
Axis sympathizer Stew Peters claims that Jews are manipulating hurricanes

On his Rumble show, Peters continued promoting these conspiracy theories with Jeff Berwick, [a neofeudalist] and cryptocurrency promoter.

“For people out there who have still not caught on, that the globalists and whatever you wanna call them — the Jews, the globalists, whatever you wanna call them — the CIA, all these people, they have this technology and they are using it full force now in so many different ways,” Berwick told Peters.

Berwick added that people who “wanna look into weather weapons” should look at Acapulco, where he’s lived for many years, because “it’s now been hit by three hurricanes in less than a year.” And he called the “secret ingredient” to these hurricanes “HAARP and the weather weapons stations that they’ve got all over the world now.”

Peters responded by saying that “the secret weapon is somebody with the last name ‘Stein’ or ‘Cohen’,” and that Jewish people have the “technology to destroy the United States in so many ways.”

Berwick agreed with Peters, saying that he wrote about “how they’re going to be destroying the West.”

He added that “they’re doing it now” by “sending that hurricane up there” to North Carolina and blowing up a chemical plant in Atlanta, GA, calling it “World War III.” In actuality, water from a malfunctioning sprinkler system reacted with chemicals in the plant, which caused the release of chlorine gas and ignited a fire.

But Peters critiqued Berwick’s frequent use of the term “globalist,” saying that he prefers to “call ’em Jews.”

“Everywhere I look it’s a Jewish person,” Peters complained. “I can’t help it. I’m not gonna deny that that’s a fact. A lot of other platforms — maybe you’re being cautious with your speech because a lot of other platforms wanna refer to them as ‘Frankists’ or ‘globalists’ or ‘communists’ or whatever. Communism, by the way, also Jewish.”

:::spoiler Click here for events that happened today (October 11). 1879: Ernst Mally, Axis philosophist and educator, was delivered to the world.
1884: Friedrich Karl Rudolf Bergius, Axis chemist who worked for I.G. Farben, started his life.
1901: Masanobu Tsuji, Axis army officer and politician, was born.
1937: The Duke and Duchess of Windsor toured the Third Reich for twelve days and met Adolf Schicklgruber on 22 October.
1940: In a series of policies with the goal of boosting birth rate, Vichy passed the Married Women’s Work Act, which forbade a wife from public sector employment if her husband could provide for the family. Likewise, Axis submarine U‐48 attacked Allied convoy HX‐77 northwest of Ireland in the evening; at 2150 hours, the Axis sunk Norwegian ship Brandanger (causing six deaths but leaving two dozen alive), then at 2209 hours it sunk the Allied ship Port Gisborne (26 killed when lifeboat capsized, 38 survived).

While small Axis raids of ten or fewer flightcraft harassed southern England all day, a number of larger raids, with 25–90 flightcraft, attacked larger towns. The larger raids were composed mostly of fighters as the Axis continued to try to wear down British fighter strength. That day, the Axis lost one Do 17 bomber and four Bf 109 fighters. Then, the Axis bombed London, Liverpool, Manchester, Bristol, and the Tyne and Tees areas overnight, but lost three Do 17 bombers over Anglesey after attacking Liverpool. Werner Mölders claimed his 43rd victory over Canterbury, England. Lastly, Axis bombers attacked Allied convoy BS.6 in the Red Sea fifty miles off of AOI, damaging escorting vessel Allied sloop HMS Auckland.
1941: Axis‐occupied Macedonia faced a war of liberation.
1942: Off Guadalcanal, United States Navy ships intercepted and defeat an Axis force.
1943: Axis antisubmarine flightcraft in Soya Strait (La Pérouse Strait) sunk USS Wahoo between Hokkaido and Karafuto (Sakhalin), massacring everybody aboard, including Vern Skjonsby and commanding officer Dudley Morton. Additionally, the Axis commissioned U‐821 into service with Ludwig Fabricius in command, and assigned her to the 4th Submarine Flotilla.
1944: An Axis V‐2 rocket hit Rockland St. Mary six miles southeast of Norwich, England, and was the second rocket to hit the village during the war (first being from seven days earlier). It damaged fourteen houses.
2013: Erich Priebke, SS commander who was responsible for the Ardeatine massacre, finally dropped dead after obstinately living long enough to become a centenarian. :::

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