Parental Rights

Plummeting birth rates in the United States have essentially wiped out huge numbers of potential Disney Plus watchers. Their parents just never bothered to create them. Worse, Disney movies — and its feminist, pro-abortion, girlboss executives and princess stars — actively encourage women not to become mothers. Snow White is not allowed to fall in love and marry the prince — if she did, she might not get to run for Senate, or even live her dreams as a mid-level marketing manager in Disney Consumer Products. Disney is suffering from a problem it helped engineer. Classic princess movies used to inspire young girls to want to find their prince and get married one day. All those traditional and therefore bad messages have been “updated” to “reflect the world we live in now,” of course. Welcome to the dystopian, child-unfriendly world Disney helped create. It made this childless bed, and now we all have to lie in it.


“Statute requires the district to offer parents a way to limit their children’s access to certain materials,” they said. “Unfortunately, they’re making it as difficult as possible.” “Teachers and parents alike are saying it’s not a workable system.” The chapter continued to say that the policy still does not excuse the county from keeping “inappropriate materials” in the school libraries.


New College is the first public university in America to begin “rolling back the encroachment of queer theory and gender pseudoscience into academic life.”


“The stakes are really, really high,” school board member Nicolas Pardue said during the meeting. “We have young kids who are flirting with these different ideations about what their gender is at a very young age because right now the state of California, for whatever reason, is intent on allowing minors to alter who they are physically … and I think parents are very, very concerned about that.” Pardue went on to say that “at the very least they (parents) get a heads up. ‘Hey, this is happening to your fourth-grader, fifth-grader, sixth-grader. You might want to know about this.’”


“Failed leadership, including the movement to defund the police, our District Attorney’s unwillingness to charge and prosecute people who murder and commit life-threatening serious crimes, and the proliferation of anti-police rhetoric have created a heyday for Oakland criminals,” asserted the progressive group in a letter. “People are moving out of Oakland in droves. They are afraid to venture out of their homes to go to work, shop, or dine.”


"Name-calling parents who want to be a part of their child’s education as 'hate groups' or 'bigoted' just further exposes what this battle is all about: Who fundamentally gets to decide what is taught to our kids in school — parents or government employees? We believe that parental rights do not stop at the classroom door and no amount of hate from groups like this is going to stop that,"


There is nothing educational about any of this. It is simply an attack on children. These are predators normalizing their sick and twisted lifestyle. Period.


The report found that girls report that exposure to both topics is prevalent across TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat and even messaging apps, with more than one in three girls reporting that they “hear or see things about suicide or self-harm that is upsetting to [them]” at least monthly on all platforms, with 15 percent of girls who use TikTok and Instagram saying they come across this type of content on the platforms on a daily basis. The figures are even higher for those with depressive symptoms. Some 75 percent of the girls who reported moderate to severe depressive symptoms who use Instagram said they come across harmful suicide-related content on the platform at least once a month. This is nearly three times the likelihood of the girls without depressive symptoms who come across the content at the same frequency (26 percent). According to the report, a similar pattern emerges for TikTok users (69 percent of girls with moderate to severe depressive symptoms see the harmful content versus 27 percent of girls without depressive symptoms) as well as for the other platforms


Cruise lines are no longer safe for families, with LGBalphabet exhibitionists and transvestites running the entertainment and programming on board the ship. Rather than enjoying a floating resort of family fun, children are subjected to cruise personnel letting out their inner freak, and vacations on the sea have become playgrounds for deviancy. And as I have now experienced, even the skies are becoming grooming grounds for denial of the common sense understanding of what a man and woman really are. As always, the first experience on a plane is the onboard safety video. These are usually boring but necessary, and Virgin has produced an animated safety video that tries to be light-hearted. I recommend taking a look at Virgin’s safety video, especially at the 3:30 mark.


