eugenics brained. I fucking give up on them.
  • ButtBidet ButtBidet 2d ago 100%

    It's a throw away comment, and not something I'd genuinely advocate for.

    Edit: yes I used to be a huge liberal.

  • Vegan Theory Club Weekly Mega thread: 2024-10-19 - 2024-10-26
  • ButtBidet ButtBidet 2d ago 100%

    Being vegan has led me to be a much more organised person. Carnists have no fucking idea, but they can just leave the house and do their shit without thinking. Me, I gotta decide what I'm going to eat for the day and often I gotta make it the day before and prepare the box and cutlery before I leave home.

    Being vegan has also given me a lot of confidence and resilience. I'm one of the few people who still masks, and I'm quite involved in a lot of orgs, and being vegan has prepared me for the shade and bullshit I get from libs and chuds. Honestly now their opinion means fuck all to me.

    Lastly, and least importantly, it's easy to meet new people. If I go somewhere new, vegans always connect to other vegans as we know what we're going through. Not that vegans are perfect, but on average a vegan is a more righteous person than a carnist. And we tend to be nicer, cooler, and more interesting. Really.

  • Cis whites are too fucking racist and eugenics brained. I fucking give up on them.
  • ButtBidet ButtBidet 2d ago 100%

    Just imagine what it would do for the climate apocalypse and Global South if all cis whites died though. If it had real shot of happening I'd probably advocate for it.

  • Who's your favourite marxist scholar of today?
  • ButtBidet ButtBidet 2d ago 100%

    Parenti is such a good writer, and unlike Chomsky his books are fun to read.

  • Cis whites are too fucking racist and eugenics brained. I fucking give up on them.
  • ButtBidet ButtBidet 2d ago 100%

    Maybe I shouldn't think this way, but if all cis whites had to die (me with them), I wouldn't be that upset

  • This year's flu shot won't have the Yamagata strain thanks to COVID mitigations
  • ButtBidet ButtBidet 2d ago 100%

    I really started to notice that "science" articles got really propagandistic with COVID and trans health care. But really, if you read something like Inventing Reality or Manufacturing Consent, you realise that it's been going back a long time, and has been covering many facets. I think it's important for leftists to be aware that bourgeois media always had an ideological function.

  • [rant] I am so tired of this ad for eggs
  • ButtBidet ButtBidet 2d ago 100%

    They get to run around and not live in a tiny cage. They don't spend their entire existence in a feces filled warehouse with a thousand other hens. Their male chicks don't die by default.

  • Vijay Prashad is CANCELLED (He is a Tankie and a Campist who supports China and Russia).
  • ButtBidet ButtBidet 2d ago 100%

    We are a network of socialist and leftist organisers united by a conviction that workers’ self-emancipation, anti-imperialism, decolonisation, anti-authoritarianism, internationalism and feminism are integral parts of a socialist politics for the 21st century. We are alarmed by the growing influence of US-centred campist politics spreading on the left.

    So let's, a group of mostly Australian and Kiwi "leftists", go after an Indian guy.

    Also there's nothing else on that page. I Googled "People Against All Imperialisms" and there's no org.

  • Looking for a video bio on John Brown
  • ButtBidet ButtBidet 3d ago 100%

    I found the Extra History videos to be entertaining, but it's not a deep dive.

    This was also OK.


