
Looking for ideas of where to move next. Places in the US that are lgbt friendly, and preferably have good trans healthcare. I'll probably never be able to move to any of them, but it would be nice to pretend for a little while.


If it weren't for the amount of effort I have to put in, I'd love to look like this every day xD


hi first post since moving from .world :3


So many years I convinced myself that I didn't have it bad enough to transition. I wasn't constantly depressed, only sometimes. Dysphoria didn't affect me daily, just weekly... Never mind the fact that any time I embraced who I was it made me so happy, or that being seen by others the way I wanted felt more real than any other recognition I'd received before. No, I didn't suffer enough, so I didn't deserve to rock the boat with my happiness. Folks, as cliche as it is, we aren't here forever. Life is too short to waste it lying to yourself and everyone around you.


I can't seem to shake imposter syndrome or doubts about whether I'm "trans" or whether I'm a woman, etc. Just wondering what you all do when you feel that way, if you have any recommendations? It makes me feel awful, there is so much commitment to a transition it feels like you have to be certain, but I just don't have constant certainty. Sometimes I'll sit down and try to analyze it objectively, basically considering the "null hypothecis" - if I am not trans, then I would be cis, if I were cis then a certain set of things would be true (like, estrogen would probably not feel so great, testosterone would not make me depressed, etc.).


A question for those of you, who had GRS/SRS and are from the countries, where the state or private insurers don't refund it even partially. [1] How did you fund it? Have you saved enough in case you earn rather good money? Created an internet fundraiser or at least a tip jar and "campaigned" for it? I'm single (and have been since, well, very long time) and although I earn well, I'm very anxious about finances, especially that I still have a mortgage. I'm worried about stable income too and to have enough savings to not suddenly be homeless in case of losing my job... [1] I'm from Poland, it's one of those countries.


Please excuse my dirty depression mirror~


So I'm wondering if I might have klinefelter's (XXY chromosomes) or if I'm just very receptive to estrogen because the effects of HRT happened to me way faster than I've heard other people say it happened to them. I've seen charts like these and I am a bit dubious of them because my timeline doesn't match up at all. ![image of chart]( I don't know if my experience is actually normal or not, but when I started estrogen about a little over a year ago, it only took a few days for me to notice my skin being softer, and then literally the next day I woke up with breast buds and about 2 to 3 weeks later I had noticeable breasts that were big enough that it was difficult for me to boymode at work. I'm pretty sure I got to Tanner stage 3 in like half the time that's expected. From what I've heard from others is that they didn't get breast buds until at least 3 months in and that made me question why mine happened so quickly. I've also always been pathetically weak and it's also always been difficult for me to gain muscle. Which makes me think I had low testosterone even before I started spiro. I remember when I had my 3 month follow up, my t was at 89 ng/dL and I remember my doctor commenting that that was lower than he expected, although I have zero idea if that is actually lower than normal for 3 months on 100mg spiro. I'm curious if any of you also experienced a similar timeline to me, or if your timeline fits the charts that I've seen. I know my timeline is quite fast and that it might be hard to believe (idk if my experience is normal or not), but I swear it is my genuine experience with HRT.


im sad and have noone to talk to about it... except for wifey, and two friends.. but this is about one of the two friends, and they are friends with each other too... and telling wifey about it always leads to me feeling worse because she'll say clever things like "just talk to him about it" ... i dont want to talk to him about it, that would mean i would have to acknowledge the problem and address it directly. what a silly way to deal with emotional turmoil, am i right? no i know im not right... i wouldnt be posting this crap if i knew i was right. i know im wrong and i should talk to him about it but i just cant ;_; yeah... i know you must be thinking i need therapy and you would be absolutely right, except i hate going to the doctor and them being a special type of doctor for the mind and such doesnt make my detestation for docs any better. sorry this really isnt about me being transfem. i AM transfem, but that doesnt have anything to do with the rest of it.. except i cut off most people i knew even before i transitioned... just because they would no longer be part of my daily life. which sucks but i guess i did this to myself so serves me right. anyway, im sad, tired, nostalgic and have no point. thanks for reading ._.


I have a question on whether I'd be able to continue following the One Meal A Day diet strategy while taking Estrogen. Is there any medical reason why I shouldn't? Does estrogen work better with a meal? How about if Estrogen is injected/patch/gel? I'd like to loose weight and OMAD is basically the only strategy where I have ever seen any weight loss.


To be fair also, I'm still presenting as male in public. But seriously how long does it take to remember?


I have recently learned that you can get hrt medicine off the counter in my country. I am an 18 year old and I am at the last year of high school. My plan since I learbed this was to wait till my finiahing exams are done (May) and start after that which puts half a year between that and till I can move out aboard for university. What worries me is having to hide the effects especially with the summer in between and swimming that comes with it. How much does it take for breast growth to become noticable and what would you do in my place?