the unnamed minor was only 10 years old when she was contacted by a first predator on Instagram and coerced into sending explicit photos of herself. He kept demanding more, leading to the child attempting suicide “in the hopes of finding some escape,” When the family found out what was going on they reported “the exploitation to police, who informed them that Meta’s Instagram product was designed in such a way that they could not identify who was behind the Instagram account that was used to abuse her, and a case was never opened,” In 2019, when she was 13, the child was contacted on Snapchat by a second convicted sex offender — Reginald Sharp — who knew her real age. He convinced her to send nude photos and blackmailed her, saying that he would post them online unless she met him in person. The girl snuck out and met him and was repeatedly raped. In October 2021, the girl was still allowed on social media apps, and the situation repeated itself with another registered sex offender, Edward “Eddie” Rodriguez, a former New Haven police officer. He was on probation for assaulting another teenage girl. The girl met with Rodriguez and he sexually assaulted her in his car before driving her to school.


School's leadership seems to have abided by district policies calling for educators to spend most of their time on "targeted student populations" - as part of a district policy seen by National Review which calls for decentralizing "whiteness" in schools and using the hiring process to create a staff that is "free of blockers and resistors."


She added, “Come and kill him for me [redacted] I promise I’ll help you hide the body Bring all 4 of your guns.” After the teacher, whose identity is being protected by both KDFW and The Dallas Morning News, went viral, she bragged her job as a teacher was “safe.” “They told me to delete the post but my job is safe since I did not directly wish harm on ALL white people,” the teacher tweeted. “They laughed and told me to watch what I say and I’ll be good to go! Being a great teacher pays off very well when they know your true self!”


No child is born in the wrong body, their bodies are just fine; it’s their emotional lives that need healing. Whether you’re facing a gender identity battle in your home right now, or want to prevent one, you need this book to guide you and your loved ones out of the madness.


From the moment a child enters one of the nation’s 98,000 public schools to the moment he or she graduates, they will be exposed to a steady diet of: - draconian zero tolerance policies that criminalize childish behavior, - overreaching anti-bullying statutes that criminalize speech, - school resource officers (police) tasked with disciplining and/or arresting so-called “disorderly” students, - standardized testing that emphasizes rote answers over critical thinking, - politically correct mindsets that teach young people to censor themselves and those around them, and - extensive biometric and surveillance systems that, coupled with the rest, acclimate young people to a world in which they have no freedom of thought, speech or movement.


cross-posted from: > Target assured shareholders and investors that the Board was monitoring for social and political issues and risks arising from the company’s ESG and DEI mandates. > > However, management only cared whether its leftist “stakeholders” were satisfied, disregarding the possibility that its customers and shareholders might feel differently. > > Thus, in May 2023, Target embraced the radical transgender agenda with its children-and-family-themed “Pride” marketing and sales campaign – the corporation’s infamous “Pride” collection included clothing for young children with rainbow Mickey Mouse symbols, LGBT-themed bibs and onesies for babies, and “tuck-friendly” bathing suits for “transgender women.” > > This predictably caused more than a $12 billion collapse in share value, the largest stock price decline in over 20 years.


More than half of 11-15 year old girls using Instagram and Snapchat in the United States have been contacted by strangers in a way that made them feel uncomfortable, according to a report by Common Sense Media, a nonprofit organization that reviews and provides ratings for media and technology in order to safeguard children.


“When did it become a good idea to let [children] make a life-changing decision for thyself,” Ne-Yo questioned. “When did that happen?” The “Let Me Love You” crooner stated he believes parents have almost forgotten what it means to be a parent.


Last month Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom fined the school district $1.5 million for rejecting textbooks that mention Harvey Milk, a gay rights activist who sexually assaulted minor teen boys.”


Sex Matters purports to contribute meaningful dialogue in the public sphere. Its mission lies in fostering discussions around biological sex differences and challenges the prevalent gender ideology.


cross-posted from: > Or your children turn out weird or something yadda yadda


The Florida Department of Education spokesperson noted Thursday that other course providers such as the International Baccalaureate program “had no issue” providing the college credit psychology course.


