

Stephen M. Phillip has demonstrated that the Ultimate Physical Atom (UPA) is the E8×E8 superstring. Interestingly, the UPA is torus-shaped, and the E8 Lie group is also torus-shaped. Phillip has shown this by revealing that the UPA corresponds to polygons that encode the number of roots in the E8 Lie group and sacred geometries. The E8 Lie group in 3D is composed of tetrahedrons, indicating that it is the tetrahedron grid, and as we know, the torus expands out of the 64-tetrahedron grid. The flower of life encodes the fruit of life/Metatron's cube/64-tetrahedron grid, which in turn encodes two star tetrahedrons formed from the (Krystal-)Padovan-Fibonacci spiral. These star tetrahedrons encode all harmonics that constitute all vibrational dimensions, and these vibrational dimensions fractal out of each other because the higher-dimensional shapes construct the lower-dimensional ones. The 3rd vibrational dimension is constructed from a 3D infinite tetrahedron grid, which is one of the faces of the 4D infinite tetrahedron grid that constructs the 4th vibrational dimension, and this process continues up to the 12th vibrational dimension, where the fractal completely unifies and becomes a "singularity." This singularity separates into infinitely many parts, or infinite singularities, which are the points of the infinite tetrahedron grid and the spheres of the flower of life. These waves/dimensions fractal infinitely, and some of these waves, known as quantum fields, are encoded/contained within other fields. These spheres are actually toruses, which are ringularites of the "singularity" black hole, and these ringularites are energy loops that join together to form quantum loop fields, or quantum fields. When one quantum loop vibrates, it becomes a superstring geometric torus wave, or a UPA. Energy is information, which is numbers and geometry, so this fractaling tetrahedron grid is an infinite sea of energy that fractals, and the UPAs are geometric torus waves in this infinite sea of conscious energy, which is God. The lightwave fractals, with waves fractalizing out of each other from the singularity, God's source zero-point. The Prime Numbers Cross can be turned into a torus that surrounds the negative numbers, which are the singularity, demonstrating a torus expanding out of a singularity.


> “All things are arranged in a certain order, and this order constitutes the form by which the universe resembles God.” - Dante, Paradiso This post reveals the Tree of Life map of all levels of reality, proves that it is encoded in the inner form of the Tree of Life and demonstrates that the Sri Yantra, the Platonic solids and the disdyakis triacontahedron are equivalent representations of this map. Consciousness is the greatest mystery still unexplained by science. This section presents mathematical evidence that consciousness is not a product of physical processes, whether quantum or not, but encompasses superphysical realities whose number and pattern are encoded in sacred geometries.


"The path to immortality is hard, and only a few find it. The rest await the Great Day when the wheels of the universe shall be stopped and the immortal sparks shall escape from the sheaths of substance. Woe unto those who wait, for they must return again, unconscious and unknowing, to the seed-ground of stars, and await a new beginning. Those who are saved by the light of the mystery which I have revealed unto you, O Hermes, and which I now bid you to establish among men, shall return again to the Father who dwelleth in the White Light, and shall deliver themselves up to the Light and shall be absorbed into the Light, and in the Light they shall become Powers in God. This is the Way of Good and is revealed only to them that have wisdom.” ― Thoth Hermes Trismegistus


In this epic, all-day presentation, Mark Passio of What On Earth Is Happening exposes the origins of the two most devastating totalitarian ideologies of all time. Mark explains how both Nazism and Communism are but two masks on the same face of Dark Occultism, analyzing their similarities in both mindset and authoritarian methods of control. Mark also delves into the ways in which these insidious occult religions are still present, active and highly dangerous to freedom in the world today. This critical occult information is an indispensable component to any serious student of both world history and esoteric knowledge. Your world-view will be changed by this most recent addition to the Magnum Opus of Mark Passio.


Officially, tuning forks were invented in 1711 by John Shore, a British Musician. Unofficially, their existence traces back to ancient Celtic and Egyptian times. Nowadays they are used mainly for testing hearing, tuning musical, keeping time in a quartz watch, and teaching the principles of vibration and resonance in the classroom. The alternative health community uses tuning forks for healing purposes. But what did the ancients use them for? I believe they were mainly used to cut, drill, and levitate stones. I will provide some information in this note regarding these applications.


#### Genesis 1 _In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth._ _And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters._ _And God said,_ _**Let there be light**_: _and there was light._


The 'Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram' or LBRP is one of the most influential rituals of modern occultism. It was devised by the Golden Dawn, but is based on a traditional Jewish prayer that invokes the archangels for protection - most commonly found in the Siddur among the prayers to be said before going to sleep. After it's dissemination in the teachings of the Golden Dawn, it was subsequently adopted by other occult movements such as Thelema, Wicca, the Aurum Solis and more, with or without variations. The LBRP is used to clear one's working space - whether that be oneself, the Circle, Temple, or the Universe in general - of negative influences. In the Golden Dawn it is taught to Neophytes as a daily ritual so that they may learn to banish harmful forces from their immediate situation, and from their whole lives in general.


An introduction to the esoteric uses of astrology for initiation, explored through a kabbalistic and alchemical lens.


Initiation into Hermetics is the title of the English translation of Franz Bardon's first of three volumes concerning self-realization in line with the Hermetic tradition. The book itself is divided into two sections: the theory section and the practical section. The theory section outlines esoteric theory and Hermetic philosophy to help the student when following this course. Topics covered include the elements (fire, air, water and earth plus the fifth, ether), Karma (the law of cause and effect), occult anatomy, the physical, astral and mental planes and the matters of religion and god. The practical section is divided into 10 steps. Each step contains physical, astral and mental exercises which the student must master to the degree laid out by Bardon before moving on to the next step. The three kinds of exercises within a step are to be practiced concurrently, the idea being that this will lead to a more balanced development.


This twelve-month manual brings the serious student of consciousness to an ongoing awareness of unity. Dr. Regardie revised this edition (originally published as Twelve Steps to Spiritual Enlightenment) to progress from the physical disciplines of body-awareness, relaxation, and rhythmic breathing, through concentration, developing will, mantra-practice, to the ultimate awareness that All is God


The mythical origins of the Celts and Nordics suggests their ancestors were once a technologically advanced and partially fourth density (semi-4D) race who suffered a cataclysmic vibrational descent into 3D Earth, after which they became ever more divested of their supernatural powers by increasingly taking upon themselves the constraints of three dimensional space and linear time, whether through genetic intermixing with the indigenous population or through gradual acclimatization to the lower vibrational levels. That the 24 rune symbols were read by Odin only while hanging from the tree of time suggests they might be the spatiotemporal archetypes of our physical existence seen from outside time itself, e.g. from a state of “timespace” as the Law of One material calls it, or “neutral stasis” as Carlos Allende termed it in the Varo edition of Morris K. Jessup’s book “The Case for the UFO.” Timespace is the inversion of spacetime, per Dewey B. Larson’s Reciprocal System, meaning 3 dimensions of time and one of space, which visually would be experienced as a network of branching, merging, and bending fiber-like timelines.


Food for the Moon was first introduced into Western Culture by the Russian mystic of Greek descent, George Gurdjieff (1872-1949). The infamous concept was an integral aspect of the “Fourth Way,” which were Gurdjieff’s esoteric teachings on the spiritual development of man. The idea of Food for the Moon deals with the paranormal aspect of the slavery of Humanity in which its organic energy serves as “food” for some the cosmic entity we know as the Moon and its parasites that we can not see at another level of existence ie: the paranormal/fourth dimension.


The moon is more than just a pale satellite of interest to poets and astronomers. Its influence goes beyond merely creating ocean tides or driving biological cycles. More importantly, the moon exerts a significant influence upon the mechanical, emotional, and psychological states in man. The werewolf myth and superstition concerning full moon lunacy are not far from the truth. Certain lunar phases heighten the possibility for emotionally draining situations and stimulate reactivity and sensitivity in vulnerable individuals. Personal observation reveals what numerous esoteric sources have explained at length, namely that we are food for the moon. In this article I shall summarize these sources and then give an account of how through personal experience I independently arrived at similar but more expansive conclusions framed in context of the matrix control system. This is an incredibly fascinating and practical subject since the lunar factor can be observed by anyone with eyes to see and knowledge of such cycles can be used to bypass obstacles normally exacerbated by the fog of ignorance.