I can make all the sounds, but maintaining a feminine tone is still pretty hit-or-miss. Since I spend all day at work talking to my team online, I figured it would be good to use that time for voice practice. (I'm already out, so hopefully they won't think I'm going insane) I've been slowly pushing the pitch up over the past few weeks to avoid straining, and with a pitch tracker going it looks like I'm sitting at around 150 Hz right now (for reference I usually aim for 200 Hz when training, which I can comfortably manage for short periods). Not quite target pitch, but at least I'm not dropping out of the androgynous range too often. End-of-day huskiness is slowly getting better but my resonance is all over the place. Anyway, how do you all get your practice hours in? Any fun anecdotes? I'm still in awe of all the trans women on Youtube with perfectly passable voices.


I'm so tired of the healthcare system. I work as a nurse for one of the largest and most reputable organizations in the US. And getting culturally competent care is ridiculous. There are only 2 providers in the entire organization who are willing to take trans patients, and I'm outside of their geographic area (never mind the fact I was given a referral by the trans specialty clinic when I explained I don't need transition services, just a doctor that knows the basics of lgbtq health). I know people have it worse than me, but it's still bullshit I can't just call and make an appointment. This is already the third round of calls I've had to make just to get an appointment set up. I think the worst part is I had a job in gender affirming care I was fired from (for daring to suggest we have signs for our clinic, or trans patients be able to call the regular line). I loved the work and the patients, and it felt so good to be able to help people like me get the care they need in a respectful and competent manner. But now I'm back to taking care of old, entitled, and almost exclusively white cis het patients. I hate being part of a system that perpetuates disparities, but I'm stuck because I can't find any way to provide this care without earning another degree. Thanks for letting me vent.


I see a lot of posts near the event but rarely see any updates in longer time frames. Are you happy? Have you had any issues since the surgery? Can you orgasm? Any unique hygiene issues? What are some non-obvious post-surgery things that only become apparent when everything settles back into a routine?


Surgery went fine on 2024-09-20 in Munich Bogenhausen, I'm recovering well and everything looks fine so far :) Feel free to ask any questions :3 Edit: I would like to know why someone down voted this tho


::: spoiler Tap for spoiler So my transition results have always been mid, i am by no means a model and I hate to say it but i hate that. I wanted that, and it didn’t happen. I do have smallish boobs but things like hips, ass, etc never really happened for me. I struggle a lot mentally with this. I have been questioning if HRT is even actually working for me, I can still cum and I do see it being the same color it was pre HRT, it is usually reduced at the start of my weekly injection, but by the end it’s back and I feel like shit. I am currently on 0.5ml of estradiol cypinate taken once weekly. I am unsure about my levels since while labs said my estradiol levels were at 200pg/ml I am suspicious I may of injected late and forgot it about it, for reference I usually wait a full 7 days between my injection and labs and when I’ve done that at 0.3ml my levels were only 90pg/ml. I just don’t know and plume doesn’t seem overly helpful to me with my issues. :::


So I've started estrogen around 3 weeks ago (hooray \(^ヮ^)/ ) but have noticed one thing that is really bothering me. I feel like I could eat the entire day through. I'm just constantly hungry and it really irks me... Before, I had absolutely no issues going with one, maybe two small meals a day (when not at work) and sometimes even completely skipping a day. But now I pretty much need a chewing gum to sedate me from eating all the food that I made for myself for today and tomorrow. It's really tearing on me... Yes, I am slightly underweight (56kg/173cm) but the fact that I am a little slim is like 30% of what makes me pass even just on 3 weeks of HRT... I don't want to gain weight, I don't want to lose this figure of mine, I don't want to waste so much time and money just eating.... I know that this is probably partially an undiagnosed eating disorder speaking but does any one of you have a similar experience? The fat i'd accumulate wouldn't go to my ass or boobs.... I have no chance of getting much of either sadly so it would just collect as undesirable belly padding....


Paywall removed: >An ambitious new compilation, Transa, will collect music from Sade, Sam Smith, Jeff Tweedy, Laura Jane Grace, and more than 100 other artists to celebrate trans and nonbinary people. The album, which features nearly 50 tracks and runs nearly three-and-a-half hours, will come out Nov. 22 via the Red Hot Organization.


Not a huge thing, just some shoes and socks, and something people won't really pick up on (some Toms). But either way, a friend went with me for a confidence boost and I'm super happy.


FAQ: 1. Why do you feel like crap? * Brain chemicals plus time, multiplied by the dysphoria co-efficient. 2. You'd pass better if you just dressed like people. * Look, if I'm not dressed like I'm gonna run up the side of a skyscraper, holding a technosword, during a rainy night, in order to kill a god, *is life really worth living?* 2a. Just wear a brand somewhere. * Nope. Earth symbols and brands and such aren't diegetic to how I want to present myself. I specifically want to look like I don't belong. 2b. That makes you stand out. * Fine. As long as I'm read as a girl who's not from here. 3. Why'd you climb halfway up Mount Hood? * Arch-nemesis at the top. Called him and asked me to meet halfway up for a thrilling sword fight cause I'm lazy and it's a compromise. (Seriously though, it was a hike with my wife and I was bitching bilingually going both up and down and it was very difficult to even make it that far.) 4. Can you play banjo? * Nope. I tried though, but the hand doing the strumming is the one that took the most damage from two strokes. Can't even keep a rhythm. 5. Your shoes aren't matching sometimes. * OH SHIT THANKS FOR POINTING THAT OUT 6. Kids these days don't even know what Final Fantasy is, really. * Don't care, it was super formative to my heart and I'm almost 40.


