Vaporents wolfshadowheart 1y ago 100%

AVB recipe conglomerate

Scrounged up my AVB recipe conglomerate from the old site.

AVB stuff I've collected into text conglomerate, briefly edited and formatted. It will only get bigger, but I got a couple PM's about it, so here it is:


This is highly recommended if you don't like the taste or have gastrointestinal problems with edibles. Also, you can make cleaner concentrates!


I highly recommend water curing before doing this method, as it will make the end result much cleaner.


These are visual steps of the following. I found it very helpful.


basically throw the abv in a jar and cover with coconut oil.
heat at (slow cooker on low)70c rough for 3 hours, then freeze for 2 hours, then back in the crock pot for another 3 hours then strain it and cap it.


i personally make 12 hour slow cooker cannabutter on low (but this method works with coconut oil) and i mix in powdered soy lecithin (about a tablespoon per 2 sticks of butter.) (/u/averyminya edits this out for controversy of S.L., but leave it for those who are curious)

  • i water cure my AVB for a week before the cook using a french press and distilled water.

  • i use 1.5oz of ABV per 2 sticks of butter so i make it strong as fuck because it's for me and i need strong edibles.

  • i can make a lot of it at once and then keep it in the freezer for when i want to use it, or i can cook it into baked goods, in my case mostly cookies which i then vacuum seal and freeze.

  • it's not a very difficult method, although it takes a lot of time, you are not engaged in the making of the cannabutter other than short intervals.

  • it is not easy if you do not have a kitchen, but i think most people have access to a kitchen at least.
    edit: specific recipes in the sidebar at /r/treedibles[1] (remember no decarb needed for AVB)


  • Pre-heat crock pot on low, 20-30 minutes.

  • Grind up your ABV in a coffee grinder to powder, the finer the better, seriously, it should be as close the the consistency of flour as possible.

  • Place ABV powder in small ceramic container such as a mini crock (like those used in french onion soup). Any small pyrex or ceramic container should work, such as a coffee mug but oven and freezer safe are best. A small brush can be used to get every last bit of ABV out of the ginder.

  • Heat coconut oil in the microwave (or stove/oven) until it is hot but not scalding, pour over the ABV until it's just barely submerged, do not add this all at once, add a little then stir, add a little more until it's the consistency of a thin batter.

  • Add soy lecithin granules, about 25% by volume the amount of coconut oil you used. Stir until dissolved. (/u/averyminya strike this because I have read controversy about S.L., but keeps it in for those curious)

  • Heat for 3 hours on low in the crock pot.

  • CONTAINER WILL BE HOT using a pot holder or oven mit remove your dish from the crock pot and allow to cool (about 15-20 minutes) then transfer to the freezer for at least 2 hours.
    Remove from freezer and allow oil to thaw at room temperature (~30 minutes) pre-heat the crock pot to low at this time again.

  • Repeat steps 6 through 8 one or two more times for extra potency

  • Optional: Add 1 drop for every ~2 grams of ABV used of lemongrass oil or hops extract to add Myrcene. Many know of the boosting powers of mangoes, lemongrass oil and hopps extract have the equivalent of about 12 mangoes per drop.

  • Using a spoon or needleless syringe fill gel capsules, I recommend putting down paper towels or news paper for this as it can be messy

  • Wipe down the completed capsules to remove excess oil


pt. 1 Are you asking how to infuse the THC into an oil? That is actually quite easy :)

  • Throw the oil and the AVB into a crockpot and leave it on warm for as long as you can take (pretty much, the longer the better, but at like 8 hours you could probably consider most of the THC has gone out of the AVB and into the oil).

  • Coconut oil is better, in my opinion, because it is more shelf-stable than butter (unless you use clarified butter).

  • You will have to play around with how much AVB to oil ratio you want to use. More avb, more potent, more oil, less potent. I have made some so potent that I can just eat a teaspoon and feel good for hours. I prefer more potent vs. less potent, because you can always dilute later with more coconut oil. THC is oil-soluble, so it will extract wonderfully into oil, not so wonderfully into water. And by extracting, you don't have to eat the bud. You just eat the oil containing the THC (you strain the bud out at the end of the crock pot cycle).

  • Some people like to add the bud and oil to boiling water, which works faster, but is more dangerous (if the water boils off then the oil will get REALLY hot and burn the bud and destroy the THC).

  • You could also put the oil and bud in an oven-safe container and leave the oven on low for many hours, taking it out to stir occasionally. You could do this if you do not have a crock pot.

