
For anyone thinking about selling any kind of substance, here’s a reminder: do not post about it openly on public platforms. This should be common knowledge, but it bears repeating. Unless you are legally registered or explicitly operating under spiritual/religious purposes for things like shrooms, posting about it online is a bad idea. Take this Marketplace post as an example. I jokingly messaged the seller with, “Are you a fed?” because, let’s be real, this screams either a scam or a poorly executed sting operation. For those who may not be aware (hopefully most of you are), these types of setups are designed to trap people, so don’t fall for it. Stay smart, keep things private, and don’t get caught up in something sketchy. As a side note, I have a trusted and legal seller for items like shrooms, DMT, and Molly. So it’s possible to do things the right way—just don’t fall for sloppy setups like this one.


there's like a dozen different subredd!ts but I'd prefer not to.


the one's over on Reddit all have cryptic names so I'm not entirely sure how to search


The CSRAA aims to legalize and regulate substances like mushrooms, DMT, and Molly for spiritual, religious, and therapeutic purposes! 🌿✨ This bill establishes safe, controlled access through medical research partnerships, licensed religious organizations, and even a government-managed website for individual spiritual practitioners. It's a pathway to freedom, safety, and economic growth while respecting cultural traditions. 🛑 We need your voice! 🛑 If you believe this bill should be passed, comment “I agree” and encourage others to do the same. Don’t forget to message your local representatives to push this forward! Together, let’s bring about a future of responsible freedom and wellness 🙌


Methadonez So I posted the other day about how I took double my dose and got a nice little high for a pretty short period sadly and then I actually seemed to go into withdrawal sooner than I would have usually, despite double dosing so expectancy of a longer half life. One of the major things that led me to believe I had gone into withdrawals quicker was a quirky old “withdrawal” that I’ve always noticed BIG TIME (but not until now on methadone, so assumed I hadn’t been going FAR enough into withdrawals to experience it) is a massively increased sex drive. So next part is the NSFW bit, like yeah, so I’m talking “no handers” lol. Just spontaneous… can happened anywhere anytime type shit… so not enjoyable. However I think actually this has been happening recently, not really as a withdrawal as such, but to do with the constipating effects of Methadone and possibly the reversal of those effects maybe the inbetween. Basically I think it has a lot to do with pressure being applied to your (well my) prostrate lol. I could be wrong but I don’t think I am. Cos also I have this problem quite often, lot more often than the spontaneous ejaculations, of feeling the need to pee all the time. Then I go for really small pees really often. Which I’m pretty much certain is down to the constipation thing. You know the way after you open your bowels you tend to pee. Well if you can’t open your bowels… or not much…. But kind of… then you’re left in this limbo stage of small pees and pressure being applied to prostate. So yeah I think that’s the reason. Although I do also still perceive myself to be in worse withdrawals if I double dose then miss dose the next day (cos I’ve taken it day before) than usual. Even though if you think about it, you’re just taking 200mg methadone a double dose and you’re waiting 48 hours until next dose instead of the usual 24 hours. (Or in my case only actually 36 hours, I took 100mg in morning then 100mg in evening. Then back to normal dosing 36 hrs after that). So it’s really nothing too extreme IMO, but it fucking feels like it is! I had this weird like really hot face feeling or my whole head and brain really like it was burning. As a symptom. Like you’d think that 100mg having to last you 36 hours wouldn’t be that bad, cos it’s only 12 hours more than normal. Yet it really feels a lot worse? Why is that? Maybe I’m a fast metaboliser so my dose is never lasting close to 24 hours let alone 36. Would make sense for the nice quite intense high I had but very short in length. Short but sweet. Anyone else experience this? Anyone got any advice for papa Smurf? How to stop these spontaneous smurfations?