    People getting the flu shot this year will be vaccinated against three commonly circulating strains instead of four, after one went extinct during the pandemic. This year’s flu shot will be missing a strain of influenza it’s protected against for more than a decade. That’s because there have been no confirmed flu cases caused by the Influenza B/Yamagata lineage since spring 2020. And the Food and Drug Administration decided this year that the strain now poses little to no threat to human health. Scientists have concluded that widespread physical distancing and masking practiced during the early days of COVID-19 appear to have pushed B/Yamagata into oblivion. This surprised many who study influenza, as it would be the first documented instance of a virus going extinct due to changes in human behavior, said Dr. Rebecca Wurtz, an infectious disease physician and epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health. “It is such an interesting and unique story,” Wurtz said, adding that if it were not for COVID, B/Yamagata would still be circulating. One reason COVID mitigation efforts were so effective at eliminating B/Yamagata is there was already a fair amount of immunity in the population against this strain of flu, which was also circulating at a lower level, said Dr. Kawsar Talaat, an infectious disease physician at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. In contrast, SARS-CoV-2 was a brand new virus that no one had encountered before; therefore, masking and isolation only slowed its transmission, but did not stop it. The absence of B/Yamagata won’t change the experience of getting this year’s flu shot, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends to everyone over 6 months old. And unvaccinated people are no less likely to get the flu, as B/Victoria and two influenza A lineages are still circulating widely and making people sick. Talaat said the disappearance of B/Yamagata doesn’t appear to have lessened the overall burden of flu, noting that the level of illness that can be attributed to any strain varies from year to year. The CDC estimates that between 12,000 and 51,000 people die every year from influenza. However, the manufacturing process is simplified now that the vaccine is trivalent — designed to protect against three flu viruses — instead of quadrivalent, protecting against four. That change allows more doses to be produced, said Talaat. Ultimately, the costs of continuing to include protection against B/Yamagata in the flu shot outweigh its benefits, said Talaat. "If you include a strain for which you don't think anybody's going to get infected into a vaccine, there are some potential risks and no potential benefits," she said. "Even though the risks might be infinitesimal, the benefits are also infinitesimal." Scientists and public health experts have discussed for the past couple years whether to pull B/Yamagata from the flu vaccine or wait for a possible reemergence, said Kevin R. McCarthy, an assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh's Center for Vaccine Research. But McCarthy agrees that continuing to vaccinate people against B/Yamagata does not benefit public health. Additionally, there is a slight chance of B/Yamagata accidentally infecting the workers who manufacture the flu vaccine. The viruses, grown in eggs, are inactivated before being put into the shots: You cannot get influenza from the flu shot. But worker exposure to live B/Yamagata might occur before it's rendered harmless. That hypothetically could lead to a reintroduction of a virus that populations have waning immunity to because B/Yamagata is no longer making people sick. While that risk is very low, McCarthy said it doesn’t make sense to produce thousands of gallons of a likely extinct virus. It is possible that B/Yamagata continues to exist in pockets of the world that have less comprehensive flu surveillance. However, scientists aren’t worried that it is hiding in animals because humans are the only host population for B lineage flu viruses. Scientists determined that B/Yamagata disappeared in a relatively short period of time, and this in and of itself is a success, said McCarthy. That required collaboration and data sharing from people all over the world, including countries that the U.S. has more tenuous diplomatic relationships with, like China and Russia. “I think the fact that we can do that shows that we can get some things right,” he said.


    # 不会说普通话是不礼貌的!!!


    **My comment:** the 27% was my calculation. I got it finding the difference in ED in the COVID group vs non COVID group (55.9% - 44.1%), dividing it by the non COVID group value (44.1%). It's very rough and maybe unscientific, but it demonstrates that COVID does increase the risk for ED. I'll also point out this study is pretty small and the participants' average age was 55. >**Abstract** >**Objectives**: To develop a risk prediction model for the identification of features involved in the prediction of erectile dysfunction (ED) at 12 months following COVID-19 recovery. **Methods**: We performed an observational prospective multicentre study. Participants were classified according to their history of COVID-19: (I) patients with a past history of COVID-19 and (II) patients without a previous microbiological diagnosis of COVID-19. A total of 361 patients (past history of COVID-19, n = 166; no past history of COVID-19, n = 195) were assessed from January 2022 to March 2023. Patients with a past history of COVID-19 were assessed at 12 months following COVID-19 recovery. The primary outcome measure was ED, assessed through the 5-item International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5). Data concerning epidemiologic variables, comorbidities and active treatment were also collected. We performed a binary logistic regression to develop a risk predictive model. Among the models developed, we selected the one with the higher Area Under the Curve (AUC). **Results**: The median age was 55 years in both groups. The ED prevalence was 55.9% in patients with past history of COVID-19 and 44.1% in those with no past history of COVID-19. The best predictive model developed for ED comprised 40 variables and had an AUC of 0.8. **Conclusions**: We developed a regression model for the prediction of ED 12 months after COVID-19 recovery. The application of our predictive tool in a community setting could eventually prevent the adverse effects of ED on cardiovascular health and the associated unfavourable economic impact.


