Kiwix - The Offline Wikipedia Reader

![]( ![]( ![]( So I gotta explain this real quick, a CDCC (Centro de comunicación communal) is something like a Cybercafe, but socialist, meant for the community to come there and use the internet, and use it as a place where the organized communities can do meetings and share knowledge. So, we were recovering this one, and I did install Kiwix in every single computer, so it can still work as a place to do research and share knowledge even if the internet gets cut off.


(Without checking) I deemed the project dead, because the latest f-droid release is 5 years old. Is there any chance to get the f-droid releases rolling again?


Kiwix JS Browser Extension is now at v3.10.1 - 10th Anniversary Edition! This is the 10th year of Kiwix JS. The headline feature of this Anniversary Edition is the internationalization of the app's UI with French and Spanish languages (more will follow in due course). Additionally, major under-the-hood development work has been undertaken to move the app to a modern bundling system and to provide a comprehensive suite of end-to-end tests on BrowserStack. If you are using Chromium/Chrome/Edge < 88, you will need to sideload the MV2 version. Easy instructions for sideloading MV2 are here: Firefox users: Mozilla has not yet finalized support for MV3 in Firefox browsers. However, you already have the PWA-based workaround that allows you to run inline JS in the ZIM. We'll upgrade to MV3 when support for it has been finalized in Firefox. Store links: Firefox: Chrome: Edge (in certification): Full Changelog: Kiwix JS v3.10.1 (3.10.0) Note: this release was originally numbered 3.10.0, but due to a publishing issue with the Mozilla extension store, it had to be re-issued as 3.10.1. Released on 2023-09-10 FEATURE: Full internationalization of the app in Spanish and French (more languages to follow) UPDATE: Improved availability of non-store Chromium extension files and installation instructions UPDATE: Supported platform infromation in README UPDATE: Documentation updates throughout app FIX: Universal file picking in latest Chromium browsers for Android FIX: Failure to show active content warning for PhET ZIMs FIX: Instabilities in End-to-End tests DEV: Added End-to-End tests with Selenium and Mocha on GitHub Actions and BrowserStack DEV: Updated Unit tests to use TestCafé DEV: Move to modern ES6 bundling system with rollup.js and Vite development server DEV: Conversion of JQuery .on events to vanilla JS DEV: Add documentation for TESTS and adding dependencies for the bundling system DEV: Moved app's configuration code to top-level init.js outside of bundling system


The Wikivoyage app is now at version 2.6.2. Apart from the July 2023 ZIM, this is mostly a bugfix release. It also restores the ability of users to extract images manually in ServiceWroker mode (support for old devices or those with slow file access, and allows users to access ZIMs with image-heavy landing pages on such devices). The Electron versions work with Windows 7/8/10/11 and Linux, while the UWP is for Windows 10/11. The Linux packages have been tested on Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora and OpenSUSE (32bit and 64bit). The packages contain the July 2023 Wikivoyage English ZIM (wikivoyage_en_all_maxi_2023-07.zim), together with the changes in the CHANGELOG. Release: Permalinks: Or open Command/PowerShell and type: `winget install kiwix.wikivoyage`


Kiwix JS is 10 years old today (well, technically yesterday, depending on your timezone)! We've been working hard behind the scenes to do something to mark the occasion, and so we decided to fix a very old issue on internationalizing the UI for the Kiwix JS Browser Extension version. So far, we've translated the UI into Spanish and French. More languages will follow in due course (it's a time-consuming fiddly process). If you'd like a sneak preview, you can see it in the DEV version which can be found here: If you don't see the languages dropdown in Configuration, please make sure the version has updated to v3.9.3. After 7 seconds, it should offer you the update (simply exit the page and go back to it to fetch the updated Service Worker). If your browser is set to French or Spanish (or English) as the default browser language, then it will automatically display that language. If it is set to another language, then English will be displayed. But you can use the dropdown to override the automatic selection. This is a step on our mission to make Kiwix as universally accessible as possible. We will do a release to Browser Extension stores as soon as we are sure to have ironed out all bugs. If you encounter any, please either report it here, or make an issue on our GitHub:


So, I was thinking about this, and I realized that Kiwix might actually be one of the best apps for looking at information privately, for the following reasons: - Completely off the grid, so no tracking, no cookies, no spying by your ISP or people who might be monitoring your internet activity. - No browsing history. - You can bring your content anywhere. - No censorship. Yeah, most of the official zim contents for Kiwix are inoffensive and is mostly general information, but imagine if you live in a country with heavy censorship and you want to inform yourself about topics that the people in power don't want you to look out, or imagine if you live in a community run by a cult and they control what you look at on the internet. Well, Kiwix is not on the internet, and at any moment you can hide or delete the kiwix content and there is no trace that you were looking at forbidden knowledge that the cult don't want you to know about. I don't see people talking about these advantages, and I think it would be nice to point them out. What do you think?


This is my personal script to update my libraries, and I just uploaded it to github. I hope it can be useful for someone.