I’ve been on Methadone for about 4.5 months and have been on a “stable” dose of 100mg for the last 2 months. I had to have an ECG to go from 85mg to 100mg and the “interval” number thing was a little high. I think they said 150 is the bottom of the “high scale” if you know what I mean? Mine was 143 at that point. They still said it was like a yellow flag and that I’d have to have ECG’s before each increase going forwards but he was still happy for me to go from 85mg to 100mg. I then had to have an ECG a couple of weeks after that increase at which point the number had gone up to 153. I’m sure I remember at one point him saying that it would only actually stop me being able to increase if it was above 180, but I could have misremembered that. I also increased my Pregabalin dose from 200mg to 300mg, so the increase in the ECG number increase was likely due to both the Methadone and Pregabalin increasing at the same time. I didn’t initially ask for an increase as I hoped 100mg would be enough and that maybe split dosing once I was able to get take-homes would make it work better. But he did say that had I asked he would have said no. Although I think the procedure would be to contact a cardiologist or just another (senior?) doctor to confer before deciding on if I could increase or not. I say this, because he did in fact say he would email a cardiologist anyway but for now would leave me at my current 100mg dose (not reduce me back down) and it’s been a month since then so we can assume the decision was it was okay for me to stay at that dose. Winding forward to Monday this week, I decided after this latest weekend that I don’t think 100mg is enough. I’m not saying I’m having severe withdrawals, but for instance one thing I’ve noticed is that I seem to sweat a LOT and it’s after like the tiniest amount of exercise. It happened to me today and it made me completely freezing cold. So it’s like a cold sweat. I’ve also noticed my mood not being as good as it was. I used to feel quite motivated after taking my dose, now that doesn’t seem to happen. I’d probably say my mood is lower in general but I do feel like it improves for a short time after taking my dose. This weekend I made a silly decision to take both my Saturday and Sunday dose on Saturday. Although almost 12 hours apart, like 8am and 8pm. I actually felt quite euphoric after the second dose for a few short hours. However the next day was not great. Well it was pretty bad. But the thing is, I only really, if you think about it, took my Sunday dose 12 hours earlier than would have been reasonable to take it on Sunday. 8pm Saturday night instead of 8am Sunday morning. Despite this it really seemed to leave my system quite quickly. The main thing that made me notice this, was my sex drive came back big timeee (like 2 wet dreams kinda sex drive rebounding lol). You could say “well, having your sex drive back isn’t that bad” but firstly, it is. Because no one wants to have to change their underwear twice in the early hours of the morning lol. But also, my point is mainly that this shows that the Methadone was obviously a lot more out of my system than usual. Basically, from my experience, I’d actually say that it felt like taking that double dose, somehow caused me to go into withdrawal when I wouldn’t have usually. Like not that quick. I don’t ever have wet dreams and yet occasionally I’ll take my methadone as early as like 930/10am. Just trust me on this because I’m probably just explaining it badly. But basically it does feel as though somehow larger doses, leave my system more quickly than smaller doses. Has anyone else experienced this? Finally, do you think the sweating and mood stuff is likely withdrawals? Do I need to be on a higher dose? What can I say to the doctor to get a higher dose? I know they want me to do another ECG and I’ve booked one in for the start of October, but this is a longggg time away and also, what if that number gets even worse?? And they just refuse to increase my dose?? I’ve heard of people in the US being on really high doses like 250mg, do they all really “pass” the ECG at doses in excess of 200mg?? If anyone has any info about any of this or just wants to share their personal experience, I’d be thankful/interested to hear in either case. Cheers!


I quit smoking about 6 years ago. about a year ago, I bought some nicorette lozenges to try to cop a nicotine buzz and got absolutely nothing. some people are telling me that nicotine pouches hit better, but I'm not sure what the science behind that is. what's your preferred smokeless nicotine delivery system?


As above.. it’s like some days I have a great high and others I take stupid amounts like 6000mg overall and it doesn’t even make me that tired. So some days I’ll take 500mg, wait an hour take another 500 etc. Then other days I’ll take 1000mg then half hour later 500mg, then half hour later 500mg etc. I have to admit I’m probably not always consistent with sticking with one method. Like if the former method isn’t working I’ll start taking a big boost. But as I say, I’ve had 6000mg nights where I haven’t really felt much. Is there any way to potentiate? Probably worth mentioning that I take it daily until what I’ve ordered is gone (usually 60 X 500mg tablets). I also understand that at least 25% of them are metabolised to Meprobamate. This to me should be a bigger deal than… well okay it’s not like I’ve talked to people about this. But the half life of Meprobamate is 12 hours compared to 2.5 hours for the Soma. So this means looking at the duration of Soma is a bit misleading providing I’m right about this (just read it on I think Wikipedia). Anyhow, any ideas how to get best high? Cheers, Oxy


there are a lot of recreational substances that can stop you up in that area. I did a lot of opiates for a lot of years and you can spend hours trying to empty your bladder. what I discovered is to dangle the tip of your johnson in some warm water (*note - water from the tap can be hot enough to burn you down there so be careful*), closer to body temperature the better. relaxes things right up


paper from Johns Hopkins. I wouldn't say the numbers are rock solid, but it's better than anecdotal