    [Their ![reddit-logo]( "emoji reddit-logo") sub]( From their [website]( >Our goal is to stand as a direct counterpoint to the nationalism of the alt-right and its corruption of American values by building solidarity, unity, and **common defense of the Constitution**. We do this by working in conjunction with other civil society organizations and pro-democracy institutions to reinvigorate and strengthen America’s democracy to ensure the efficacy of our elections, guarantee peaceful access to the democratic process, protect communities targeted by the alt-right, and countering misinformation that spreads hate or seeks to undermine the democratic process. >Patriotic colors and imagery have been associated with far-right and fascist groups in recent years, as they peddle their fake patriotism and toxic nationalism. It is the stance of the American Iron Front that they have stolen these colors and imagery from the American people, and have no right to use them. >By using these colors and imagery, the AIF seeks to reclaim this imagery for the American people, and to disassociate it from our opponents. >We know that returning this imagery to the American people will take time, as its association is firmly entrenched with our opponents. **But the American people deserve to have their nation's colors and imagery associated not with vile hate, toxic nationalism and evil, but with Liberty, Equality, Freedom and Democracy**. >The great American Experiment was built by people of many creeds, races, sexualities, genders, and identities. We at the AIF believe our greatest asset in safeguarding our democracy is the diversity and inclusivity of the people of this country. Its future rests with We the People. Fucking nerds


    Oct 14 (Reuters) - California is investigating five possible human cases of bird flu among dairy farm workers, in addition to the six cases previously confirmed in the state, the state health department said on Monday. Bird flu has spread to 100 dairies in California and 300 nationwide, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. There have been 19 confirmed human cases this year among farm workers exposed to sick poultry or dairy, including the six confirmed cases in California this month. The risk to the general public from bird flu remains low and pasteurized dairy products are safe to consume, federal officials have said. Specimens from the five possible cases are being sent to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for confirmation and are expected to arrive early this week, said the California Department of Public Health. The possible and confirmed cases originated on nine different dairy farms and the individuals had mild symptoms and were not hospitalized, the state said.


    **My comment:** I've been following this researcher for the last few years. He doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who does Western chauvinism. Long Covid, the constellation of long-term health effects caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection, is a significant global health crisis affecting at least 400 million individuals worldwide, with a cost of $ 1 trillion, equivalent to 1% of the global Gross Domestic Product.1 Long Covid can affect nearly every organ system resulting in various symptoms including fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, post-exertional malaise, autonomic dysfunction, and chronic conditions including new onset diabetes, cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal and neurologic disorders.2 Long Covid can affect people across the lifespan and across age, race and ethnicity, and baseline health status.3 Chinese scientists were among the first to report Long Covid in people who survived the acute phase of Covid-19.4 However, these early seminal Chinese studies on Long Covid were exclusively from Wuhan – where the pandemic originated. Because of China’s zero Covid policies, infection rates plummeted quickly in Wuhan and were very low and sporadic outside of Wuhan for much of 2020, 2021, and 2022. However, China relaxed its zero Covid policies at the end of 2022 which led to explosion of cases – hundreds of millions of Chinese got infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the weeks and months following the lifting of zero Covid policies. Now a report by Qin and colleagues provides insights into the colossal scale of Long Covid that resulted from those infections.5 Their large-scale survey of 74,075 Chinese participants, one of the largest studies of its kind and the first from China, shows that approximately 10%–30% of survey participants reported experiencing Long Covid symptoms such as fatigue, memory decline, decreased exercise ability, and brain fog.5 The features of Long Covid in China mirror those observed in studies conducted in other parts of the world.6 This underscores the consistency of Long Covid features across national borders, cultures and healthcare settings. Interestingly, the authors show that despite having milder acute symptoms during reinfection, participants who experienced multiple infections were more likely to experience various Long Covid symptoms with greater severity. The authors show that having two infections is risk factor for many long-term Covid symptoms, and the risk increased exponentially when the number of infections exceeded two. These new data on Long Covid risk after reinfection are remarkably consistent with prior studies.7 Another critical insight from the study is the protective role of Covid-19 vaccines in reducing the incidence and severity of Long Covid. The data shows that vaccination, particularly with multiple booster shots, significantly decreases the risk of developing long-term symptoms. These findings are consistent with other studies showing that vaccines reduce the risk of Long Covid.8,9 Despite this, Covid-19 vaccine policies in much of the world consider effectiveness of vaccines in reducing risks of hospitalization and death during the acute phase of SARS-CoV-2 infection (which are most evident in older adults and people with comorbidities) and ignore their protective effect on Long Covid – a condition that affects people across the lifespan including young adults and children. Consequently, restrictive vaccine policies exclude children, young and healthy adults who may benefit from the beneficial effects of vaccine on Long Covid. Vaccine policies must holistically consider the benefit profile of Covid-19 vaccines including their effects in lowering the risk of Long Covid. Looking forward, there are several key areas where Long Covid research must focus.1 There is an urgent need for comprehensive—and globally coordinated—Long Covid research strategy to understand the biological mechanisms, develop diagnostics, test therapeutics, characterize the long-term epidemiology and clinical course, evaluate health care delivery, and assess the impacts of Long Covid on patients, care givers, health systems, economies and societies.1 Equally important are policies to prevent Long Covid; support impacted individuals and their care givers; and ensure access, quality and equity of care.1 Policies are also needed to promote public awareness and facilitate professional training for health care providers.1 China, with its rich scientific history, is poised to contribute significantly to solving the puzzle of Long Covid. The international community must come together to identify areas of synergies in research, share data, resources, and expertise to accelerate progress on Long Covid.10 This includes fostering partnerships between governments, academic institutions, and the private sector, as well as engaging with patient advocacy groups to ensure that research is aligned with the needs and experiences of those affected by Long Covid.10 The study by Qin and colleagues offers the first comprehensive view of the state of Long Covid in China. The findings are both sobering and illuminating. Long Covid is clearly a serious public health challenge in China, as it is globally. These insights underscore the urgent need for a coordinated international response to address this significant and growing crisis. The stakes are high. Yet, throughout history, humanity has risen to the challenge of solving complex problems. We must now face Long Covid with the same resolve, ingenuity, and collaborative spirit that have driven our greatest achievements.