Previously, there was no minimum age for referral and children as young as three were treated by the Tavistock. On average, three children aged under seven were being referred every month.


Zach lives in Utah and Nicole in Massachusetts—both states that ban "conversion therapy" for minors. That means any approach that fails to immediately affirm a child's new identity is prohibited. I put myself at l risk when I argued that Zach and Nicole should not be affirmed but instead have their long-term mental health issues treated.


“The ALA’s deliberate hostility towards religious Americans and its obsession with the promotion of gender ideology to children are especially concerning,” conservative leaders wrote, “because of its de facto status as the umbrella organization that controls programming and organizational support for state, local, and religious library associations across the country.”


“One thing that we really want to get across is that if this is happening in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, it’s happening all over the country,”


Depression is the side effect most discussed, as girls struggle with unexpected and crushing pressure, hurting their academic development, social life, and inner peace. Some say their duress even led them to consider suicide, a side effect that’s well-documented.


Between 2009 and 2023, the CCP provided over $17 million to fund various Confucius Institute-affiliated programs in 143 K-12 schools in the U.S., including top high schools such as Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJ) in Virginia and 20 school districts near U.S. military bases. The report found that at least seven schools still operate Confucius Classrooms or similar programs.  The “Financial exchanges between K-12 schools and the Chinese government range from a few thousand dollars to, in Thomas Jefferson High School’s case, more than a million dollars.” Furthermore, the PDE report unearthed TJ’s ties to Tsinghua University High School — the high school affiliated with one of China’s top military schools, Tsinghua University, the alma mater of the CCP’s current leader, Xi Jinping. 


We are now moving in the direction of another revolution targeted at ending the traditional family, the nation-state and religion,” warned Legutko. The present cultural revolutionaries remind us of the ancient Greek shoemaker Herostratus, who burned down the Temple of Artemis in an effort to become significant by destroying something of value. They think they are special and on a mission to create a brave new world in which they will play God, but without memory and experience they fail to spot the long-term consequences of actions such as undermining parental control and family ties, he warned. The paradox here is that the mania of liberation leads to slavery. The democratic liberal state is hyper-active and regulates everything; the way we behave, speak and even think. A repressive system is developing and those who do not conform are increasingly subject to punishment. Corporations and international bodies such as the EU are actively engaged in assisting in the creation of the new despotism.


"Are we not allowed to breast feed but you are allowed to celebrate a woman having breasts removed for reasons of social contagion and vanity? It’s absolutely bonkers,” Bindel urged adding “What’s really scary about it is the actual mastectomy scars are seen as a badge of honour, as cool.” “I want to see the surgeons, scientists, those who advocate and profiteer from healthy breast removal criminalised.” "Companies who want to appeal to young people are presenting trans as cool,” she continued, adding “This is being pushed on children as if having a major operation is just the same as changing your clothes.”


Pfizer and PhRMA (the industry’s trade association) fund the Healthcare Equity Index (HEI). This index, crafted by the left-wing Human Rights Campaign, rates health systems across America on how they provide permanent, gender-altering drugs and surgeries to children.


This policy of sacrificing girls’ and women’s well-being for men’s eligibility preferences is unethical and perilous


We study how heterosexual men and women value brains (as measured by educational attainment levels) and beauty (as measured by facial attractiveness ratings) in a partner.


An official welcome for gays and lesbians, as well as transsexuals — dubbed “transgenders”– into the national organization. That demand contradicted the organization’s original purpose of redirecting and subsuming young men’s energy to help guide them through their turbulent adolescent years and puberty.


“The Harris-Biden Administration is still angry that @RonDeSantis removed pornographic books from school libraries,”


“On day one, I will sign an executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, transgender insanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on children,”


cross-posted from: > In the case he analyzes, carbon taxation, which is among the Biden administration's "green energy" policy centerpieces, it takes over $250 of tax just to make $1 of carbon benefit, and even that is subject to a lot of imagination as to what the actual "benefit" is.