  • Yet another method is to make a ""double boiler."" This is when you have a pot full of boiling water, and above it you rest another container (like a pyrex bowl) and add the bud and oil. This way it gets hot and begins to infuse, but if the water boils off the double boiler, you don't risk burning up your bud. Worst case, the pot that is actually touching the burner might get warped or blackened.

pt. 2 - Oh, you don't need a machine. That just makes it a lot easier! I have one, I got it here:, and used it to make these pretty little things... and you can read about what is in there here:
If I were you, I would:

  • get a jar of coconut oil,

  • warm it up until liquid,

  • fill it with all your AVB,

  • and then put it in a warm water bath in the oven or in a crockpot or on the stovetop.

That will take heat, and time. But even if you don't get to it for a few weeks, at least the infusion will be slowly taking place!


  • You could get creative though! I have a heat pad that you can sit on, or put on parts of your body if your muscles hurt. It is not suspicious at all, but you could set your jar of oil and AVB on top of that and leave it running in your bedroom for hours. It won't get as hot as a crock pot, but, time is on your side... you could just keep it on whenever you are home, for days, or weeks! At some point, most of the THC will leave the AVB and saturate the coconut oil.

  • Then it is time to strain it. Make sure you really press/squeeze out the AVB -- it will have a lot of oil in it, which you don't want to waste! You can even save that AVB after extraction by putting it in the freezer.

  • At some point when you make your next batch, you could add that to it because surely there will be trace amounts of THC left...


mix the abv and nutella together then throw it in the oven for 22 min at 230F. Then make it into a milkshake.


Pretty easy; mix 1 cup bisquick, 1/2 cup milk, 1/2-1/3 cup abv, bake for 12-15 min at 350. It makes two or three good sized biscuits that are pretty good cut in half with over-easy eggs on top and a little maple syrup.


What you will need:

  • French Press - You can find these on amazon or a lot of other places these days. It is a method of coffee making where the grounds are steeped in water to extract the flavor rather then your traditional drip coffee maker. It is then pressed down with a mesh screen which further extracts flavor. This is the perfect tool for the job.

  • Whole Milk - higher fat content but I am sure it would work with 2%

  • Coffee - 3-4 Tablespoons depending on how strong you want your coffee

  • ABV - 2-4 teaspoons. I tend to keep it how it is out of the vaporizer. Grinding it up further could get stuck in the screen or just go right through and end up in your coffee cup... GROSS

  • Water - DUH...

  • Tea kettle - used to heat water just off boil.


  • Put the water on to boil

  • Empty your ABV into a small microwave safe dish

  • Cover ABV with the milk. Just to cover and enough room in the dish to mix.

  • Place ABV milk mixture into microwave for 30 seconds 70% power.

  • Add your coffee grounds to the bottom of your french press.

  • When the water just off boil add your ABV/Milk mixture to the french press with a little water from the kettle. Give a quick stir.

  • Add remaining water from kettle and give another quick stir.

  • Place lid on the french press and set your timer for 4 minutes.

  • When the timer goes off slower plunge the screen to the bottom of the french press. Keep aware that there is more material to push down then a normal mornings coffee so don't rush it. I find this little thing makes a big difference.

  • Enjoy.. This will get me about 2, big coffee cups worth. I feel it start to kick in within 15 minutes. usually and hour after I finish both cups I start to feel my muscles all loosen up so that I can stretch and start my day. Pain in non-existent and I have a pretty decent head buzz going on.


nuts are probably optional, but they do have oils so potency mileage may vary, but that's to be expected

melted down some chocolate and mixed in about 10 grams in it and we each ate half. We couldn't move for 12 hours

ABV Milk Ice cubes
/u/RedSteppa does the following:

I'd throw it into (hot) whole milk with cacao on a stove for about 45 mins. Don't boil. Just keep it hot enough that you see steam rising up. Stir often.

After 45 mins...strain out the abv. Let the milk cool a bit. (Optional step: Drink some)

Fill it into ice cube bags and put it in the freezer.

You'll now have ABV-Milk on demand. Just take out the desired number of milk-ice-cubes and thaw them in a glass.

AVB Lotion/Salve

2 cups AVB Infused coconut oil
1/2 cup olive oil
2/3 cup beeswax (pellets seem to work best)
Essential Oils to your liking
A double boiler

  • Combine infused coconut oil, olive oil and pellets in double boiler.

  • Mix until melted

  • Add in essential oils

  • Let cool slightly and then whisk for 1 minute

  • Transfer to your container, let cool and enjoy!

  • Thanks to the Chronosseur on YT

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