Custom Cards

Hey, look, it's a crappy common from the precon starter commander deck that came out as a supplemental product!


I think the wording on the second ability needs work, but also playtested to see if it's even viable? It's probably always either too weak or way too strong.


Again, not as splashy as she should be, but I didn't really think I was done when I stopped working on this set.


Nonlegendary Roger with no keywords but pseudo battle cry is probably too pushed.


I made a whole cycle of these lands, because I didn't think 12post was a problem and I want to see it happen again in legacy.


I think I pretty much did the praetors dirty designing the ones I did. I think Vorinclex turned out well, but...


12 mana: win the game. A friend said it should probably be nonland, and yeah that's probably the right move. But as a first draft, it's just not as exciting.


Wanted to try a cycle of 0-mana Slivers. I'm not sure how well or poorly they'd do, but here's the first anyhow.


Our next titan, ready to do some broken shit because that is what titan's are for.


No original art for this one, but here's Vorinclex, ready to help make EVEN MORE GERMS. Wait, why would that help? He'll need some anthems.


Tamiyo shows up with Karn, and ever curious she wants to learn how these strange creatures work. I played with the power level a bit with this one and I think I landed somewhere decent. Six mana is way too much for a demonic tutor, except when it also has the potential to draw just... SO many cards?


Nahiri shows up because she's still pissed, and she's willing to work with whomever she has to in order to stop the eldrazi from ruining someone else's home. There is a phyrexians and equipment theme, with living weapon making a comeback.


Emrakul finally reveals what she wanted with the moon: to smash it into New Phyrexia. This is not particularly enlightening.


Karn comes back, ready to talk but taking none of their shit.


What if the sliver Queen survived the Rathi Overlay when her spark ignited. She was lost in a strange place, driven insane by trauma and the loss of her hive. She spends ages growing the hive until she's sane enough to look for a way home, and starts planeswalking. It's painstakingly slow, since she starts from 0 every time she reaches a new strange place and she has to rebuild her hive mind every time, but eventually she finds her way to a plane that feels like home. But Phyrexia is gone, so she winds up on New Phyrexia instead. She arrives by chance at the same time as Karn is returning to try a diplomatic solution to the Phyrexian problem. Also coinciding, Innistrad's moon has collided with the plane, releasing Emrakul, whose siblings join in. I designed a good deal but probably won't finish it on account of everything that's happened since, so enjoy the cards I did design for MTG Infinity War.


I wanted to hit a planeswalker and the creature it created, but this notably hits Fable of the Mirror Breaker, Wedding Announcement, Gruff Triplets, and some other non-walkers. I'm pretty sure this works under the existing rules and you can "remember" a token's creator, but not 100%.


I was thinking about single target protection spells to add for an aura commander deck, and it came to my mind that it was weird that no hexproof-granting (not just until end of turn) aura with flash existed, so I made one. Maybe the cost is too efficient at just 1, but 2 mana seemed too much for how specific this is. And although it's quite simple to grasp, it's a rare for the sheer efficiency alone, although maybe it could be a fine addition to some peasant cubes.


I am sorry, I promise it will be the last for now :-) This would find play somewhere tho.

Custom Cards Kra 1y ago 56%

Is it already time to continue the memes? 😇


The design process of this card was pretty straight-forward, honestly. I was looking through the cards in my peasant cube to find room for the new [[Mocking Sprite]], when I glanced at the always-reliable [[Warden of Evos Isle]] and thought "Wouldn't it be cool if I could get the effects of both this cards in just one?"


This week at [/r/custommagic]( has a small Wild West theme in Grixis colors, as well as a complete lack of creatures which is most certainly an oddity. Meanwhile, the memes themselves are a bit more flavorful than usual. View all of the cards at once in [an album]( or take a look individually: 5\. [Cryptic Study]( by /u/EDMJedi 4\. [Foolish Bravery]( by /u/FaultinReddit 3\. [Counter//Intuitive]( by /u/ICEO9283 2\. [Sheriff’s Star]( by /u/Bochulaz 1\. [Stand-off]( by /u/suprisezacama Memes of the week: * [A Cool Guy]( by /u/Jakuzzi8 * [Summon self]( by /u/Accomplished-Map-651 * [Old School Denials](/r/custommagic/comments/15sog8i/old_school_denials/) by /u/Jakuzzi8 Notable mentions: * [Mystery]( by /u/Hawk_Fickle --- Reposted from [/r/magictcg](


I wanted to share one of the cards I made based on my favorite D&D characters. I find that making characters into cards is a good way to both practice making custom cards and to explore aspects of the character I haven't thought about before. The cards are intended to be balanced, but not necessarily for Standard, something that could be printed in a Commander or Modern set. They are intended to be a decent Commander option. Might share more if I have another design I'm happy enough with. Feedback is welcome! I wrote a little blurb to explain the character and the card choices and it turned into an entire essay, so if you want to read that I’m putting it in a comment. Character art was made with [this Picrew]( then run through AI Mirror. Looks kinda Commander Masters-y! (Also yes his name is a hair product brand but don’t worry about it.)


I really enjoyed [Tom Scott's latest YouTube video]( about bears in Yellowstone breaking into food containers and bins, and was somehow possessed by the idea of it as an artifiact removal spell. I think even with the food token this is over costed given it's just a worse [[Natural State]] but gotta be 1G or what's even the point. [Edit: Just to cover my bases, here’s a link to the CC license for the image](


This is a hypothetical balanced version [[Necropotence]] that I was discussing with a friend, mainly with the intention of being balanced for 1 vs 1 play.


I made this card for Caleb Gannon's custom card contest last year. The idea was to create a powerful piece of white interaction for his custom vintage cube. For that reason, the power level is intentionally higher than your typical standard-legal card.


This was a card I posted to r/custommagic back in 2020 to mixed reviews. If I redid this, I would probably adjust it to 1U but I still maintain that it's fine printed at U. The whole point of this card is to get something that teeters on the line of too broken.


Okay this is not a premium pic or drawing or whatever but I'd still like to share it. Here is one of my proxies for my penny pauper cube (my other counterspells are currently in use). Also made a Ghostly Flicker and Tree Visits proxy of the same quality. Sounds odd but I'm very happy with the result. I want to use them (as said before) for a super cheap cube I want to use for traveling. The cards are not sleaved.


This is a recent design I made, reusing the art and name from the namesake card (which is mostly a limited card). I wanted to create a powerful card for a tokens archetype in cube, that was powerful enough to be interesting to other archetypes too.


I had the idea for making trample matter outside of combat too. I'm not sure how to balance the mana cost of this, since there isn't really a similar existing effect to compare it to besides Ram Through. It could certainly do some good things if you really build for it, but I don't think it can really get broken. Thoughts?