
The amazing, story-book animal-art of Maggie Vandewalle. (four pieces)

The amazing, story-book animal-art of Maggie Vandewalle. (four pieces)

The above is Procession, I think?

Me, I just love it.
Now IIRC, Maggie did that one because of a dream about spoons her kiddo had. (must be nice to have such a parent, haha)

Oh, a flier!

Maggie Vandewalle was born and raised just outside of Iowa City, Iowa, in a rural setting. As a child she divided her time between roaming fields and woods, scouring the public library for good books, and forever doodling. Out of high school she received an art scholarship to the University of Iowa, where she worked towards a BFA in printmaking. After several years she took a break from college to explore life without the constraints of school. As time went on, she determined that while school might not continue to play a part in her life, art most definitely would in the form of drawing and painting. Ever since, she has used watercolor or graphite to convey her love of the organic world and that of a really good story:

“While growing up, if I wasn’t outside I spent most of my time with my nose in books. When I look back, the pictures are as clear to me as the stories, they are intertwined in a way that creates magic for me. Because I’m not a writer but love the story, I try to create visual narratives through the use of paint.”

Midnight Revelry, i.e. “Moondance”

Now, me? I don't know if we need to battle over what's more American vs. what's more Euro? (sod that, laddies) To me this is some great stuff that rather exemplifies the heights of both, altho I do find Maggie's last name interesting in that regard, in that it's evidently a classic Dutch / Flemish name.

Straight on Till Morning

In any case, I find her stuff rather wonderful, seemingly referencing England's Richard Adams' Watership Down, the great Polish-American Maurice Sendak, and whatever else, creating her own utterly unique, delightful style in the end.

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