
The People’s Republic of China became food self-sufficient by the late 1970s

Will Podmore’s The War Against the Working Class, page 138:

Between 1949 and 1978, food production rose by 169.6 per cent, while the population grew by 77.7 per cent. So food production per person grew from 204 kilograms to 328 kilograms. Grain output increased by 2.4 per cent a year from 1952 to 1978. By 1977, China was growing 40 per cent more food per person than India, on 14 per cent less arable land, and distributing it more equitably to a population which was 50 per cent larger.^61^ China had become self‐sufficient in food.^62^ As Y. Y. Kueh pointed out, “by the close of Máo’s period China's historic food problem was basically solved.”^63^

(Emphasis added.)

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