I don't take stimulants that often, I've got a box of Bronkaid from 2017 that I just finished off. for a little while, ephedrine was completely illegal, but by the time I got to college, it had been re-legalized but it could only be sold as an asthma/bronchitis remedy. it was controlled the same way as pseudoephedrine, except that it could not be sold as a single preparation, it had to have at least one other ingredient. BronkAid and Primatene Tablets were ephedrine, and guaifenesin. went to buy a new box today, and lo & behold, it's pure ephedrine! I am happy about this, but can't seem to find when the change occurred. apparently the DEA is constantly screwing around with pseudoephedrine rules so the search results are pretty clogged up. from the garbled results I'm getting, it looks like maybe ephedrine was Schedule V for a little while, and maybe now it isn't? I didn't even know there was a schedule v

Drugs pelletbucket 3mo ago 100%

anybody tried it? you can purchase it as a research chemical in the United States


I thought it was just the binder in my particular tablets, but apparently everybody thinks they taste like mint or candy


I get that the group description is a joke, but the group is actually blacked out. does anybody know what the deal is? https://lemmy.world/c/drugs


I recently switched from Valium to Klonopin. probably going to get some Versed before a procedure coming up

Drugs 000999 12mo ago 42%

Is a drug


Before I write anything about this, I have to say that this is an extremely stupid thing I did. However, I feel like it's something that anybody who has ever used Phenibut has at least imagined. For some context, this story starts off a few days before the actual roll. One of my friends had gifted me 4 extended release 25mg amphetamine capsules as a late birthday gift. If you want real shit, go for extended release and a mortar and pestle. Nobody is pressing those balls for anything. Anyways, I had never done amphetamine at this point. This was essentially my first time with a stimulant. Then I decided to throw opiates, phenibut, liquor and acid on top. What resulted was the scariest and most painful 10 minutes of my life. The night started around 4. I had already been drinking a bit that day when I decided to break down about 15mg of ER balls in my mortar and snorted them. You want clean anything? Buy ER, trust me. 15 minutes later and I'm vibing and cleaning the kitchen until I ask myself "What would Phenibut be like on this?" Took half my normal dose, 1.5grams. Hour later it kicks in and I am SPEEDING. I've done a lot of drugs and poly mixes. Phenibut and amphetamines is simply one of the best highs you can possibly imagine. Lyrica is pretty damn good too, but Phenibut is better. That mix has about the same safety profile as mixing alcohol with amphetamines, so try at your own risk. However, I don't recommend adding in anything more than those two unless you have a death wish. After this paragraph, everything I do becomes unbelievably stupid. Next came the methadone and acid. I finished cleaning the kitchen and sat down to listen to some music. My girlfriend, not thinking about everything I had already taken, offered me a few milligrams of methadone. Probably 5-10mils. I took it because they free opiate right? Eventually the opiate hit, and it goes from a great speed session to the ultimate speedball. The Phenibut is pulling up the methadone and the amphetamine while eliminating any anxiety. After achieving an 11/10 high, I decide "hey, I have a sheet and haven't tripped in months. Why not?" Boof 150ug of some GammaGoblin tabs and the high goes from an 11 to a 12 in the next hour. Extremely clean trip with a clear yet even more euphoric headspace. Existing just felt good at that exact moment. Donda by Kanye West had just come out, so I decided to put it on for the first time, and the demon of that night decided to put me in it's sight for the night. I listened to Jail, and I absolutely loved the song. However by the time the second sond came around, I started feeling indescribably weird. I paced around the house, unsure of what I should do for about 45 minutes. I was high and wasn't really thinking about it. This was until Hurricane (the 80 degrees song) turned on, and I decided I wanted to hear the leak instead of the published version. I started typing it into my laptop, until one moment I felt that something was horrible wrong and started sprinting to the bathroom. A few steps out, I see my vision melt into black. The sound around me becomes a glitchy mess, infinitely repeating into itself. I told myself "Holy shit did I just have a stroke?". I had had seizures before, but this one was literally exactly how I imagined a stroke in my head. I woke up 15 seconds later, and luckily I didn't have a stroke. Just a seizure. A really bad one. I seized into a wall and a picture frame, and the picture frame had hit me right between the eyes. I wasn't just having an overdose at this point, I had a giant gaping hole in my forehead. My girlfriend helped me crawl to the bathroom after she walked into the sight. She kept slapping me to keep me awake for the crawl. She thought the picture frame had fully killed me, and was still in full panic mode from the sheer amount of blood on my face. She even recorded a short bit of it because apparently I had told her to in my haze. I knew how horrifying everything was and didn't want her to be accused of murder. I only remember the slaps because that's what kept me awake. By the time I was in the bathroom, I was sweating worse than I've ever seen. I was wearing a dress and it was completely soaked by this point. The ground below my dress looked like it was raining. I took it off as fast as I could and started crawling for the bathtub until I blacked out for another moment. My girlfriend had just dragged me into the tub, and I turned on the cold water with the last of my energy. The water started hitting me, and my vision turned entirely white. Every muscle in my body started seizing, I could feel absolutely everything. It felt like my soul was trying to leave my body, until my vision came back and I was just fine. There were no more issues the rest of the night. My hypothesis is focused on Phenibut tolerance. You don't hold tolerance for one roll, it changes. You may have a far weaker tolerance for Phenibut 6 hours in than you would 2 hours in. This is usually fine, unless it's tied to every other drug you're doing that night. I believe that I had a tolerance drop that made everything else I took even stronger and put me in the danger zone.


