Jingszo ! Bampot 5d ago 100%

Humanlike manual activities in Australopithecus


The evolution of the human hand is a topic of great interest in paleoanthropology. As the hand can be involved in a vast array of activities, knowledge regarding how it was used by early hominins can yield crucial information on the factors driving biocultural evolution.

Our results highlight the importance of certain muscles of the first and fifth digits for humanlike hand use. In humans, these muscles are required for variable in-hand manipulation and are activated during stone-tool production. The entheses of A. sediba suggest muscle activation patterns consistent with a similar suite of habitual manual activities as in later Homo.

In contrast, A. africanus and A. afarensis display a mosaic entheseal pattern that combines indications of both humanlike and apelike manipulation.

Overall, these findings provide new evidence that some australopith species were already habitually engaging in humanlike manipulation, even if their manual dexterity was likely not as high as in later Homo.

The frequent activation of muscles needed to perform characteristic humanlike grasping and manipulation in these early hominins lends support to the notion that humanlike hand use emerged prior to—and likely influenced—the evolutionary adaptations for higher manual dexterity in later hominins.

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