    We can't afford any more of our users getting reactions. The EpiPen stocks will be low until the Librapay issue is resolved.


    I don't give Hexbear permission to use my pictures, my information or my publications, both of the past and the future, mine or those where I show up. By this statement, I give my notice to Hexbear it is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute, give, sell my information, photos or take any other action against me on the basis of this profile and/or its contents. The content of this profile is private and confidential information. The violation of privacy can be punished by law (UCC 1-308-1 1 308-103 and the Boise statute). Note: Hexbear is now a public entity. All members must post a note like this. If you prefer, you can copy and paste this version. If you do not publish a statement at least once, you have given the tacit agreement allowing the use of your photos, as well as the information contained in the updates of the state of the profile. Do not share. You have to copy.


    **Article text below** More than 1,000 new COVID deaths were reported in the U.S. this week, taking the death toll for the past two months to more than 10,000, according to figures collected by BNO News. New cases, however, are dropping nationwide in the aftermath of the summer wave. At least 91,800 new cases were reported between September 30 and October 6, down from 117,284 the week before (-23%). Those figures were collected from state health departments and, where necessary, estimated based on hospital admissions. Actual case numbers are higher because many hospitals and states are no longer reporting detailed COVID data. Laboratory testing is also low as most people and doctors are using at-home tests which are not included in official statistics. “Nationally, COVID-19 activity has continued declining in most areas. COVID-19-associated ED visits and hospitalizations are decreasing overall,” the CDC said in an update on Friday. “ED visits for COVID-19 are highest among infants and older adults. Hospitalizations for COVID-19 are highest among older adults.” The CDC is also monitoring a new variant, XEC, which is now comprising an estimated 2-13% of new cases in the U.S. The new variant is recombined from two JN.1 lineage viruses, for which vaccines already provide protection. The CDC says there are currently no known impacts on tests, treatments or symptoms. During the past week, cases increased in only 3 out of 30 states with consistent but limited data. In those states where increases were reported, the changes were only minimal, with longer-term data showing overall declines. The CDC estimates that COVID cases are currently rising in 0 states (unchanged from last week), declining or likely declining in 45 states (up from 41), and stable or uncertain in 2 states (down from 7). Nationally, COVID test positivity is 11.6%, which is unchanged from last week. Only 32.8% of hospitals in the U.S. submitted COVID data this week, which is similar to last week. Mandatory reporting is expected to resume next month. Those limited figures reveal that at least 4,187 Americans are currently hospitalized with COVID, down from 4,657 last week. 1,209 new COVID deaths were reported during the week, the eighth week in a row with more than 1,000 new deaths. It’s also the 13th week in a row with more than 500 new deaths and the 237th week with more than 400 new deaths. So far this year, more than 5.6 million COVID cases have been reported across the U.S., causing at least 381,888 hospitalizations (limited data) and 45,132 deaths, according to BNO’s COVID data tracker.


