Stripe ( online payment processor )

If you struggle with [Stripe](,_Inc.) saass[^1] and didn't received a proper help from Stripe support. and don't want to use a fully censored platform (Reddit, StackOverflow etc..) This community might be what you're looking for... [^1]: Service as a Software Substitute more info:


Hi, I'm using [stripe.PaymentIntent]( (server side) and [Stripe.js]( for the client side. everything work flawlessly under Firefox. ![]( With Chrome it's another story... First of all a .js file is being loaded !! [^1] Then in the browser console I received this error: > [Stripe.js] You have not registered or verified the domain, so the following payment methods are not enabled in the Payment Element: > > - apple_pay Funny thing is that in the Stripe "dashboard" is that the apple_pay is not enabled.. and it work in Firefox.. Any ideas ? [^1]: