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25-28 July, WAW. Politics and Critical Art Festival Decentric Circles Assembly

25-28 July, WAW. Politics and Critical Art Festival Decentric Circles Assembly

In the course of the never stopping crisis of imperial warfare of Russia against Ukraine, destruction of networks of solidarities in Belarus, and multiple crises that are unfolding around the globe, driven by the entanglement of multiple imperialisms – in Artsakh, Palestine, Peru, Congo, Iran, Syria, Sudan, Kazakhstan, Belavezha Forest to name just a few – we are in need to think of the ways of surviving, struggling and supporting each other, of taking care of the existing and weaving new alliances. We propose to discuss, remember and make use of many things that we have been practising for centuries – mutual aid, solidarity, sabotage, striking – against the power of capital, police state, colonial dispossession and social deregulation. Building on the legacies and now-struggles of our comrades, we feel urgency to meet to regenerate, to archive, to define tools, to have a moment together. We would like to open the space of the assembly. As a horizontal space of discussions, as polyphony of contributions, as shared time. We propose an assembly of tools, intuitions, magnetisms, tricks, songs and deep hangouts. We imagine assembly not only as an anarchist tool of decision making with its own dynamics, discipline and patient velocities, but also as a medium – of struggle, of joy, of listening and performing. We see assembly not only as a flow of conversations, but also as decentric circles that derive from similar places but have various radius: thematically, spatially and involving temporalities of different kinds. Keeping in mind this as a structure for organising assembly days in Warsaw, we think that each circle can include both pre-programmed and spontaneous contributions during assemblies.

Interesting sessions: About Bialystok anarchists of 1905

About practices of solidarity

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