I got 6 stains, 1 not photoed. Tropicana Cookies Hood Candyz Zookies Apple Fritter Peanut Butter Breath Chemdog


Last week I had a phelbectomy on my leg, it's my 4th leg procedure, it's basically like going to the oral surgeon for an extraction except on my leg. Very painful experience each time I've done it. I've developed a fear, anxiety whatever about going to this doctor. I have PTSD and get migraines pretty regularly something I discovered during a migraine that booze and weed don't do a damn thing for my head, but mushrooms are a magical cure for a migraine if you take it a dose right after a headache hits me. Instead of a debilitating migraine I'll have mild psychedelic experience instead. So Friday morning a major migraine hits me 4 hours before the surgery, I've gotten migraine during the surgery one time. YOLO mother fucker so I did 4 grams of undried mushrooms (I grow my own - don't ask) which is about half a gram dried just more potent wet. So I'm coming down off shrooms while I'm getting my leg stabbed and jabbed, it helped with some of my anxiety, absolutely no way I could made the appointment if I didn't trip out because the migraine would have had me in bed contemplating killing myself because of the head pains. I'm gonna do it again for my next appointment or trip sack the night before it. I got liquid acid too.


For me, it has to be Gabapentinoids. I like Lyrica and Phenibut for different things, but they're easily my #1 picks


A great resource for drug information including common dosages, pictures, trip reports, etc. presented factually with no anti-drug bias.


any thoughts suggestions or ideas?


learn pgp if you haven't already


Building a community of safe, helpful researchers who can share advice, warnings, safety practices, and more, and we'd love to have you with us!


Hello fellow crackheads, I am in search of you! I seek advice regarding the mundane. If anyone has hands and would like to answer, I also have hands and would like to reciprocate! If needed, compensation will be provided in incoherent ramblings about how I was once a river. I>


Do you have any experiences to share about it or other phenethylamines?


Okay, firstly - hello! This is my first post on Lemmy. If I'm doing something wrong - please let me know. Also - sorry for my english. Actually I'm trying to gain knowledge about **microdosing**. I have experience with psychedelics (and other drugs), so I am aware how it could work, but still - there is not many reliable sources about it. If someone is not familliar with it - it's about taking very small ammounts of LSD or Psilocybin in period of, depends, like three months. People claims is a very good thing for your productivity, motivation, presence. Very important is to not take too much - it's not about tripping though, it's about self-improvement. The guy from this documentary started this project called Third Wave - but this worries me somehow, it has **[commercial approach](https://thethirdwave.co/microdosing/)** (what is cool in term of making this topic popular, but still...) Do you have any thoughts, sources or experiences you could share with us here? Thanks for that! PS. Should I tag it NSFW?