Title question. My wife is curious about what my new smell will be. All I know is that the stinkier elements change, not sure about the other parts.

Transfem RIPandTERROR 2mo ago 96%
Hi again!

Hey everyone! I’ve been taking a lot of selfies lately, and I’m trying to be mindful about how often I post. Recently, I’ve added eyeliner, eyeshadow, and lipstick to my makeup routine, and I’m excited to share that I’ll be hitting one year on HRT in early October with a few updates! Since the beginning of my hormone journey, I’ve taken over 800 photos to document my progress. I decided to start an Instagram account for anyone interested in following along and showing support: [Instagram ]( You can also find a link to my full Google Photos timeline there: [Google photos timeline ]( Your support means the world to me, and I’d love to share updates more often. If this post isn’t appropriate for the community, please let me know, and I’ll make adjustments. Also, if anyone knows of communities focused on timelines or LGBT selfies, I’d appreciate any recommendations. Thank you so much for your support! 💖🏳️‍⚧️😁 Edit: forgot to actually put in links 😅


Hey all, I currently can't get laser for a variety of reasons, and was wondering if anyone knows if using IPL now effects my potential of getting laser in the future? I know certain things can make laser less effective, but I couldn't find any info about this. Thanks


Hi, everyone! So, I'm moving toward going on estrogen in the next year. Before I do that, there are some steps I want to take to prepare. I'm using an at-home IPL machine now for hair removal, and I'd like to get some voice lessons under my belt as well. The main step I want to take next is _sperm cryopreservation._ My fiancee and I want kids, but I'm not certain it would be a good idea to have a kid during puberty. So, we want to freeze my sperm or our embryos, and I was wondering if ya'll have any resources you could share? I've looked into a few at-home sperm freezing kits, but it's such a big deal to place your fertility in the hands of a company like that and any advice would be much appreciated! <3


Hello, we were wondering if there were any Peritoneal Pull Through Vaginoplasty surgeons in the UK, or if not or they're not good where would y'all recommend going? Not currently seeing the GIC because of long waiting lists, so don't know if that's a concern. We are on hormones though. Also, haven't had any other surgeries yet, should we do before consulting them? Thanks!


Hey all, as I've been thinking about who I want to be and how I want to transition, I've gotten to wondering about people's transition timelines in general. If it's something you're comfortable talking about, how long did it take you from realizing your trans to taking steps to transition? When did you start using different pronouns, when did you come out to people, how long did it take you to know you wanted HRT and then to start it? I realized I wasn't cis a few months ago, and have been growing my hair out and experimenting with clothing. I know I want to get permanent facial hair removal, and am interested in HRT but have reservations, and would value hearing others experiences about how long it took them to know what they wanted. I'm a very hesitant and self-doubtful person in general, and I guess just feel a bit lost in how to go about self discovery here. Editing to say thank you very much all for sharing, seeing how different everyone's experiences can be is honestly really comforting.


Not me, but an amazing pep talk I didn't know I needed! 🏳️‍⚧️


Androcur 10mg (which contains cyproteronacetate) is being discontinued by Bayer because it isn't economical for them to produce anymore. I hate it. It's the anti androgen that's pretty much the standard for feminizing hormone therapy here in Germany and I believe even in Europe. Edit: here is the email in German that they sent me after I asked them through their contact form: ![](


So because getting to see the GIC is seemingly impossible, we are currently being prescribed three things by gender G.P (who have become decreasingly helpful over time): - Finasteride (started 2-ish years ago) - Estrogen patches (started 2-ish years ago) - Progesterone (started a year in) Current prescription states: - Finasteride - 5mg taken in the morning, once daily - Estrogen patches - 150mcg released over 24 hours, changed twice weekly. - Progesterone suppository - 200mg taken once daily in the evening We were watching a video debunking sci-show's video about HRT and it said that finasteride is a not an AA and effectively only stops hair loss (which we don't think we had before starting). We have some problems as our chest seems to have either stopped developing or ran into problems and seems to have developed tubular breasts syndrome (they're an okay size but a bit triangular and don't look quite 'right' to us) but we aren't sure if this is because we did something wrong or not? So our questions are: - Should we stop our current regimen of finasteride? - Did we start taking progesterone too early? - Will our chest continue to grow and work its way out of this shape/problem?


I have an upcoming appointment for an FFS consultation and was wondering if there are any questions y'all recommend asking 🙂


We saw The Beths opening for Alvvays last night and it was amazing.