I'll start. I live in Venezuela, and since I'm working at an ISP company, I know there is a lot of people who are completely off the grid who has no access to a proper up to date education, since their only means of getting information is through traveling to nearby locations with a signal, or using old outdated books that are probably already rooting. So for the last year I've been making proposals and taking them to higher entities, to try and go to those communities in the middle of nowhere, so we can implement Kiwix there. I already have the packages, the methodology to implement it, I'm even developing a GNU/Linux distro to make the process easier, in line with EndlessOS, but unfortunately Endless is too heavy for the computers we are dealing with. We might start it soon, we have already done some tests, and I even have a website (which I need to properly build still). I wanna read your experiences.


Kiwix JS PWA and Electron / NWJS / UWP apps for Linux and Windows are now at version 2.5.6. Headline features: Greatly improved file and folder picking experience for Firefox users and for any browser or framework that supports the Webkitdirectory API. The app now has the ability to pick a folder of ZIM archives in nearly all browsers (except iOS and Android, which are restricted) and switch very quickly between different ZIMs in the directory with no further permission prompts - see our demo Split ZIMs can also be opened just by clicking on the first split part (.zimaa) Users of the Microsoft Store app on Windows will now get the much more capable and up-to-date Electron-based appx as a seamless upgrade if your system supports it (Xbox, mixed reality and Windows Mobile users will still get updates to the legacy UWP app). Any user can still download and sideload the lightweight legacy UWP app if preferred, or use the PWA instead. Try it out instantly at (make sure it has updated to 2.5.6). Release packages for Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, OpenSUSE, AppImage, Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11: Permalink: Or, in Windows 10/11, open Command/PowerShell and type: winget install kiwix.kiwixjs (modern appx installer, 64bit) winget install kiwix.kiwixjs.electron (traditional executable, 32bit and 64bit) Full CHANGELOG: FEATURE: Ability to pick a folder of ZIM archives in nearly all apps and frameworks supporting the Webkitdirectory API FEATURE: New Electron-based appx version of Kiwix JS now served from the Microsoft Store and from GitHub Releases FEATURE: Electron app can now handle ZIM files, including the .zimaa part of a split ZIM fileset FEATURE: Improved file and folder picking experience for Firefox and older browsers lacking the File System Access API ENHANCEMENT: Fast re-opening of previously picked archives or directories in these browsers (number of clicks minimized) ENHANCEMENT: Dragged and dropped files, including split files, can now be re-opened automatically in Electron and NWJS apps ENHANCEMENT: Microsoft Store app now supports full-text search for users with 64bit Windows ENHANCEMENT: Provide more gradual screen width transition with max page width auto setting ENHANCEMENT: Restored the ability not to display images in ServiceWorker Mode in non-Zimit ZIMs ENHANCEMENT: Restored lazy-loading of images on most landing pages (improves Android experience with image-heavy landing pages) ENHANCEMENT: The Kiwix PWA can now be added as a Side Panel app in Edge (NB folder picking does not work in this configuration) ENHANCEMENT: Top toolbar now resized correctly with Window Controls Overlay in installed PWA on macOS and Windows ENHANCEMENT: When using Window Controls Overlay, app now has a draggable area (left of Kiwix icon) UPDATE: Sample archive changed to wikipedia_en_100_mini_2023-07 UPDATE: Troubleshooting instructions for installing on Debian on the Releases page BUILD: Allow producing signed or unsigned versions of appx, and compile to appxbundle BUILD: Option to build artefacts only for testing FIX: Broken Kiwix icon for Linux app packages FIX: Fidelity of layout for translation tables in cached Wiktionary mobile and desktop styles FIX: Broken file handling in legacy UWP app FIX: Miscellaneous small bugfixes and typos DEV: A lot of normalization of coding style using ESLint


I was thinking of getting a zim for the Kali Linux docs so I could check it every now and then, but I found nothing at the library. Someone knows if one exists already?


