Soil Science

This is a great and publicly available book for those that are curious about soil science


For all the time I spend looking at various techniques and growing tips, I know shockingly little about soil, especially when you buy it at a garden center. Lemmy has treated me quite well every time I've asked for gardening advice, so once again I come to all of you to ask: What exactly differentiates potting mix and in-ground soil? What should I be looking for when purchasing soil? Is the type I choose all that important? Enlighten me soil scientists, and add any other fun tidbits you think I should know.


>New method relies upon seismic technology that normally measures how the ground shakes during earthquakes. [The study](


I just wanted to post two things. Spodosols are the best soil order and Spodosols are the best soil order. I do not give a damn about productivity, just look at that thing and tell me otherwise.


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[Canonical YouTube link](


I've recently tried mixing the used coffee grounds in baking soda, and I'm seeing a very visible chemical reaction. I haven't tried putting it in the ground yet though.



>Summary of the day [6 Febuary 2024] > > The European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, said she would suggest withdrawing a plan to reduce pesticides and could propose a different one. > > > The move is part of Brussels’ gesturing to farmers amid protests across the continent. > > The European farming lobby, Copa and Cogeca, welcomed the announcement, writing that the “European Commission is finally acknowledging that the approach was not the right one, and is thereby reinforcing the credibility and importance of the ongoing strategic dialogue.” > > The Belgian prime minister, Alexander De Croo, also welcomed the move, saying that it is “crucial we keep our farmers on board to a more sustainable future of farming, as part of our determination to get the Green Deal done. The dialogue continues.” > > MEP Alexander Bernhuber, the European People’s Party group’s chief negotiator on pesticides, said that “this is a first good sign that the Commission will work with farmers to tackle climate change rather than against them.” > > Green MEP Sarah Wiener said that negotiations on the new pesticides regulation had been stuck for months and that “it is regrettable that it had to come to this, but at the same time this gives us a new opportunity to continue working on the SUR.” > > The European Commission today also recommended a 90% net greenhouse gas emissions reduction by 2040 compared to 1990 levels, though the proposal was interpreted as a watered down version of earlier plans due to political pressure linked to farmers’ concerns. > > Greenpeace criticised the Commission proposal, arguing that “the absence of a phase-out plan for fossil fuels, and even for subsidies, not only delays the climate action we urgently need, but will end up hurting people more.” > > Spanish farmers used WhatsApp groups to stage a series of informal protests today, blocking off major roads around the country to demand fair prices for their produce and a reduction in bureaucracy. > > Italian farmers are staging a significant demonstration in Rome this week by driving their tractors around the city, while their colleagues in the north led a cow through the streets of Milan. > > Italian senators are to debate plans by the far-right government to decriminalise abuse of office, a decision that has sparked tension with the EU and raised fears over the potential for mafia infiltration in the public sector. >


The protestes are not all done yet, some farmers Union are against this government's decision and are still fighting for better revenues among other things.


Link to article


Long story short - I moved from a country where there’s an abundance of black soil to a country with a dry climate and not much black soil. Not only that, I moved from an apartment to a house with plenty of land. I believe strongly that growing my own produce is the way to go, but sadly I lack a lot of skill. What I want to do is to plant a few plants, bushes and trees to get started with gardening, but I’m not sure whether the types that I want to plant will take well to the soil. So the first logical step in my mind is to figure out what kind of a soil I’ve got and what it’s well suited for and can I make it work for some things that it might not be ideal for. That’s why I was super hyped when I found this community, but it looks like people here are mostly posting articles and the discussions are more on the specialist/scientific side, so I hope my question doesn’t stick out as unwanted.


This topic is pretty hotly debated. One of the issues is that time is a huge factor in getting meaningful data, at least in a mining sphere, where stockpile are huge and soil is stored for a long time.