cross-posted from: https://links.hackliberty.org/post/253 > cross-posted from: https://community.hackliberty.org/post/65 > > The premise of cosmometry is that the universe is a fractal-holographic phenomenon composed of a synergetic interplay of energy and consciousness which always-and-only coexist in the ongoing creation of physical and metaphysical existence at all scales. This is as well the fundamental insight of many spiritual and mystical traditions. Science and Spirit are converging into a unified awareness wherein the purely metaphysical and the purely physical pursuits of knowledge become seamlessly integrated.


cross-posted from: https://links.hackliberty.org/post/251 > cross-posted from: https://community.hackliberty.org/post/49 > > STAR GATE was an umbrella term for the Intelligence Community effort that used remote viewers who claimed to use clairvoyance, precognition, or telepathy to acquire and describe information about targets that were blocked from ordinary perception. The records include documentation of remote viewing sessions, training, internal memoranda, foreign assessments, and program reviews. The STAR GATE program was also called SCANATE, GONDOLA WISH, DRAGOON ABSORB, GRILL FLAME, CENTER LANE, SUN STREAK. CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5


cross-posted from: https://community.hackliberty.org/post/16323


cross-posted from: https://community.hackliberty.org/post/15501 This is a summary of what I have learned from my encounters with inner and outer demons. Let this text be food for thought and don’t take my word for anything… but do customize what you read here to fit your own experience.


cross-posted from: https://community.hackliberty.org/post/15499 Much of what we know about aliens comes from what abductees and contactees themselves report. The problem is that fabrication, hallucination, and screen memories obscure the truth, so various protocols exist to improve the signal to noise ratio. These include cross-correlating multiple eyewitness accounts and using hypnotic regression techniques to bypass the memory blocks and screen memories installed by abductors. There is yet another source of noise, one not generally known but potentially widespread, which is the mimicry of alien contact by occult (non-alien) entities. Through telepathic means, occult entities have the ability to generate controlled hallucinations in the minds of their victims in order to reshape their beliefs and thereby control their behavior. What are occult entities (OEs)? They are what we might call ghosts, demons, negs, phantoms, shadow people, lower astral entities, or thoughtforms. Their ability to induce guided hallucinations in the vulnerable means they can project whatever scenario and cast of characters they wish.


cross-posted from: https://community.hackliberty.org/post/15352 - 00:00 - 1940s Yale Research Studies ("Matter Doesn't Emit a Field, The Field Creates Matter") - 02:00 - The ONLY 2 Key Components That Show How To Change The Field - 03:20 - The Power & Importance of 2 Coherent Signatures - 04:30 - The Disempowering Trap of Consistent High Range Beta - 05:40 - Synchronising The Subdivided Brain (Understanding Super Coherence) - 06:45 - Understanding The Energy Centers of The Body (Sympathetic Nervous System vs Parasympathetic Nervous System) - 08:00 - Convergent Focus Vs Divergent Focus - 09:00 - Slowing Brain Waves Down (The Power of Open Focus) - 09:30 - How To Program The Energy Centers - 10:50 - "The FORMULA" - 11:54 - Two Daily Windows When The Subconscious Mind Is Already Open - 12:20 - Why 5 Minute Meditations Don't Work - 12:53 - Carving a Path Into The Subconscious Mind (Operating System) - 13:45 - It Takes Hard Work! - 14:18 - You Have Two Choices, Only One Will Change Your Life!


