Party of Communists USA

"Stop Arming Nazis" "Defund Ukraine" the signs read.


I was wondering what PCUSA's view on the Kurdistan Workers Party in Turkey is?


90 percent of the event was great, sold a lot of books made a lot of connections. That was until some anti-civilization Anarchists flipped out table and stole our shit. Twice. The first time everyone saw it wasn't our fault, even some wobblies came and helped us. The 2nd time we weren't so lucky and they kicked us out. The organizers of the event were too blinded by their Anarchist bias to see that the people breaking our shit were obviously in the wrong. It's not like we crashed the event, we payed 90 bucks to have a table. Even with this BS we still made plenty of money and connections. They think this is some victory and are gloating about it. PCUSA is rising and some people aren't happy about it. If it wasn't obvious that Anarchists are synthetic glowies movement before, it sure is now.


In late May of 2022, two representatives of the International Department of the Central Committee of the PCUSA traveled to Western Sahara to attend a conference hosted by the Polisario Front. Fighting against Western Sahara's status as the last colony of Africa, the Polisario Front is a Saharawi national liberation movement looking to free themselves from Moroccan occupation and subordination. Our comrades visited refugee camps in Tindouf, Algeria, in which our Saharawi comrades suffer from inhumane living conditions and displacement from their homeland. Our comrades also had the historic opportunity to meet with the head of state of another country, his excellency President Brahim Ghali. The PCUSA looks forward to strengthening its ties with the Saharawi people in their struggle against Moroccan subjugation and oppression. Long live the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic! Freedom for the Saharawi people!


“To create a better world, I now take my place in the ranks of the international communist movement and the Party of Communists USA, the Party of the American working class (and its youth organization, the League of Young Communists USA). I take this solemn oath to give the best that is in me to the service of my class. I pledge myself to spare no effort in uniting workers in militant struggle against war, imperialism and fascism. I pledge myself to work unsparingly in helping the organized labor movement, in the shops, among the unemployed, to lead the struggles for the daily needs of the American working class, understanding fully that class struggle is the central ingredient in solving the oppression of working people. I solemnly pledge to take my place in the forefront of the struggle for the rights of nationally oppressed groups; against racism, sexism, ageism, xenophobia (anti-immigrant), homophobia, police brutality, anti-Sovietism, anti-communism, and against the chauvinist lies of the capitalist class. I pledge myself to rally the American working class to defend the ideals of the former Soviet Union, and to support the former Soviet peoples in their struggle to reestablish the Soviet Union as a scientific socialist state. I pledge myself to remain at all times a vigilant and firm defender of the Leninist line of our Party, the only line that eventually will insure the establishment of Scientific Socialism, which is the beginning of the transfer of power from the capitalist class to the working class. I pledge to support the efforts of those in the international communist movement whose communist parties are centered on calling for the reemergence of Marxist-Leninist, anti-revisionist parties within the world communist movement. There is a need for a reinstitution of a center for coordination and strategisation of the world’s communist parties in their struggle against globalized capitalism.”


I've tried to do some research, but I frankly don't want to read paragraphs and paragraphs of policies and their history. I know CPUSA is important, but in what ways are the two parties different? As I understand it, when CPUSA shifted to a more bourgeois-oriented program they kicked out the chapters that protested the change, and those chapters became PCUSA, but it would be nice to know a little more about this history. What are the party's general stances on historical figures like Stalin or Mao, or modern figures like Xi or Putin? I read on their site that they believe in political revolution, but I'm not sure if they say how they intend to bring about that revolution?


Red Patriot is the official publication of The League of Young Communists (LYC), the youth wing of PCUSA.