    So recently I'm reheating food in the microwave at the staff room, and 4 teachers are having a whine. Students and staff are taking a lot of time off these days. "Don't they know that COVID was over", "we've all had it and we're fine" said white people with well to do parents. Maybe they didn't see me come in or they forget that I'm seeing long COVID every day when I come home. I just gave it a second stare before continuing on, I don't need to fuck with my livelihood. My meals are eaten outside, away from liberals, with a book; and my life is way better for it. Sometimes I chat with the maintenance or cleaning people and the convos are way more genuine, without all the weird bragging that middle class people like to do. I swear to God, just immediately they dropped the names of 3 other young teachers who have new chronic health conditions. One has persistent low energy, another brand new allergies and asthma, yet another has to go back and live with her parents as she can't cope with work and illness. Everyone's stressing about using up all their sick time. The less I care about the opinions of comfortable white liberals, the happier I am. Amen.


    [Stolen from here](


    I have let them know that they are *unsuitable as posters* to Hexbear, due to their sympathetic attitude towards pp's and ![butt]( "emoji butt")s and hairy nipples.


    I usually don't post sectarianism. I feel kinda bad, but this is funny.


    Palestine Action has targeted a major weapons factory run by Teledyne, that supplies parts for F-35 jets. These are, of course, the same aircraft the UK refused to stop exporting parts for to Israel. And, they’re the same jets the genocidal state is currently using to bomb Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen – and potentially soon Iran. Palestine Action: shutting down Teledyne’s F-35 ops Activists from Palestine Action climbed onto the roof of an American owned weapons factory, Teledyne CML Composites, in Wirral, on Tuesday 2 October. From the rooftop, they cut holes into the roof and sprayed blood red paint into the factory: In solidarity with the Palestinian, Lebanese, and Yemeni people subjected to Israel’s daily massacres, activists have once again successfully shut down the site known to supply crucial parts for the murderous F-35 fighter jet programme. As Palestine Action said on X, the group contaminated Teledyne’s clean room. This will “will cause severe disruption to the production of Israel’s F-35 fighter jet components”: Teledyne: complicit in genocide Teledyne CML’s parent company, Teledyne Technologies, is the single-largest exporter of weaponry from Britain to Israel, while ‘CML Composites’ specialises in ‘Aircraft Structural Components’ for the F-35 fighter jet programme. The ties between Teledyne CML and Israel’s genocide in Gaza run deep, with the Wirral factory also acting as a supplier to numerous other ‘Tier 1’ F-35 partners – including BAE Systems, Marand, and Magellan. To BAE Systems alone, Teledyne CML provides at least ten different “Special processes” for their F-35 programme contributions. By maintaining approval for F-35 component export licenses for end-use in Israel, the British government remains an activist participant in Israel’s genocidal, criminal attacks on Gaza and Lebanon. The F-35 fighter jet has been responsible for the delivery of thousands of 2,000lb and 4,000lb bombs on targets including tented refugee encampments in Gaza, and healthcare workers in Lebanon. Today’s action serves to demonstrate that, while the British state might be comfortable in facilitating these acts – Palestine Action cannot permit them. Not the first time Palestine Action has acted This action is not the first time that Palestine Action have struck at the Bromborough site, driving a van through the factory gates in July 2024, before drenching the premises in red paint as a symbol of the Palestinian bloodshed it facilitates. Its sister site, Teledyne Defence and Space, Shipley, was targeted by an occupation in April 2024, preventing the manufacture of military electronics bound for Israel. Earlier this month, a jury at Bradford Crown Court refused to convict the activists, who stood accused of ‘criminal damage’ for their action.