Este es un artículo que había creado originalmente [en mi blog](, sin embargo, voy a compartirlo aquí en Lemmy, viendo que hace falta contenido sobre Kiwix en idioma español. Aquí se va a explicar cómo crear un servidor de Kiwix, añadir contenidos, y hacer que se inicie tan pronto encendamos el servidor, sin necesidad de activarlo manualmente. Esto ha sido probado en una Raspberry Pi 4 corriendo Raspberry Pi OS, pero también funciona bien en cualquier instalación de Debian y derivados. ## Instalación: Para ello vamos a necesitar instalar `kiwix-tools`. Si tu distribución GNU/Linux está basada en **Debian**, puedes instalarla con el comando: ``` sudo apt install kiwix-tools ``` Una vez lo hayas instalado, vamos a crear un archivo de configuración para poder ejecutar kiwix-serve como un servicio: ## Configuración del servicio: ``` sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/kiwix-serve.service ``` Luego tendrás que colocar la siguiente configuración en el archivo de texto: ``` [Unit] Description=Kiwix [Service] Type=simple User=USUARIO ExecStart=/usr/bin/kiwix-serve --library /etc/kiwix/library.xml --port 8080 --daemon Restart=always RemainAfterExit=yes [Install] ``` Donde dice **USUARIO** escribe el nombre de usuario que utilizas en tu computadora. Guarda el documento de texto después de copiar la configuración. Ahora vamos a crear un directorio para guardar el archivo xml de la librería de Kiwix: ``` sudo mkdir /etc/kiwix ``` Después de realizar todo esto, vamos a crear un directorio en la carpeta Home de tu usuario llamada Kiwix. Puedes realizar esto utilizando el gestor de archivos gráfico. En la carpeta Kiwix puedes colocar los archivos Zim que hayan sido previamente descargados. ## Añadir Contenidos: Ahora podemos añadir los archivos Zim a la librería utilizando el comando `kiwix-manage`. Este tiene 3 funciones: 1. `Kiwix-manage` /dirección/de/la/librería `add` dirección/del/archivo/zim. Este comando va a añadir un archivo Zim a la librería. 2. `Kiwix-manage` /dirección/de/la/librería `remove` dirección/del/archivo/zim. Este comando va a eliminar un archivo Zim a la librería. 3. `Kiwix-manage` /dirección/de/la/librería `show` dirección/del/archivo/zim. Mostrar el ZIM_ID de un archivo zim asignado a una librería existente. Si tenemos un archivo llamado `wikipedia.zim` en la carpeta de Kiwix en Home, entonces podemos añadirlo utilizando el comando: ``` sudo kiwix-manage /etc/kiwix/library.xml add /home/USUARIO/Kiwix/wikipedia.zim ``` Presionamos la tecla `ENTER`. Automáticamente, va a añadir el archivo de librería en /etc/kiwix/ y va a añadir nuestro archivo Zim a la misma. ## Ejecutar el Servicio: Ahora, para iniciar el servidor vamos a ejecutar: ``` sudo systemctl enable kiwix-serve.service sudo systemctl start kiwix-serve.service ``` Si queremos asegurarnos de que esté corriendo correctamente podemos escribir: `sudo systemctl status kiwix-serve.service` y el servicio está corriendo correctamente, el resultado debería ser parecido a esto: ``` ● kiwix-serve.service - Kiwix Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/kiwix-serve.service; enabled; preset: > Active: active (exited) since Fri 2023-01-13 14:57:05 -04; 1 day 5h ago Process: 367 ExecStart=/usr/bin/kiwix-serve --library /etc/kiwix/library.xm> Main PID: 367 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Tasks: 5 (limit: 4151) CPU: 934ms CGroup: /system.slice/kiwix-serve.service └─422 /usr/bin/kiwix-serve --library /etc/kiwix/library.xml --por ``` Es recomendable posteriormente ejecutar `sudo systemctl daemon-reload` para poder reiniciar los servicios y que se ejecute correctamente, o directamente reiniciar la computadora. Para poder acceder a la librería, podemos irnos al navegador disponible en nuestro servidor y escribir en la barra de URL's: `localhost:8080` entonces debería enviarnos a la página principal de nuestra librería de Kiwix. ## Obtener IP del Servidor: Para poder acceder a la librería desde otro dispositivo conectado a la misma red que nuestro servidor, primero necesitamos conseguir la dirección IP del mismo. Podemos hacerlo fácilmente con el comando: `ip a | grep inet` El resultado debería ser similar a esto: ``` inet scope host lo inet6 ::1/128 scope host inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute wlan0 inet6 fe80::d403:8a0a:93f6:e6d/64 scope link noprefixroute ``` En la tercera línea dice que mi dirección IP local es `` entonces desde otro dispositivo puedo colocar en el navegador web la dirección `` para acceder a toda mi librería local de Kiwix. ## Conclusiones: Y de esta forma ya hemos creado un servidor local de Kiwix. Este se va a ejecutar al momento de encender la computadora, sin necesidad de que volvamos a interactuar con el programa o la computadora misma, salvo cuando queramos actualizar o añadir los contenidos disponibles. Esto puede ser útil para implementarse en computadoras de bajos recursos, y ninguno de los pasos necesarios para el proceso de configuración del servidor dependen de una interfaz gráfica. Agradezco mucho a la comunidad de Kiwix por ayudarme a buscar la forma más eficiente y conveniente para crear el servidor, y ahora les traigo el proceso detallado en idioma español.


Project site: Content packages they have available for download and viewing online with them : Partially related article:


[Here you have a ling to the official Kiwix Library]( You can download the Zim files different ways, such as Torrent (I recommend you to use qBitorrent), which is better for downloading the bigger ones, such as the entire Wikipedia, or direct download. You can also filter by language and categories.


I'm valentine (she/they), I'm a fan of the Kiwix reader, and been promoting its usage in my country, where I know many people can benefit from it. I'm not affiliated to the Kiwix Project, except for having a few communications with contributors. I made this community because I realized there was not a Kiwix community on Lemmy yet. I decided to made it on because this one instance appears on search engines, unlike where my main account is. I'll be sharing soon some of the docs I wrote about Kiwix. Welcome everyone.