cross-posted from: https://community.hackliberty.org/post/14189 > For those who would like a handy reference pertaining to tropical astrology (i.e., traditional Western astrology), see my following article: > > * Jamie Michelle, ["Tropical Astrology"](https://web.archive.org/web/20220616062714/http://jamiemichelle.freevar.com/Jamie-Michelle-Tropical-Astrology.html), *Internet Archive*, June 16, 2022 (orig. pub. June 11, 2020), ark:/13960/t0wq8t60r; also available [here](https://ghostarchive.org/archive/aDceY), [here](https://megalodon.jp/2022-0616-1527-32/jamiemichelle.freevar.com/Jamie-Michelle-Tropical-Astrology.html) and [here](https://archive.is/2oKNF); download: [here](https://archive.org/download/Tropical-Astrology/Jamie-Michelle-Tropical-Astrology.html). > > A lot of research and attention to detail has been put into this. This began mostly as my own notes for myself. I find the intersection between different cultures' ancient beliefs and their connection to the modern science of astronomy to be quite interesting, including how that ancientness has carried forward to the present time. For example, in English the days of the week are named after deities—mostly Norse deities—and those deities in turn were each associated as representing one of the seven classical planets. So each day of the week also has a classical planet associated with it. And this same connection goes back to the ancient Mesopotamian deities, through the Greeks and Romans, and is even found in Hinduism. There's actually a lot of overlap between these cultures, which continues to this day in our modern culture. I provide tables of rows and columns which explicate these connections in a convenient way. > > A good deal of historical digging had to be done in order to nail-down some of this information. Presently there's a lot of confusion that exists regarding the referent identity of Sagittarius; and to a somewhat lesser extent, so also with Capricorn, and even some of the other Zodiacal signs. One might think that this historical cultural information would have been better preserved and known by those who make it their interest to write on such topics, but such is not the case. So my choices regarding the aforesaid referent identities haven't been made lightly. As far as what I have come across, this information has never been laid out in such a systematic and well-researched manner. One area where I might expand on this article is to give scholarly citations while explaining how I arrived at some of the possibly more surprising referent identities. > > As indicated, I additionally make the connection between astrology and the modern science of astronomy, and even modern medical science. I provide a number of astronomical and mathematical resources for those who might desire to learn about astronomy more. > > So if one comes at this information from the cultural perspective, one might be inspired to learn more about its scientific/astronomical aspects. Or if one comes at it from the scientific/astronomical perspective, one might be inspired to learn more about its cultural aspects. There ought to be something here for almost everybody! > > ⁂ > > For additional writings by me, see also my below *Linktree* profile to find other social-media websites that I'm on: > > * ["jamie_michelle"](https://linktr.ee/jamie_michelle), *Linktree*; also available [here](https://megalodon.jp/2022-0916-1110-14/linktr.ee/jamie_michelle) and [here](https://archive.is/FAzga).


cross-posted from: https://community.hackliberty.org/post/11501 How sacred geometries are equivalent to one another, encode the nature of all levels of reality and embody the structure and dynamics of the basic particles of matter.


cross-posted from: https://community.hackliberty.org/post/11500 The infinite multyvers(spacetime/all of existence) is an infinite tetrahedron grid shaped energy field made out of gods Consciousness(energy) the smallest infinite tetrahedron grid's that make up the infinite multyvers are xen particles A.K.A superstring's which are E8(torus) infinite tetrahedron grid's. the superstrings are in a quantum state and have infinite vibrations which forms all the dimensions.


cross-posted from: https://community.hackliberty.org/post/11499 I Ching is one of the world’s oldest texts, dated to 1000 years BC, and it is said to have origins even further back in time. The text describes the laws of nature through the union of polarities and its diagram consists of 64 hexagrams representing various points of balance between Yin and Yang – negative and positive energy. When we put all opposing polarized hexagrams together they form the lines of a 64 and a 512-tetrahedral matrix, which is the necessary geometry to describe the perfect balance and fractal recursion of space-time. The fact that the diagram depicts two iterations of the fractal – 64 and 512 tetrahedrons – is no coincidence. As we have seen in the Fractal-Holographic Universe it is precisely this difference of vector density in the vacuum geometry which is the source of the universal torque, centrifugal forces and thus visible manifestation. The density of vectors required to form symmetrical stability of the infinite vacuum energy steadily increases towards higher density as we move into deeper resolutions of the fractal. This creates relative gradients of energy density, from infinitely dense to infinitely un-dense, and it is precicely these differences that drives space-time torque at all levels, from atom to universe, in the same way that small differences in pressure and temperature in the weather systems on earth drives enormous hurricanes.


cross-posted from: https://community.hackliberty.org/post/11498 One of the British Museum's most prized possessions (the Harley 3469 MS), the Splendor Solis is considered the world's most beautiful (and perhaps important!) alchemical manuscript. We will talk a little about its history and relevance, then review in full the 22 plates and their initiatory significance as a guide for the alchemical journey. We will also showcase 6 other versions of the MS, all newly digitally restored and enhanced.