chapotraphouse TomBombadil 3mo ago 100%

Bitcoin 2024 Day 3: Trump is an ELITECOLLEECCTORRR

Bitcoin 2024 Day 3: Trump is an ELITECOLLEECCTORRR

Sorry for the slight delay for day 3. I was far too tired yesterday to even post.

Anyway day 3 started well. By that I mean I laid in bed an extra hour before going to the convention floor. Once I got there it went downhill pretty quickly. It was busier than ever today with the anticipation of trump showing up. One thing getting everyone excited was Trumps promise to "free Ross" and the "free Ross" shirts flowed like wine. I was offered them many times. A breath of fresh air honestly.

3 rocking chairs holding shirts that say "Free Ross" and "Free Ross; Vote Trump"

Rumors among the attendees swirled as well about who else might show up. Would it be Harris, Elon, maybe even Barron Trump. One element of the show that I haven't mentioned to much was the focus on BTC mining and Energy. Whole area of the show floor dedicated to shipping containers full of computers that do can helpfully use up alllll your extra energy. Huge computing power dedicated to this.

A shipping container full of bitcoin miners. Ads for Power equipment surround it

After walking through a few boxes full of pipes and computers I decided to run through the art gallery and merchandise stalls again because despite there being more attendees today it was less busy. Almost the whole attendee ship was in line to get into Trump today. The main security line snaked hundreds of meters through the whole convention hall. He wasn't supposed to be on for 4 hours yet at this point. This lack of people actually walking the floor gave me opportunity to talk to some vendors who showed me their delightful wares.

The Tuttle Twins is an animated show aimed at the young boys and girls to explain "Delayed gratification, Bitcoin and the Dangers of Communism". When I told the vendor my wife was pregnant and we wanted to start bitcoining them young his face lit up. I only threw up in my mouth a little; only partly because of the horrendous animation playing on the TV behind him.

DVDs for a children's animated show The Tuttle Twins Season 2

There was also Bitcoin board games. Aimed to teach all your non bitcoiner friends how to bitcoin in fun and exciting ways. As a lover of good games I must really say for all the money some of these people have they put no production quality into anything. They all looked like shit and I had no interest in sitting and learning about blocks and lightning nodes via cardboard for 90 minutes. There was also the base58LARP... I dint dare LARP but apparently its world famous according to the sign.

A selection of Bitcoin themed board games on a table

And of course there was more great art. See the header image for one such elegant tapestry. If you listened to Hell on Earth this piece really highlighting how bitcoin is exactly like the Protestant revolution might be of interest to you.

Art piece comparing bitcoin to the protestant revolution

If all the art, commerce, and rampant extraction of the earths finite resources to smash a few numbers together got you feeling a certain sorta way you could stop in for a hit of IV hydration. sit down and hook up baby. An oxygen bar was also available in the industry area.

Men hooked up to IV's at a convention booth

After hearing an announcement from a philosophy professor at the University of Wyoming establishing the Bitcoin Research Institute (new theory dropping soon guys don't worry) it was Trump time. By this point the line had only gotten longer. Now truly winding back and forth across the hall unpredictably. A wall of people would appear as if from nowhere and vanish the next second as the line shifted.

Lucky I knew where a second security checkpoint that had almost no one at it (aside from a dozen or so SS agents taking wide stances and starring straight ahead) was. Plus it would take me to where there was free cold brew ("grown in El Salavdor, bought with bitcoin, and roasted in America"). It was probably for the best that the cold brew nozzle was clogged as my diet truly was only coffee these days.

The crowd was standing room only in the main Hall. Ron Paul was up onscreen talking about who the fuck knows what and Armed Secret service members patrolled the crowd looking for sloppy roofs.

Ron Paul being interviewed on a large screen

Finally the conference organizer gets on stage and gives a little speech announcing that Bitcoin2025 will be in Las Vegas and thanking the 8,000 people in the room to see Trump. He announces that up next is president Trump to huge applause. "Who better to lead the Orange Party than the man himself DJT!" this line provokes the man behind me into a hysterical laughing fit. Literally bending over and slapping his knees. I can not move away it is too crowded. The organizer goes back stage to get Trump and comes out a second later and says trump isn't ready before running away from the confused murmuring.

By now the rumor's that Harris will show up have died down only to be replaced by rumors Musk would appear live on stage with Trump. Even the Official broadcast they cute back to to distract everyone from Trumps absence are saying a "Special Guest" is in the building!

An interview on a big screen. A man is wearing a silly BTC/American flag hat

after 20 minutes the speakers stop playing the worst music you've ever heard and everyone gets quite only to have an announcement that someone needs to make there way to the exit immediately. 20 minutes after that we are all told it'll be another 20 minutes. Finally an hour late Trump takes to the stage. He stands awkwardly in the center of it while everyone cheers for him as his song finishes. There is no Musk. No special guest at all. Pumped us up and left us hanging.

Trump standing in the center of s stage weirdly

Honestly Trump was boring. He seems to have no sauce. Rizzless. Desiccated. Lame. RFK had a smaller crowd but louder cheers. However I will highlight a few funny moments: --You'll be passing the market cap of silver pretty soon. Maybe gold sometime. Pretty good pretty good.

--BTC is an accomplishment of human achievement, Love and relationships

--China is dominating us. "We want them to dominate folks but we want to dominate more"

--"I'm gonna give you so much electricity you'll be saying no more electricity please please mr president no more electricity"

--"I'll fire Gary Gensler Day 1" This gets the loudest cheer he managed. So he does it again. He just says it again for another cheer.

--I'll start a crypto guidance council to regulate bitcoin and all the other cryptos that are "very very good also"

---BTC doesn't threaten the USD the government does. Of course many Bitcoiners explicitly say this will destroy all fiat so I found it amusing.

--The military has not gone woke folks. They were very very good for me.

--The Gov will get more bitcoin and hold all bitcoin it gets never selling it

--The geniuses in this room ("well not all of you are geniuses. Some of you") are the modern day Wright brothers and Henry Fords.

it lasted 45 minutes. On the way out of the hall i got a good look at the RFK RV I had only glimpsed from the distance a few times all week.

RFK JR themed RV with a party bus full of dancing women wearing pink shirts next to it.

After waiting for trumps motorcade to go by to the cheering of all I can make it back to the hotel. I begin to feel a bit sick. Wonder if seeing only 2 people with masks the whole time has anything to do with it. Or maybe it's just the coffee based diet (I did get my free coldbrew eventually). Whatever the case its over. I can recuperate.

Bitcoin 2025 Las Vegas is 10 months away. I can probably come with an excuse not to go by then. On the other hand I'm a sicko and love torturing myself so if the invite comes again will I be able to stop myself.

I'll be in my backyard smoking weed if anyone needs me.

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