Femcel Memes TotallynotJessica • 2mo ago • 97%

A reverse femme fatale 🔫

A reverse femme fatale 🔫

Caption: After I post deranged memes despite being innocent af

Picture of a girl giggling sinisterly by @Senukin69


Needless to say, I'm not much of a slut or a rebel in real life, nor am I a confrontational person. I almost always let other drivers cut in front of me (they must be in more of a rush than I am), I always try to stay out of people's way(on the road and everywhere else), and I'm overly considerate(I don't like making others unhappy) 😖

I'm a huge wuss by nature. I've had to learn to be assertive, but my default reaction is always caution. I was a goodie-two-shoes as a kid. I only needed to be told not to do something once, not because I was scared of punishment, but because I was scared of harming someone. I've been drunk once and I've never gotten high. I'm honestly ashamed of how boring I am. I want to try life more, but I don't even know where to start 😥

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