Region of Durham

> Marlon Fernando JONES, age 47 from Oshawa is charged with numerous offences including: Aggravated Assault x3, Possess Weapon Dangerous to Public x2, Robbery with Violence, Assault with a Weapon x3, Carry Concealed Weapon, and Possess Schedule I Substance for the Purpose of Trafficking x2. > Mehki Steven HYMAN, age 24 from Whitby is charged with numerous offences including: Aggravated Assault, Possess Weapon Dangerous to Public, Carry Concealed Weapon, Assault with a Weapon, and Possess Schedule I Substance for the Purpose of Trafficking x2. If baffles me that you stab a half dozen people in separate incidences and NOT be charged with attempted murder. These two goons are a danger to society. Why even offer bail??


What on earth is going on? - May 17th and 18th in Ajax, at the same house ( - May 19th in Whitby ( - May 20th in Oshawa ( Nearly all of these happening in the middle of the night, with police finding shell casings, but no victims or suspects. "Investigators are continuing to look into if any shootings this weekend are connected."


> Durham Police yesterday said a 33-year-old male, who was **out on parole for manslaughter and kidnapping**, is facing charges after a violent assault on his girlfriend. > The accused in this matter hid in his girlfriend’s vehicle without her knowledge and when she returned to the vehicle, **he proceeded to assault her by choking.** > The accused, who had an ankle monitoring bracelet on, removed it as he fled the area, said police. > A 33-year-old male from Oshawa is charged with: Assault (Spousal), Choking, Fail to Comply with Release Order, Mischief and Possession Contrary to Prohibition Order. At what point should the judge be responsible for putting someone like that out on parole? The justice system is supposed to work for the *victim*. And he shouldn't be charged with "choking", but attempted murder. Why are we so soft on criminals?


>In addition to taking 13 impaired drivers off our roadways, **the Ride team also recovered two stolen vehicles, one of which was operated by an impaired driver.**


>Ryan GUSTAVE, age 49 of No Fixed Address is charged with: Assault with a Weapon x1, and Fail to Comply with Probation Order x1. >Lauren HICKEY, age 30 of No Fixed Address is charged with: Assault with a Weapon x1, and Fail to Comply with Probation Order x1. > Austin ELLIS, age 29 of No Fixed Address is charged with: Assault with a Weapon x1, Possess Weapon Dangerous to the Public x1, and Fail to Comply with Probation Order x3. Notice a few patterns here? This is actually pretty infuriating.


I mean, that $105 million came from the pockets of residents who probably couldn't afford to give it up. But, I guess, "yay"?


I remember when this story broke, a lot of people (on Reddit) were blaming the e-scooter rider for being on the sidewalk. But that doesn't mean the driver wasn't at fault. I'm glad that the driver was charged, but "fail to yield from driveway" seems like a very light charge, considering it resulted in someone's death. Sounds like involuntary manslaughter may be been more appropriate, at the very least.


Hit-and-run homicide while under a suspended licence, suspect caught and released. > James Patton, age 56, of Ajax, has been charged with **Careless Driving Cause Death**, **Leave Accident Scene**/Fail to Offer Assistance - Fatality, Public Mischief, **Driving While Under Suspension.** Criminals have it far too easy these days.


Home invasion in the middle of the night to steal **$200,000 **worth of jewelry, cash and “household items” sounds like a very targeted robbery. Crazy stuff!


Given the area directly surrounding this spot, it will be interesting to see how well received this new housing will be.


> Members of the DRPS Special Victim’s Unit have arrested a male after a youth came forward to report that their social worker had been inappropriately touching them. Between June and July 2023 the suspect would pick up the victim in his personal car for their sessions. On various occasions the suspect would touch the victim inappropriately. **The suspect is a social worker for the Durham District School Board and Durham Alternative Secondary School.**


I've never immigrated to another country, but can someone explain how someone does that and not already have a place to live already established before they arrive? I can't imagine even travelling to another country without making the appropriate plans for accommodations, let alone move my family without a plan. I get that some people are leaving some pretty horrific situations in their country and may not have the resources to do that, but we're talking tens of thousands who are showing up with literally no plan and no place to go. This is a worse situation for many! How is this supposed to work or be sustainable?


Looking to cut down on your berry spending? Mulberries are great (sort of like blackberries) and best of all, grow free all over the place! The easiest way to find them is if you see them on the ground, look up and start picking. And don't worry, they are perfectly safe (when ripe; don't eat white or red ones). They should last 2-5 days fresh in the fridge, or you can freeze them for later. I like to blend them into a shake with milk, protein powder, and peanut butter if the look like they are about to turn.


>Ministry said violators, if convicted of stunt driving, can have their licence suspended for: > > - Up to 3 years for a 1st offence > - 10 years for a 2nd offence > - For life on a 3rd offence > >“It’s not worth the risk,” it said. Considering that stunt driving is a choice to put lives in danger, they don't care about risk. Why even bother with a three-strike system for something like this? Do 3 years in jail with no chance of ever driving again.


This isn't the first time that the Oshawa Centre has been used by creeps to sexually assault women. I'd be shocked if there wasn't a single camera that caught a photo of this guy.


In case anyone is wondering what is going on with traffic in Durham this morning. Crazy!


Not sure if any other municipalities in Durham Region are doing the same, but several areas in Oshawa have had their speed limits reduced from 50km/h to 40km/h. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like these new speeds are being enforced, since I'm seeing people going well beyond 40km/h in these areas.


For anyone who cycles, jogs, walks, or enjoys time outdoors, the proposed Durham Meadoway is one of those once in a lifetime opportunities to change Durham Region for the better. Planners are currently looking for public feedback on the proposed route, and you can add your own "pins" with comments to the interactive map! Please, let the Region know how to make the Meadoway even better!