
cross-posted from: https://discuss.tchncs.de/post/22760959 > Hello, > > I have two Podman containers. One container that contains Linkstack and another container for the Nginx Proxy Manager. > Now I want the Nginx Proxy Manager to retrieve the website from the Linkstack container. Unfortunately this does not work. > > I integrate the two containers in a network. I realize this with podman-compose. > > First, I created the network with "podman network create n_webservice". > > [Compose.yaml](https://notebin.de/?149ab7fa20c73872#GVTFNduj1L4JFTjb5wzTpWcWK9e1L3JdPcEisVvkbTrw) > > `services: > NGINXPM: > networks: > - n_webservice > container_name: NGINXPM > volumes: > - /home/fan/pod_volume/npm/data/:/data/ > - /home/fan/pod_volume/npm/letsencrypt/:/etc/letsencrypt > ports: > - 8080:80 > - 4433:443 > - 9446:81 > image: docker.io/jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest > linkstack: > networks: > - n_webservice > container_name: linkstack > ports: > - 4430:80 > image: docker.io/linkstackorg/linkstack > networks: > n_webservice: > external: > n_webservice` > > > I have tried everything possible in the Nginx Proxy Manager with the entry, but unfortunately I can't get any further. > The destinations http://linkstack:4430 and are not working. > > Can someone please help me how I can access the linkstack container from the NGINXPM container?


I am trying to create a podman compose of NGINX and PHP:FPM. I was able to get NGINX to work on its own using the `docker.io./bitnami/nginx` image. I gotten close I believe to getting the PHP:FPM to work also but due to an issue with NGINX not cooperating with the PHP:FPM. In the logs of the NGINX container, I get this error every time I load *localhost:8080* in the browser... ``` - - [24/Jul/2024:20:18:35 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 404 47 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:128.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/128.0" "-" 2024/07/24 20:18:35 [error] 44#44: *1 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: localhost, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "localhost:8080" ``` And when I load *localhost:8080* in the browser, it displays a blank page which says "File not found.". I am using podman 5.1.2 on Linux Mint 21.3. My goal is to simply NGINX and PHP to work, to be able to have a web server that can use PHP. Any advice would be most appreciated. * * * Directory structure ``` nginx-php/ compose.yml nginx.conf php.dockerfile php.ini www/ public/ ``` *compose.yml* ``` version: '3' networks: app-tier: driver: bridge services: nginx: image: docker.io/bitnami/nginx volumes: - ./nginx.conf:/opt/bitnami/nginx/conf/server_blocks/my_server_block.conf:ro - .:/app/ networks: - app-tier ports: - 8080:8080 php: build: context: . dockerfile: php.dockerfile volumes: - .:/app/ networks: - app-tier ``` *nginx.conf* ``` server { server_name localhost; listen; root /app/www/public; index index.php index.html index.htm; autoindex on; location / { try_files $uri $uri/index.php; } location ~ \.php$ { fastcgi_pass php:9000; fastcgi_index index.php; include fastcgi.conf; } } ``` *php.dockerfile* (Will like to get debugging and databases to work later on...) ``` FROM docker.io/bitnami/php-fpm # Install xdebug for nicer error messages and debugging # RUN pecl install xdebug # RUN docker-php-ext-enable xdebug # Install mysqli # RUN docker-php-ext-install mysqli # RUN docker-php-ext-enable mysqli # Install PDO # RUN docker-php-ext-install pdo pdo_mysql ``` *php.ini* (Will like to get debugging and databases to work later on...) ``` [PHP] extension=mysqli extension=pdo_mysql ; xdebug settings for debugging zend_extension=xdebug xdebug.start_with_request = yes xdebug.client_host=xdebug://gateway ```


I am unable to get the VSCode debugger to work with PHP running in a podman container. I was able to set this up using Docker by following these steps... 1. Create php.dockerfile (Dockerfile) 2. Create php.ini 3. Add VSCode debugging launch configuration to VSCode settings.json 4. Create container in Docker 5. Start container 6. Open workspace folder of the PHP script in VSCode 7. Add breakpoints in the PHP script in VSCode 8. Start Debugger in VSCode 9. Run PHP script in docker container which will trigger the debugger in VSCode I believe it is due to some networking setup with Podman which requires additional configuring for the debugger attach itself to the PHP script in the Podman container. Any help will be most appreciated. Dockerfile *php.dockerfile* FROM docker.io/php:cli # Install xdebug for nicer error messages RUN pecl install xdebug RUN docker-php-ext-enable xdebug *php.ini* [PHP] ; xdebug settings for debugging zend_extension=xdebug xdebug.mode=debug xdebug.client_host=xdebug://gateway VSCode debugger launch config... "launch": { "configurations": [ { "name": "PHP (Container): Terminal", "type": "php", "request": "launch", "pathMappings": { "/usr/src/app/": "${workspaceFolder}" } } ] }, Terminal commands to set this all up and run the script $ docker image build -t my-php-image -f php.dockerfile . $ docker container create --name my-container -v ./app/:/usr/src/app/ -v .:/usr/local/etc/php/ -w /usr/src/app/ -it my-php-image $ docker container start my-container $ docker container exec -it my-container php -d xdebug.start_with_request=yes test.php


Is it possible to run a alpine image to run an executable that is inside a volume without creating a new image? In Podman Desktop, I placed the following values in these fields when running the alpine image into a new container. **Command** /bin/sh -c /server/application **Volumes** ~/Documents/server-data:/server **Ports** 8080:8080 However I always get this error in my container logs. I think it could be due to the fact the container does not have permission to execute /server/application? `/bin/sh: /server/application: not found`


Is there way on windows to add an alias for commands in powershell and command prompt? I want to make it so when I enter `docker` it will execute `podman` I was able to achieve this easily on Linux to were I can always enter `docker` and it will execute `podman`, even if I closed the terminal window or rebooted my machine. It was a permanent alias redirect, not a temporary one. Can this be done on Windows for powershell and command prompt?


In order for me to get Podman to run on windows, I need to enter `podman machine start` in powershell every time I boot up Windows. Is there a way to have podman running and ready to go when I boot into Windows?