pornfree 😇

| DISCLAIMER | |:---------------------------| | **The community and post I'm cross-posting belong to another user,** | cross-posted from: > Please keep in mind that this wiki is a work in progress. Last update: 14/06/23. > > ### What is a porn addiction and how does it impact your brain? ### > > Porn addiction is considered a behavioral addiction that is characterized by an ever-growing compulsion to view pornographic content or material. Today, the tools available to feed a porn addiction have evolved thanks to the internet and other technologies, allowing access to unlimited pornography with a single click. > > [How does watching porn affects your brain - Your Brain On Porn.]( > > ### How do you define porn? ### > > If it's artificial, and if it's providing sexual stimulus, it is most likely porn. This includes erotic stories, audio-porn or nudes. > > ### Is it hard to quit porn? ### > > Yes. It's like quitting smoking, but having a pack of cigarettes always in your pocket. > However, ask yourself this: will porn ever satisfy you? > > *"If you are thirsty, porn is a sea water to you thirst, it is never enough, it will make you sick if you consume it more, and it is never enough to end your thirst"* > > It is worth to take the challenge of quitting porn, and restore dopamine balance in your brain - you will feel more yourself than ever before. No more hiding your phone, downloading gigabytes of explicit content, no more escalating into more and more disturbing videos. It's a truly liberating feeling. > > *Friendly reminder: If you're not horny enough to masturbate without porn, you're not horny enough to masturbate.* > > ### Methodology ### > > Some people like to track how many days they're pornfree, keeping streaks. They do reset a streak after relapse, starting from day 0. > > I, however, prefer the "calendar" method - I am marking porn free days as green on my calendar, and red when I relapse. This is more encouraging and helps with [the chaser effect]( > > ### How to quit watching porn? ### > > **Delete your stash** > First step should always be deleting your porn stash. You are no longer a person who watches porn, therefore stash will only lead to further relapses. > > **Identify and avoid your triggers** > > First, take a good look inside your chain of thoughts. What causes you to grab your phone or your laptop and search for porn? Then, cut those triggers out. > > Most common advice is: > > * Delete Instagram, or at least unfollow all the provocative content that led you into relapse. > * When going to the toilet, leave your phone in the living room. Never take your phone to the toilet. > * Keep yourself busy. Boredom is a huge trigger. > > **Take it one day at the time, minute by minute** > Today you're not going to watch porn. Today you're best possible, porn-free self. > > **Replace porn with a good habit that will provide you some dopamine** > Exercise. Go for a run. If a urge comes, do a single pushup or take a cold shower. Learn a new skill that will keep you engaged, and replace your porn habit with that. > > ### Is "x" an relapse? ### > > If you need to ask this question, it was probably a relapse. > > ### Resources ### > > **Porn blockers** > [NextDNS]( > NextDNS is a DNS based adblocker with an ability to block pornography. DNS blockers are effective way to filter out things you not wish to see. > Register, configure it according to NextDNS instructions, and select host lists to block pornography. Free plan should be more than enough for one person - it also blocks ads and trackers, without tracking your internet usage or anything, really. > > ### Apps ### > > Android: > [Table Habits]( > [Download link]( > Click on the Assets, then grab app-release.apk. > > This app can help you track your porn usage without tracking you. Also, can be used to track a good replacing habit as well.


I'm doing a lot better than I was a few years ago, but I still feel myself slip and fall into the same cycle a lot. What things have you guys been doing that has worked for you? It can be small, big, anything really.